Even the people in the chat group were so indignant, and Allen, who was in the whirlpool and could be said to have suffered persecution from those damn missionaries, was still unimaginably angry.

It turned out that after being comforted over and over again by countless politicians and people, Allen could be said to have barely suppressed his anger, so he did not directly take action to clear out those guys.

But now after chatting in the group for a while and being woken up by everyone again, Allen is really getting more and more unhappy now. Otherwise, there is still a trace of reason that has not been swallowed up by the anger. Now he rushes out directly. Zhang Dajun deserves to die. Kill all the self-righteous missionaries.

That's right, he killed the giants and the group of giants who were his enemies without any mercy. Even at the beginning, they didn't feel any disgust or fear.

So what if these guys are the same human beings now?

In other words, it is precisely because those damn things are also human beings and do such heinous and sinful things that it makes these guys seem more hateful and more damnable than those hateful giants.。

“"Hoo hoho..."

Allen smiled coldly, and the harsh laughter that suppressed his anger echoed throughout the room, which seemed particularly penetrating and terrifying. I don't know why, but it was

originally very sunny and warm. Allen, who was so endearing to everyone, actually burst out with a different kind of terrifying aura at this moment. The

bloody twist was terrifying, full of killing and violence, full of irritability and depravity.

It's like... just like those giants!

If we talk about the last time, when I faced the giants for the first time, I saw my companions being killed, my friends being eaten, and finally I even saw my mother being captured by the giants. When he was about to die,

Allen felt a different kind of power flowing in his body. At first, he thought it was the power given to him by the divine light of the Lord God, or the "Shinto Book" The breath that has been cultivated.

However, as the battle progresses and the experience of this practice increases, Allen is no longer as immature and ignorant as before, and he can already clearly feel the feeling at that time. Something is wrong.

There is absolutely something wrong with that kind of power. This power is full of bloody violence, full of murderous and manic taste, and the sunshine contained in the divine light of the Lord God. The warmth can heal everything and can sublimate life. The power is completely different.

Afterwards, Allen asked many people in the group that they had never felt this kind of aura when they accepted the popularization of divine light and practiced the divine book. At that time,

Allen already existed Emotions of doubt, and he is now much stronger than before. Although 707 is a little bit affected by the fluctuations of this power, and is infected by anger and is about to swallow up his rational impulse, Allen still realizes that this power comes from where。

“I said, why can't I find it? It turns out that it is hidden in the blood, or the fusion of spirit and blood. It's a bit interesting, but now..." Allen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was full of anger

. Full of mania and a sense of restlessness that wants to destroy everything, but his eyes are still clear. He

controls the divine light breath obtained from the God to Heaven Book in his body, the divine light swirls around, and suddenly wraps up the breath. , Allen smiled slightly when he saw this.

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