All things will be completely destroyed under this editing.


Lu Fei'er glanced at Lu Yu, and hurriedly put away a large pile of treasures completely, covering them tightly.

"Don't even think about it, I didn't expect that you would even cheat on girls, it's shameless!"


Lu Yu's mind was full of black lines, he didn't deceive people, and left the peaks one by one quickly.

I always felt that there was an eye behind him staring at it, which made him a little creepy!

"Si Yan, help me look at the back. "

Lu Yu patted his back at this time, and he always felt a little hot.

If he looked at it for himself, he couldn't detect any vision behind it.


Si Yan was surprised, and looked at Lu Yu's back as if a hole had been burned.

A symbol made up of these two letters S has a red dot in the middle, just like an eye!

"What should I do?"

"Sure enough!"

A trace of caution appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he said, "If Agulades is defeated this time, he can escape, and he will rest for a long time and dare not come out, if he fights, then we will be in trouble! However, it is difficult to say whether it is his or the Grim Reaper." "

"Isn't it just a matter of digging it up? It's just a piece of meat, what's the big deal. "

Lu Fei'er muttered on the side, lifted a knife in her hand, and gestured behind Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's flesh hurt for a while, although it didn't stab him, but it had already pinched Lu Fei'er's wrist, and couldn't help but stretch out his fingers to pinch Lu Fei'er's little fleshy face.

"What's wrong with me, why are you against me everywhere?"

He laughed.

"Let go, it hurts!"

Lu Fei'er struggled fiercely, and Lu Yu's arm was purple and blue.

Lu Yu knew that this girl had a lot of strength, so she could only let go.

He didn't pinch his face at all, just to teach her a lesson.

On the other hand, he was pinched quite hard.

"I asked you, come out with me this time, you definitely get the most benefits, I just saw it in my eyes, and said why it targeted me. "

Lu Yu made a big circle at this moment and rose up towards the sky above the east.

In any case, it is also necessary to know the answer to this battle!

"Hmph, don't you count it yourself?"

Lu Fei'er was very dissatisfied with Lu Yu, pinched her waist, and stared at Lao Yuan with watery eyes.

King Kong is angry, and that's it!


Lu Yu rubbed his head, fortunately, it was some time.

"Say it. Si Yan was also curious about why Lu Fei'er, a girl, had always had some disagreements with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu fled with a few of them, but Lu Fei'er didn't seem to appreciate it.

"I want to be his friend, he wants to be my brother-in-law! Can I be happy? My sister belongs to me alone, and no one can take it away!"

Lu Fei'er stretched out a white finger and accused mercilessly.

In the glass-like eyes, there were even two lines of tears, as if he was being bullied by someone.


Lu Yu's head was full of worry and puzzlement, and he looked at Lu Fei'er as if she was not pretending.

"What's going on?"

Si Yan asked softly to Lu Yu, at this moment she also wanted to know why, was it just because of what happened last time, she didn't think so.

She looked at Lu Yu and couldn't answer, then looked at Lu Fei'er, and said, "At least between gods and gods, there are not too many constraints, at least among the gods, there is a goddess ethereal, and I don't care about the body anymore, right?" Last time it was just to save people, don't blame him." "

Lu Feier was even more sad.

"Sister, you can see by looking at his idol yourself, now his idol is already in the Genshin Realm, and there will be a temporary Genshin Seal on his body. "

Lu Fei'er walked beside Lu Yu at this moment and nodded Lu Yu's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Yu unbuttoned his shirt at this time and found that his whole body was covered with dense lines, which were the statues of those gods, and it was so.

"This is just the great power of the bear brought by my Thousand-Handed Demon God, which is reflected on my skin......"

Just halfway through the conversation, I suddenly found a familiar carving, which was Luqin Youmiao!

"This ...... I'm not editing, how can it exist?"

Lu Yu felt curious at this time, and slowly closed his eyes, calming his mind.

The Thousand-Handed Demon God around suddenly appeared, and found that the Thousand-Handed Demon God was indeed the god body of each god, except for himself, there were five other gods.

And the god who was Luqin's beauty was gone.

"Knock Knock ......"

The familiar heartbeat sound was alive, but Lu Yu felt strange.

Walking into the thousand-handed demon god, this is what I saw, there are two hearts beating!

"Woo Woo ......"

Countless rays of light were drawn down in the sky, and in an instant, the storm of light cut through the clouds!


Si Yan watched the light in front of him slash away, and reminded Lu Yu urgently!

"The long river of time!"

For this kind of sudden killing, it can only be sacrificed to the long river of time.

In an instant, turquoise waves swept past his eyes.

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