
The river of time was made a splash.

Immeasurable energy boiled.

The river of time flowed rapidly, and it was actually pushed into the flames at this moment, which shows the strength of the river of time! The strength of the attack! The ancient gods are still terrifying!

"Get out of the way, Miscuri Fantasy!"

Lu Yu summoned Miscuri Phantom, and saw these people rushing towards a higher altitude.

When you fight against a strong man like Agouradus, you are very strong!

"It's not over yet!"

Si Yan looked at the light in front of him, and he didn't know how the two fought.

I only feel that bursts of brilliant light are shining from all around, and if I want to look at it for a while, I am afraid that my eyes will be blinded by this light!

"I'll take a look. "

Lu Yu closed his eyes, but the Thousand-Handed Demon God behind him emerged, this kind of thing can only be seen with the gods, not with the eyes.

After all, this kind of miracle was fought between two ancient god-like powerhouses, and their human eyes had certain limitations.


The battle ahead is becoming apparent.

I saw the two fighting fists and feet, as if they were mortals fighting, but the energy in them was surprising.

Every battle of Agourides can be earth-shattering, but the space around them is blocked, although the two are fighting, they do not dare to destroy the planet.

It may be because of the agreement, but under the war between the two, each has its own chassis.

Once the energy is emitted, a small area of the surrounding wind and fire rotates.

If you can borrow it for reference, it's really good.

In the future, your skills can be closer to this aspect!


The surrounding space suddenly trembled, and a scene of blue light descended wildly from all around!

"Jin Jianglu is the law, I'm here!"

A D'Anruke walks in the sky, and with every step he takes, the light of the cross shines.


He let out a long breath of air, and in an instant his palms slammed into space.


The space shook wildly.

In an instant, his figure retreated like an aurora!

"Elder Witch Worship, please see my human realm ...... Lord God of Time"

His expression was indifferent, he stretched out a finger, and in an instant, the cold light directly around him quickly shrank, and the formation was instantaneous!


As he shrank, his eyes suddenly fell on another void, and he said, "This is not where you can watch the battle, go." "

It's been discovered!

Lu Yu knew at this time that in the naked eyes of this pair of De'an Ruke.

It seemed that he couldn't get rid of anything, and flew out of the sky at great speed.


Agulades was sealed in a ban, screaming frantically.

The cold air around him erupted, sealing him up like a cage.

"Witch and evil forbidden!Human, this is a fair duel between me and you, how can you call a helper?

He grapples with the firebird and breaks the flames with one blow!

At this time, it has been frozen by this cage, and it can be seen that this ice has layers of lines, and the fist hit this pattern, but it was bounced back.

It can be seen that this ancient pattern can carry out a powerful counterattack and control against him!


Jin Jianglu sneered and said, "You are just an evil god, and you dare to negotiate conditions with me, you really can't do it, just stay here honestly!"

As soon as the words fell.

There was a flash of light in his palm, and all the divine brilliance of the shoot turned on the ice, and without blinking, he saw that Agulades had been completely frozen.

I saw that his posture was still standing in a hideous state, and he couldn't move at the moment, only taking advantage of his eyes to keep turning.

"Despicable humans, I will not let you go, you will have to pay a certain price for what you have done today......"

He was still screaming and screaming, frozen for himself.

And this strong man who suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Teacher ......"

Two men suddenly appeared in front of Jin Jianglu Weifa's eyes.

told Jin Jianglu how their four juniors died, and how they were killed by Lu Yu.

"Damn it, Lu Yu, I won't let you go easily!"


Driving in the sky, Lu Yu was in a good mood.

"Looking at these two pinching attacks, and there was definitely a big problem with that ancient god just now, but the man is also powerful, he can find me at a glance, and his strength is absolutely undoubted. "

"Looks like this eye behind me should be fine. "

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and pressed it, and a stinging pain penetrated into his heart!

"He's still bright!"

Si Yan looked at the eye behind him and said urgently, there was a faint light under this clothes!

"This ......"

Lu Yu felt that his heart was moving fiercely, and he always felt that something was watching him from behind!

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