"Oh, our Emiya Shirou player actually projected sixteen inherent spiritual items at the same time. Is this to smash the Momoya Samurai player to scum?"

"It won't be bombed to scum!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou's figure and the sixteen inherent spiritual suits standing around him, Momoya Samurai's eyes also burned with fighting spirit.

"As long as it's not flames, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"I'll show you the power of my armor!"

"Come on!"

With a determination to wash away his humiliation, Samurai Momotani launched a decisive charge.

He vowed to block all swords with his armor.

He has this confidence!

"Maybe, maybe I can win!"

The Momoya Samurai in the charge thought so.

"Really? Is this the decision of the senior? It's really good!"

"But these are useless, no matter how strong the armor is in front of me, it doesn't make any difference, it's just thin paper!"

"Take it, senior! This is Wan Jian's trial!"

As Emiya Shirou's voice fell, the sixteen weapons behind him quickly shot out.

In the sound of the breaking wind, even if Emiya Shirou did not adjust the speed of the projection to the maximum, the distance between the two was still instantaneously crossed.


Raising the shield on his armor and covering himself behind the shield, Momoya Samurai's eyes were full of joy.

He had seen these inherent spiritual equipment, after all, what Emiya Shirou copied were the inherent spiritual equipment of the students of Pojun Academy.

As a veteran third-year student, Samurai Momoya naturally knew the owners of some of these inherent spiritual items.

So he was excited.

Because the original owner of these inherent spiritual outfits couldn't break through his defense, could it be broken now?

It's a pity that the Momoya Samurai didn't understand it.

Different weapon owners have different powers.

In the constant flow of air, the projected equipment came into contact with the shield of the Momoya Samurai.

It was at this moment that the pupils of Samurai Momoya suddenly shrank.

The sound of the inherent spiritual equipment collision did not come.

The touch of each other did not come.

There was only that sharp tingling sensation.

His arm was pierced!


Severe pain swept over, but before he could fully cry out, the next moment, more severe pain also followed.

Limbs, torso, except for the head, the Taogu warrior in armor was instantly tied into a sieve.

Looking at the Taogu Samurai who was standing still in the center of the ring, full of equipment and blood, after a moment of silence, the staff on the side reacted and quickly came to the stage to rescue.

At the same time, the surrounding audience cheered.

"My God, the sixteen inherent spiritual outfits flashed by, and the armor of the Taogu Samurai was instantly shattered."

"Abandoning the cowardly Momoya Samurai contestant was smashed by one move!"

"What kind of strength and domineering is this!"

"This is the pride of our school, copying swordsman Emiya Shirou!"

"Rewriting swordsman, Shirou Emiya, the strongest breaking army!"

"Rewriting swordsman, Shirou Emiya, the strongest breaking army!"

"Rewriting swordsman, Shirou Emiya, the strongest breaking army!"

Amid the cheers of the surrounding crowd, Shirou Emiya raised his right hand in response to the cheers of the surrounding audience.

Then he saw Edwins waving at him in the audience.

After waving at her in response, Shirou Emiya looked at Samurai Momoya who was carried out of the arena by the staff.

The armor-type inherent spiritual equipment is really easy to use, but the weapons that he projects all contain the concept of severing, which is his true ability.

In the face of the concept of severing, no matter what kind of copper walls and iron walls are, it is useless.

There is no more stupid decision than using a shield and armor to defend in front of him.

But that's exactly the consequence of a lack of intelligence.

However, he did not make a ruthless attack, nor did he target the opponent's vital points.

As long as the Momoya Samurai is sent into the regeneration chamber in time, his injury will disappear quickly.

Witnessed by all the spectators around, Shirou Emiya received a medal representing Pojun Academy's participation in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival from the hands of the teachers present.

After that, Emiya Shirou quickly ended this small ceremony after a long story.

Then run outside.

"Really, can't the awarding of the medals wait until the end with everyone? It's a waste of my time to do it individually!"

Although Emiya Shirou's movements were very fast, it was still a few minutes behind due to the delay in the award ceremony.

After meeting with Edweis who had been arranged outside, the two quickly ran to another training ground.

With the speed of the two, they soon arrived at the venue of Kurotsu Ikki.

"Looks like we came by coincidence!"

Standing in the corridor, he found a vacant seat and sat down. Emiya Shirou couldn't help laughing as he looked at Kuro Tetsu Ikki and Todo Touka who were constantly fighting in the center of the ring.

The two of them really compared swordsmanship.

Although Dongtang Daohua's swordsmanship level is not as good as that of Ikki Kuro iron, but with the increase of magic power, she can only barely suppress the opponent with all attributes surpassing Ikki Kuro iron.

Once Kurotsu Ikki catches the flaw, he will be instantly counterattacked.

In the field of swordsmanship, Ikki Kurotetsu is definitely the strongest existence in Pojun Academy.

Even Emiya Shirou cannot beat him in pure swordsmanship.

In the original book, Stella was defeated in an instant when her swordsmanship was seen by Shirou Emiya in the swordsmanship showdown with Ikki Kurotetsu.

If it wasn't for the fact that Kuro Iron Ikki hadn't opened a sword and Shura couldn't break the defense, Stella's loss would have been even more miserable.

"But this situation should come to an end, and the two of them are about to usher in the final showdown!"

The world's number one swordsman, Edweis, saw through the level of the two in an instant and said so.

"That's right, Dongtang Daohua's swordsmanship is far worse than Kuro Tie Ikki. Even if there is magic to make up for it, it won't help!"

The reason for this is that Dongtang Daohua itself is a magic knight with a perfect combination of swordsmanship and supernatural abilities.

In this way, if she wants to exert the strongest strength, she must enter the field of melee combat.

That's her battlefield.

But it was also the battlefield of Kurotsu Ikki.

In the original book, Dongtang Daohua did not have any intention of evading the strongest strike against Heiroi Ikki, because she couldn't dodge, that was her strongest field.

In addition to the response to Kurotsu Ikki, what is more important is her own beliefs.

For Dongtang Daohua, if she can't even deal with melee combat, where else can she fight.

For swordsmen of their level, belief is more important.

If you lose your self-confidence because of a win or loss, that's a real disaster.

Therefore, the collision of the two strongest stunts is inevitable.

"I will crush your strongest with my weakest!"

"A knife Shura!"

With the roar of Kurotsu Ikki ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, a lot of magic power appeared from his body.

Although these magic powers seem to Emiya Shirou to be very little, but to Kurotsu Ikki, it is enough!


The magic power of the two continued to gather, and this was the final blow that the two were about to carry out.

As the two of them sprinted, Emiya Shirou and Edwise discovered at the same time.

Heiro Tie Ikki, who was originally slower than Dongtang Daohua, accelerated again during the sprint. As he accelerated, his body began to crack open inexplicably and bleed!

And this is evolution.

The evolved Kurotsu Ikki, and the evolved Ichito Shura.

Its name is One Blade Rakshasa!

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