I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://


The sound of swords intersecting came again, and such a sound had been echoing around for a long time.

Since the end of the selection of representatives of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival, Shirou Emiya temporarily left the Po Military Academy and came here to fight against Edweis.

Today's Emiya Shirou and Edweis are no longer an ordinary dessert master-apprentice relationship, but a closer master-apprentice relationship.

The reason for this is because Shirou Emiya told Edwise that he was a time traveler.

As for why he chose to tell her?

In addition to her trust in her, it was also because Shirou Emiya couldn't find a reason to lie.

For Edwise at this time, she was willing to accompany Shirou Emiya wherever he went.

This leads to the same reason that Emiya Shirou can deceive Stella and others, but cannot deceive Edwise.

After all, Edwins was different from them.

Edward Wise did not care.

Even before Emiya Shirou, she didn't even have someone to chat with.

Therefore, after meeting Emiya Shirou, a satisfied object, she did not want to leave his side.

So Emiya Shirou had no choice but to tell her who he was.

and told him his own story.


Once again, after each other's attacks were intertwined, Shirou Emiya, who retreated to the back, shook hands and couldn't help laughing.

"My basic ability value has finally reached the limit. It really took me a lot of effort."

"So, is the master going to leave here?"

Withdrawing the sword in his hand, Edweis's eyes were filled with reluctance.

"Don't worry about me, Edelweiss, I won't be in danger."

Aware of the worry in Edwise's eyes, Shirou Emiya stretched out his right hand and stroked her face.

"I'll be back! I promise you!"

"Yes, I believe in the master's promise!"


Sitting on the bus, looking at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the window, Shirou Emiya, who was heading to Jumen Academy, looked at the back of his left hand and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Really, you still have to sign a contract, how afraid are you that I won't come back!"

On the back of Emiya Shirou's left hand at this time, a pattern of two long swords crossing each other was printed on it.

It was a trace left by Edwise's ability.

The reason why Edwins is called the world's number one swordsman is not only because of her kendo cultivation, but also because of her ability to have no lethal power.

Her abilities are of no use in combat.

Edwise's power is a contract.

Before parting with Edwins, the two made several contracts.

"Don't die!"

"Be sure to come back!"

"I'll be waiting for you!"

As a trace of the contract, a mark in the shape of Edwise's double swords was engraved on the back of Emiya Shirou's hand.

This is the testimony of the contract between the two.

"Really, can't you have more trust in me?"

Although Shirou Emiya looked at the back of his hand and complained constantly, the corners of her mouth kept rising, showing joy.

It feels so good to be remembered!



Looking at the training ground in front of him, Emiya Shirou put his hands in his pockets and walked in with a smile on his face.

"That is?"

"The replica swordsman of Pojun Academy, Shirou Emiya?"

"Why did he come, doesn't it mean he won't come?"

Before Emiya Shirou entered the training ground in Yamagata, the students of the Giant Gate Academy recognized him.

As the first person recognized by the entire Pojun Academy after Leiqie Dongtang Daohua.

Emiya Shirou's name was naturally known to students from other academies.

After all, he is a player who is expected to be the Seven Star Sword King.

Even if he didn't directly defeat Leiqie Dongtang Daohua, all the students of Po Jun Academy believed that he was the strongest Po Jun.

Even Ikki Kurotsu, the head of the Pojun Academy delegation, thought so.

As for why the head of the delegation will be Kuro Tetsu Ikki, not Emiya Shirou?

Of course, this was because Shirou Emiya had rejected the position of head of the regiment.

After all, Emiya Shirou was about to leave the Fallen World at this time, and he didn't know when he would return.

It is not clear whether he can participate in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

In such a situation, how could he have the face to accept the name of the head of the regiment.

So, after Emiya Shirou informed Shinguji Kurono of his situation, the name of this delegation also fell on Kurotsu Ikki.

After all, among the six contestants who represented Pojun Academy at the Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival this time, aside from Shirou Emiya, the one who stood out the most was Ikki Kurotetsu.

At the same time, he is also the strongest person besides Emiya Shirou.

"Eigong-san, can we interview you?"

Immediately after the surrounding students recognized Emiya Shirou's identity, two student reporters from the surrounding area ran to Emiya Shirou to interview him.

"Of course, but in return, can you two take me to the training grounds of Pojun Academy?"

"That's great, we just know where Po Jun Academy is training."

"If that's the case, let's talk while walking!"

Under the leadership of the two student reporters, one male and one female, Shirou Emiya and the three walked to the training grounds of Pojun Academy.

On the way, through mutual introduction, Shirou Emiya also knew the identities of the two.

The girl in front of her is Baxin's classmate from the Wuqu Academy News Agency, and the boy is Komiyayama's classmate from the Greedy Wolf Academy News Agency.

"Student Emiya, the former students of Po Military Academy said that you will not come here to participate in the training because you have something to do, so why are you here today?"

"I did have something to do before, but now that it has been completed, I see that their training camp has not ended, so I came to join in the fun."

"I heard that Ikki Kurote from your school defeated all the professional knights who came to teach in just three days. Now, the Giant Gate Academy has even invited the God of War to come and give guidance. come?"

"Is Senior Dou Shen also here? This is really shocking! But no! I didn't know that Senior Dou Shen would come. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

In this way, in the exchange of voices of the three of them, they soon came to the training ground of Pojun Academy.

But the three of them came by coincidence.

At this moment, Ikki Kuro Tie was confronting Dou Shen Nan Xiang.

The two stood on both sides, motionless, just staring at each other quietly.

"elder brother!"

And just as Emiya Shirou came here, Stella also noticed his figure.

I saw that she ran in front of Emiya Shirou in an instant and jumped into his arms.

"Brother, why are you here!"

"Didn't I say that as long as it ends early, I will come to see you?"

Emiya Shirou, who was being hugged by Stella, was only having difficulty breathing.

He was struggling with Stella's chest smearing his face.

The reason for this was because when Stella jumped over, she wrapped her arms around Shirou Emiya's neck and wrapped her legs around Shirou's waist.

With her whole body hanging on Emiya Shirou, she was shaking excitedly.

"Hey, Stella, I feel that if you don't let go, Shirou will probably be sent away by you on the spot!"

Arisuin Nagi and Kuro Tetsuju Shizuku, who were originally standing beside Stella, also walked to their side.

Looking at Shirou Emiya who kept waving, the two said helplessly.


It was only then that Stella, who noticed Emiya Shirou's strangeness, jumped down quickly.

Then he looked at Emiya Shirou who fell to the ground and shouted, "Don't die! Brother!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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