“Got you! "

Alan smiled slightly, controlled the path of the divine light, and wanted to grab the breath with a big invisible hand. Then his perception ability was fully opened, and he wanted to feel what kind of thing this thing was.。

“Let me see what you are...what! "

But when he saw and sensed the fundamental aura of the thing that existed in that bloodline, Erlun was a little confused. He was idle for a moment and suddenly became lost.。

“What on earth is this, how could I do it, how could I possibly do it, this is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible! "

Alan was holding his head and it was a little difficult to understand. He really didn't want to and didn't dare to accept this reality. After all, such a discovery really made him so desperate. In

this era, it's no wonder that Alan said he has poor endurance, but he has never been able to bear it. I feel the power of giants in the power of blood.

It is the breath of giants!

Blood is the inheritance of blood and spirit, a continuation of one's ancestors, and this human blood inheritance actually produces the power of giants. This is simply ...

At first, Allen was worried about whether this kind of thing was his so-called inner demon, the so-called blue god, demon, etc. But

now he wants these things instead, because these things can be solved. .

And bloodline is impossible. Even if something like bloodline can be removed and replaced by yourself, let alone the human race, you can be a ghost, a god, or a dragon if you don’t want to be a human being. But what bloodline represents is an established fact, and it

represents Their family's ancestors once had the influence of giants, which is what Allen can't accept the most. The giants

he hates most in his heart, the happiest in human hearts, and the giants that countless humans want to obliterate, since they have something to do with him The blood echoes?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

Allen shook his head, and his mood barely calmed down. He has such an influence of aura, and that guy Mikasa has also felt it before. Could it be that

Mikasa is also affected?……

“Calm down, calm down Alan.!”

Allen slapped his head violently and forced himself to regain his senses. What had happened had happened.

I can't care too much about this now. I just need to find time to kick out this power. As for the past...

it's not necessary. I could get through it so smoothly when I didn't know anything before. Now as long as I don't tell anyone, who will? Can you know?

Don't worry, absolutely don't worry, there is absolutely no doubt about the fact that you are a human being.

Allen panted heavily and tried to convince himself with various reasons, but it was obvious that the throbbing feeling in his heart could not be erased.

In the chat group,

I, Han Feizi, want to reform: "I haven't been online for a long time, and I saw such twisted and terrifying things. This is more abhorrent than a traitor and a spy. He deserves to be killed." I, Zhang Zifan, said: "Hey, Han Feizi, you

finally It's online again, what happened recently?" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I, Han Feizi, just want to change (good Zhao): "Fortunately, there is something special in our world. The impact is a bit strange, but it’s not a big deal. It can be solved later.

It’s really unacceptable to see such a thing just after I finished my work. Such an existence is really disgusting, not only In fact, and in terms of the nature of what they do, once they retaliate, they then use their righteousness to suppress others...

I can guarantee that this kind of garbage kidnapping and killing people with morals will definitely not happen once or twice.。”。

Người mua: sabmado

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