I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

"Broken, broken into pieces!"

"What's going on here! After a few minutes of exciting duel, the final blow! At this moment, Dongtang contestant's Mingshen, her Raiqi, was shattered!"

"The Dongtang contestant fell on the ring and didn't move at all! Now the referee is rushing forward! Can she fight again!? Or..."

The audience saw the referee approaching the fallen Dao Hua, and they waited with bated breath for the referee's judgment.

I saw the referee crouched down and observed Dongtang Daohua for a while. Finally, he stood up and made an X gesture with his hands folded.

"The referee decides that we can no longer fight!! The game is over!"

"This match ended like this! The result is really surprising!! At the last moment, Todo player's Rachel was smashed head-on! The strongest knight in the army was defeated because of this!"

"The winner standing in the battle circle is the first-year ranked knight Ikki Kurotsu!"

When the host shouted out the winner's name, the venue burst into cheers.

The entire audience exclaimed in surprise.

"Cheat, cheat!"

"He, he really won! He is better than that Rachel!"

"I can't believe it! The president will be defeated within the crossing distance!"

"This is the first time I've seen the inherent spiritual armor shattered, is the president still alive?"

"Yaaaaa!! Long live Ikki!"

The excitement turned the venue into a boiling cauldron.

Looking at the center of the arena, Ikki Kurotetsu who was bathed in blood and his chest was cut open by Rachel, Shirou Emiya smiled and asked Edwise beside him, "What do you think of him?"

"He is a talented swordsman, his swordsmanship has surpassed all his peers! But what is truly admirable is his will."

Even Edwise was surprised by Kurotsu Ikki's will.

In the case of weak magic, Kurotsu Ikki stumbled out of his own path.

What kind of perseverance and talent is that!

"In the future, he may be able to catch up with you!"

Looking at Ikki Kurotetsu who raised his right hand in the ring and greeted the cheers of the crowd, Emiya Shirou said decisively.

In this world, whoever is most likely to catch up with Edwise, who is the end of kendo, must be Ikki Kurotetsu.

Only he has this qualification.

"Let's go, let's leave first!"

Glancing at the black iron beads Shizuku who had already rushed towards the stage, Shirou Emiya smiled and walked outside the training ground with Edwins.

"Why, master, aren't you going to celebrate with them?"

"Celebrations must wait until the evening. I'll accompany you now. I can't let the guests leave like this!"

"Besides, now is the time when their brothers and sisters get close!"

With that said, Emiya Shirou took Edwins out of the training ground and walked outside the school.



Following Stella's five people laughed in unison.

The five people touched the juice in their hands and poured it into their mouths excitedly.

Because the five of them were all minors, they had no intention of drinking, so they used the juice made by Shirou Emiya himself.

"Wow! As expected of Shirou's juice, it's delicious!"

"Drink more if you like, after all, I can make a lot of juice!"

"That's really good!"

Before Emiya Shirou and Arisuin Nagi could say a few more words, they heard Stella complaining beside her.

"Really, why does the ceremony of awarding the medal have to be carried out alone! Can't we wait for all the representatives to be elected and award them together?"

"Because of their delay, I didn't catch up with the duel between Ikki and Dongtang-senpai!"

Emiya Shirou also felt the same way about Stella's complaint.

"Indeed, if it wasn't for my speed, I probably wouldn't have seen anything! But I saw the most exciting scene, so it's not a loss!"

Because there was no Akazu's intervention, this duel between Kuro Tetsu Ikki and Todo Touhua was carried out normally.

Therefore, there is no delay in the game, it would be strange if Stella can catch up!

Even at the speed of Emiya Shirou, he could see the final scene of the ultimate attack.

But that scene was only a few seconds in total.

As a result, Stella, who was slower, didn't see anything.

"Can you stop gloating? Brother! You saw it anyway, but I didn't see anything, so I ran for nothing!"

Stella, with a depressed face, took another gulp of juice, then stared at Kurotsu Ikki with dissatisfied eyes and said, "It's all my fault that Ikki is useless!"

"Hey, hey, it's just a joke, you won't really take it seriously!"

"What? Just kidding?!"


"Are you a fool? Stella?"

Noticing the smiling eyes of the four around her, Stella's face instantly turned red.

Did you actually take their jokes seriously?

What a shame!

Glancing at Stella, who was already extremely shy and only had to find a crack to get in, Emiya Shirou sighed helplessly, and then changed the subject for her.

"I didn't expect that out of the five of us, four were selected as representatives. Are we like similarities!"

"That's right, we're all selected except for Zhu Shizuku. It's great!"

Seeing Emiya Shirou changing the subject for herself, Stella, who was delighted, hurriedly interjected.

But as soon as her words came out, the four around them fell into silence again.

"Stella, if you can't speak, can you shut up?"

After a moment of silence, Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku's resentful voice rang in her ears.

"You were selected as soon as you were selected. Why did you exclude me? Am I not worthy of being your friend?"

"No no no, Zhu Shizuku, I was wrong!"

Under the dangerous eyes of Shizuku Kuroshima, Stella hurriedly stepped forward and defended.

She still paid the price for her indiscretion.

Emiya Shirou and the three of them couldn't help laughing when they saw this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Okay, stop arguing, let's eat first, the food won't taste good if it's cold! "

The dishes here were bought by Emiya Shirou and Edwise after they left school. In order to repay Edwise for accompanying him, Emiya Shirou came back after feeding Edwise in the dessert shop.

Therefore, Shirou Iimiyiya put a lot of thought into this table.

"Well, then we're welcome!"

"Wuhu, eat and eat!"

"good to eat!"


After they were full, Emiya Shirou and the five sat at the dining table and chatted.

"Speaking of which, we seem to be going to Okutama for training after a while, right?"

"It's not necessarily Okutama, after all, it seems to be targeted by suspicious elements!"

"It is estimated that there may be training with other schools! Otherwise, it will be difficult to find a place."

"No matter where I go, as long as I can improve my strength!"

Listening to the exchange of the four in front of him, Shirou Emiya suddenly said, "I shouldn't be able to go to the pre-match training."

"Oh? Why is this!"

"After all, I have something to do!"

The countdown of the golden pocket watch is about to be completed, but the basic ability value of his favor has not yet reached the limit.

Now he has to make the most of his match against Edwins to hone himself.

In order to achieve the purpose of exercise, you can make up your ability value as soon as possible.

Therefore, for this pre-match training, Shirou Emiya did not plan to go.

"But if things are done ahead of time, then I might go to see you at the last moment!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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