The long sword he holds in his hand contains ten thousand swords, axes, spears, and shields......

This god seems to be omnipotent, truly a god of war!

"Let's go, what you can take right away, just hurry up and get what, this is your last chance, we have to rush out!"


After hearing this, several people hurried back to the treasure house.

I have just given it all to Lu Yu, but I can't be empty again!


Everyone rushed into this space, and it was frantically stored.

"Lu Yu, don't you want it?"

Lu Fei'er looked at Lu Yu and said suspiciously.

It shouldn't be that after they finished their labor, Lu Yu robbed everyone at the end, if so, it would be too despicable.

Lu Yu took out a few rings from his hand and said, "These guys were very greedy just now, and if you don't collect them again, I'll have to leave soon!"


The mountains shake between the huge peaks.

From this ban.

Slowly floated another turquoise floating statue.


"Damn! I didn't expect you to send someone to steal my treasures, like you, Jin Jianglu is the law! You should die in front of me, Jin Jianglu is the law!"

He looked at Jin Jianglu and shouted angrily.

Jin Jianglu is at least a top human powerhouse, and at this time, he actually did this kind of trick to divert the tiger from the mountain


Jin Jianglu looked up to the sky and roared, without taking Agulades in the slightest.

The arms opened and closed widely, and the fists poured out directly.

In an instant, the surrounding wind and clouds surged, turning into giant dragons one by one, and exploding themselves around Agulades!

"Hmph! Today, you will die at my hands no matter what, extinguish!"

As soon as the words fell.

Countless clouds formed a huge fist, smashing it fiercely towards Jin Jianglu Weifa, and under the fist there were cursed rays of light!


The fierce flaming bird and Jin Jianglu acted together, and they surrounded the upper and lower layers of space.

Pillars of light rose from the edge, combining with each other to seal Agorades in space.

"Open, ......"

The grand war between the two is still on, and it will not die!

At this time, it has caused a burst of chaos between heaven and earth.


Lu Yu also swore an oath, and the muscles and flesh of his arms were knotted layer by layer.

, I saw that the round of thousand-handed demon gods behind him spun wildly, turning the weapons in his hands like two yi!

"Come on!"

Lu Yu pushed the dagger in his hand towards the round of Thousand-Handed Demon God.

In an instant, a white bone dagger was seen to break through the chaotic qi.


in space.

A vibrating sound sounded, and the thousand-handed demon god was extremely strong, took the dagger, and turned into a huge long sword in an instant.


A terrifying roar, a huge amount of divinity is like a sea of smoke, rushing out at once!

"Boom ......"

This space cracked up one after another, and the Thousand-Handed Demon God directly slid his arm forward.


From this sword of light.

A sword qi directly pierced through the ban and cut towards the sky!

"Boom, boom......"

The sound of huge explosions continued.

Lu Yu was looking around at this moment, and a sword crack had already opened!

"Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell.

His whole body was full of divine brilliance, and the person with this vote immediately fled from this moment.

Fly directly to the south.

At this time.

The figures of the two also hurriedly escaped from this crack, their faces were dusty, but the two rings on their hands were extremely heavy!

"Damn Lu Yu, that guy killed the four of us, can we chase after us?"

"Chase a fart, now that four of them are dead, I feel a pain in my flesh when I think about it. "

"Hey, but that guy Lu Yu has such a strong strength, it's better to leave this matter to the teacher. "

"Yes, but the brothers will blame us for ......"

The two discussed, and they didn't decide who told the teacher, so they could only honestly flee from here!


"Wow, look, look at it, this treasure of mine is not beautiful!"

Lu Feier raised her little hand and smiled smugly.

"The Ghost Spirit Bead seems to be an evil thing, don't wear it on your head, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be lucky. "

Si Yan hurriedly took off these headdresses from Lu Fei'er's head, and pushed the corners of her purple clothes back into the space.

"Isn't it good?"

Lu Fei'er is a bit like, these things are all ancient gods, there must be treasures that have not been discovered!

"Not good. "

Lu Yu turned his head to look at Lu Fei'er, shook his head with a smile, and said, "Before these things are confirmed, we had better not use them at will, otherwise it will be over if Agulades finds his whereabouts, and if these things don't go through my hands, I'm afraid it's not safe." "

Lu Yu refers to editing, and after editing, then it is considered a system thing.

The old gods even did their hands and feet on it.

ps: Ask for collections!Ask for subscriptions!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!

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