I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 174: The black smoke filled Pojun Academy

I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

"Hey, hey, why did I die so suddenly?"

Hearing Stella's wailing, Emiya Shirou said helplessly, "I think I can still be saved!"

Standing up from the ground and patting the dust on his body, Emiya Shirou smiled and said to the three Stellas in front of him, "It's been a long time, everyone!"

"It's been a long time indeed!"

Recalling the time when Emiya Shirou disappeared, Stella raised her fingers and started counting.

"It's been almost a month since Shirou disappeared? If we hadn't been able to contact you, we would have called the police!"

Obviously, Stella was not the only one who was dissatisfied with Emiya Shirou's disappearance.

"Haha, after all, I am also very busy!"

"But am I here? Then don't discuss my business."

"Isn't it more important now than the duel between Ikki and Doushen Nanxiang?"

With Shirou Emiya's reminder, several people who remembered the duel between Ikki Kurotetsu and Nango Toshin hurriedly looked at him.

Even if they found out, the two were still standing there motionless.

Such a scene made everyone onlookers extremely puzzled.

But only Emiya Shirou was not like the others, his eyes were full of joy.

"What a wonderful match!"

"Oh? Shirou, do you understand this battle?"


Looking at the two people who were constantly confronting each other on the field, Shirou Emiya said seriously: "It's not that they didn't move, but their movements were very subtle. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to notice them."

"The two of them have been fighting each other all the time, with eyesight, sword energy, or various subtle actions. Ikki kept trying to get closer to Doushen Nanxiang, but to no avail."

"After all, for a swordsman of the level of Doushen Nanxiang, his attack range is almost equal to the opponent's death ground. As long as he easily steps in, the sword of Doushen Nanxiang can instantly cut the enemy's consciousness in two."

"That's why Ikki gave up going deep into the enemy's line, and just stood on the starting line and pretended to go forward with various intentions, trying his best to challenge Nango's sword barrier."

"I didn't expect it to be like this?"

After listening to Emiya Shirou's explanation, both Stella and the others, as well as Hachishin Komiyayama and the others who had been following Emiya Shirou, were extremely surprised by this.

Unexpectedly, the two who did not have any movement in their eyes were actually holding hands.

Is this the realm of a master?

"Should I say that it is the **** of war, Nango Torajirou? Even Ikki can't move an inch. You must know that as a swordsman, Ikki is the strongest in the cross-field of close quarters!"

As for Arisuin Nagi's emotion, Ba Xin nodded in approval and said, "After all, you said it, that is the God of Fighting Nango Yinjiro! He is the only one to win the world's top Chinese Fighting God Cup. Japanese."

China in this world also stands on top of the world.

As a member of the alliance, China in this world is an extremely powerful country.

This can be seen from the honor of the fighting **** Nango Torajiro.

As one of Japan's legends, the biggest recognition for him is his championship in China's Dou Shen Cup.

This is just like the legendary glory of Japanese table tennis players who participated in the Asian Games in China and won the table tennis championship in reality.

"No, Ikki is not powerless to fight back, he even suppressed Dou Shen to some extent!"


"how come!"

"That's Doushen Nanxiang!"

Hearing everyone's amazement, Shirou Emiya said lightly, "There's nothing incredible about it. Facing Ikki, even Dou Shen Nanxiang was nailed to the spot and couldn't move!"

"Even though Nanxiang used his sword energy to intimidate or create fake moves, Ikki was not only unaffected, but he also waited for an opportunity to break through Nanxiang's defenses."

"The two of them are completely evenly matched at this time!"

"Are you evenly matched?"

The shocked people looked at each other and could see the color of surprise in each other's eyes.

But Shirou Emiya ignored the senses of the people around him.

At this time, he was already immersed in this wonderful duel.

Although Emiya Shirou was not able to catch up with Ikki Kurotetsu in kendo at this time, the gap between the two was not far away.

After all, it wasn't a joke that he kept fighting with Ikki Kurotetsu and Edwise.

Under the influence of the two, Emiya Shirou's progress in kendo has risen rapidly.

Therefore, the duel between Kuro Tetsu Ikki and Toshin Nango at this time is a wonderful thing for Emiya Shirou!

In this way, the battle between the two lasted for a full twenty minutes before it ended.

After the competition, Doushen Nanxiang left here.

After all, for an elderly person who is nearly a hundred years old, such a duel is too exhausting.

At this time, he needs to rest.

"Well done, Ikki! You can be evenly matched with Doushen Nanxiang!"

"Shirou, why are you here!"

Surprised by Shirou Emiya's sudden appearance, Ikki Kurotetsu responded to his joke with a wry smile.

"It was just an ordinary sword fight. If it was a real fight, I would have died long ago!"

"But even if it's a duel between swordsmen, it's Nanxiang!"

Seeing that Ikki Kuro Tetsu was not content at all, Stella on the side complained in dissatisfaction.

"It seems that Ikki is very dissatisfied with his swordsmanship, so how about I introduce you to a stronger opponent next time?"

Emiya Shirou, who was also dissatisfied with him, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hey, does Shirou know any other swordsmen with superb swordsmanship?"

"Of course, what do you think of Biyi?"


"Can you stop joking? Shirou! You scared me!"

Wing to Edwise, the end of all kendo.

In front of her, her swordsmanship is probably only the level of a child's sword dancing.

Kurotsu Ikki thought of this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hey, if you don't believe it, forget it, I'm here, won't you entertain me? "

"Hey, hey, we're going back today!"

"Oh, why is it so early?"

"It's getting late, it's Shirou, you're too late!"

In this way, in the small talk of several people, the students of Pojun Academy finally got together.


"So why am I here?"

"I've only been here for a while, but I'm about to go back? How can there be such a thing!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's complaint, Stella, who was beside her, also said with dissatisfaction.

"It's obviously brother that you came late. If you came earlier, wouldn't there be anything wrong?"

Stella's mood became more and more unhappy when she remembered that she left Yamagata without even walking around with her brother in Yamagata.

"Speaking of which, why isn't Hibuka-san in the car?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shirou Emiya quickly changed the subject and brought up Kagami Hibakata.

"Well, she heard that Lu Cun Academy started training three days ago, so she went out to Hokkaido for an interview early in the morning."

"That's it, that's really hard work!"

Emiya Shirou still trusts Ariuin Nagi's answer, after all, they are good friends!

At this moment, the bus that everyone was seated in suddenly stopped.

So that everyone in the car who was not seated almost fell to the ground.

"What's the matter, classmate Lei!"

Hearing Dongtang Daohua's inquiry, Shacheng Lei, the driver, pointed to the front in horror and said tremblingly, "Look at the place where the smoke is coming from in front of our school!?"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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