I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 178: Challenge of the Dark Iron King

I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

"Fengshen Barrier!"

At the critical moment, the Black Iron King Ma erected his strongest defensive Fengshen Barrier to block the attack from the sky.

This scarlet attack came too fast.

There is no way to dodge without warning.

Besides, the magic power attached to this attack can’t be safe from a direct attack.

Therefore, the black iron king horse can only erect his own Fengshen barrier to block it.

As for the others?

If you can get in, you will be saved, if you can’t get in, you will be ignored.

This time is not the time to pay attention to teammates.

Besides, he didn't know much about these people, and it would be no pity to die.

Just a few other people.

As the elites of the dark world, each of them is someone who has often brushed aside death.

As soon as they heard Zinaimiya Tianyin's call, all of them had already raised all their vigilance.

After all, as the one who predicted Arisuin Nagi's betrayal in advance, she still has a strong voice.

For his judgment, everyone is convinced.

Especially when faced with danger.

Therefore, each of them entered the Aeolus Barrier of the Black Iron King.

But that's about it.

The crimson arrow that fell from the sky collided with the wind **** barrier of the black iron king horse in an instant.

The next moment, the sudden explosion quickly destroyed the black iron king horse's Fengshen barrier, and then spread around with endless heat.

With a loud "Boom".

The huge explosion swept all the surrounding buildings in an instant.

Fortunately, it was relatively close to the gate of the school, but even so, the fence, the guard room, and the nearby teaching buildings were all destroyed in an instant.

At the same time, all the window glass of the whole school also shattered into pieces in an instant.

Swept by the hot wind, even the Dongtang Daohua, which was close to the periphery of the explosion, was blown by the storm and kept rolling on the ground.

As for the six people at the center of the explosion, they completely took this terrifying blow.

"Such an attack is really exaggerated!"

Patting the dust on his body, Dongtang Daohua slowly stood up.

Looking at the burning flames nearby and the wreckage of the school, she smiled wryly and sighed.

This is no longer a realm where student knights can exist.

No, even for real knights, apart from those terrifying A-rank knights, it is difficult for other knights to achieve such magic power output.

"Is Emiya-san really a C-rank knight?"

Feeling the rising temperature nearby, Dongtang Daohua muttered to himself.

"Hey hey hey, although I had this feeling before, I didn't expect it to actually happen!"

Startled by the sudden voice, Dongtang Daohua hurriedly looked at the place where the voice came from, and saw that the clown Hiraga Lingquan, who had disappeared before, actually reappeared in Pojun Academy.

"Hiraga Reizumi? Why are you here? Didn't Kurotsu Ikki and Kurotsuzhu Shizuku go after you?"

Looking at Hiraga Lingquan who appeared beside him, Dongtang Daohua even took out his own spiritual outfit, Mingshen.

"Ah? You said that you have Qiyuan? I lost him!"

Looking back at Dongtang Daohua who was on guard, Hiraga Reizumi said with a smile: "Because it was Wallenstein's request to bring him back, but I found Wallenstein actually dead on the way."

"Then I threw him away and came back quickly. I didn't expect it to be one step too late."

Of course, Hiraga Reizumi, who knew Wallenstein's mission, knew whose hands he died.

Therefore, Wallenstein's death means the liberation of Shirou Emiya, so that the other party can deal with them with confidence.

As soon as he remembered that the opponent had defeated them at a distance of hundreds of kilometers, Hiraga Reizumi raised the highest alert for Emiya Shirou's existence.

But he was still late.

"Now, I just don't know what happened to Wang Ma and the others. Wouldn't the entire army be wiped out!"

Looking at the black smoke in front of him, Hiraga Reizumi said with a smile.

"How could I be defeated so easily!"

With a gust of fresh wind blowing, the originally diffused smoke was blown away in an instant.

What followed was a black iron king horse with burns all over his body and tattered clothes, leaning on the sword in his hand.

But he was the only one left conscious.

The others were all defeated at this time, and fell to the ground unconscious.

Although he was severely injured, there was a raging flame burning in the eyes of the black iron king horse, which was his unyielding fighting spirit.

"Very good, very good, that's it!"

"This is the opponent I'm looking for!"

Looking at the ecstatic black iron king horse, Hiraga Reizumi said helplessly: "Wangma, let's retreat now, Emiya Shirou is probably coming soon."

"Judging from the blow just now, the injured you are probably not his opponent!"

"No, I won't retreat, if you want to go, go by yourself!"

Ignoring Hiraga Reizumi's suggestion, the black iron king horse just wanted to compete with Shirou Emiya.

"Okay, since you said so!"

Before Emiya Shirou arrived, Hiraga Reizumi quickly loaded the injured and comatose people into the car he was driving when he came.

As for the safety of the black iron king horse, Hiraga Lingquan is not worried.

This is not because he thinks that the Black Iron King will not lose, but that even if the Black Iron King loses, his life will not be in danger.

After all, the Dark Iron King Ma is not a cadre of a dark organization like Wallenstein.

For him, Emiya Shirou will never kill him.

"Goodbye, Wang Ma! I wish you a good time!"

After saying hello, Hiraga Lingquan stepped on the accelerator and quickly disappeared into Pojun Academy.

The black iron king horse is constantly recovering its own state, waiting for the coming enemy.

As for Dongtang Daohua on the other side, at this time, he was quietly looking at each other.

After the battle just now, she was very clear.

He is not the opponent of the Dark Iron King.

Fighting against him is tantamount to humiliating yourself.

Today, UU reading www. uukanshu.com I am afraid that only Emiya Shirou can fight against him in the entire Pojun Academy!

Looking at the defunct Pojun Academy gate, Dongtang Daohua kept praying in his heart: "It's up to you, Emiya-san."


"When the sun shines, the flower smiles at me, and the bird says, early morning, why are you carrying a pack of explosives?"

"I went to bomb the school, but the teacher didn't know. I clicked the line and I ran. The teachers and classmates were all killed!"

At the entrance of the quiet Pojun Academy.

Before the person arrived, humming a strange tune, the voice belonging to Shirou Emiya came.

Then his figure slowly appeared.

When Dongtang Daohua heard this song, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Could it be that this bombing school Emiya has long wanted to do it?

And finally got a chance to shoot today?

Thinking of this, the corners of Dongtang Daohua's mouth twitched.

"Ah? Didn't you leave? I thought you all ran away!"

Looking at the black iron king horse in front of him, Emiya Shirou said with a surprised expression.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, with your archery skills, you must have top eyesight!"

"There's nothing you can't see like this!"

"You actually guessed it!"

Smiling at the black iron king horse in front of him, Shirou Emiya said casually, "How about that blow just now?"

"But don't say that I bullied the small, this is what you did first!"

"Anything like that is fine!"

The black iron king horse directly interrupted Emiya Shirou's ridicule.

I saw him revealing fighting intent, and said seriously: "Let's fight!"

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