Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "Yes, brother, I almost forgot about you. How is the resistance on your side? Is the human situation okay??" Humans will never be slaves: "Thank you for your concern.

I The process here is okay, it was relatively smooth originally, but I encountered a little trouble recently."

It's time to get used to this doomsday: "What little trouble? Can you tell us and see if we can help solve it."

Human beings will never " "Zero Eight Zero" is a slave: "It's not a big deal. The situation here is pretty good. Under the blessing of the Lord God's divine light, if nothing else, at least the front lines have returned to the faith, and the casualty rate has been in batches. has been reduced. Although the giants are still terrifying, we have basically beaten them outside the city wall now.

It’s just...except that except for the front line and a few towns on the edge of the city wall, which are better at spreading faith, the others are indeed encountered. Something has gone wrong.

A bunch of damn guys, they think they have the belief in the gods, but they use this as a purpose to suppress ordinary people and prevent them from believing in the Lord God!" Ouyang Bufan: "Haha, what kind of bullshit is this

? God, how dare a garbage-like existence resist the divine light coming from the Lord God? Such scum should be killed." Queen

Medusa's representative sister: "Wait a minute, I suddenly remembered, judging from the performance of your world , being oppressed so miserably by giants, it must be because there are no gods. How could this be?"

Are humans slaves? "I don't know if there are gods, but I think they probably don't exist. It's just those people who are in The people in the inner city are in no danger, no oppression, no threat of life and death, so those bastards, those bastards are just trying to die when they are full and full!

These damn missionaries are just trying to keep themselves from thinking. His position was shaken, so he acted like this.

You also know that the city wall here is to resist the attacks of giants and is the most important barrier to protect human beings. However, there is a group of scumbags. Since the city wall is a gift from God, it cannot be desecrated. God can repair the city wall, even if it is defeated by the enemy. In my opinion, these bastards deserve to die."

Allen told the group one by one about the abominations of the group of missionaries. He was originally on the edge of the outer layer. , I have heard about these behaviors in my early years.

It's just that he didn't quite believe it at the time, thinking that no one would be so stupid.

But now he believes that seeing is believing, but he also knows that these people are not just stupid, but just bad, so bad that they ooze water and pus!

It's just to maintain one's own beliefs, just to maintain one's own status, regardless of the lives of soldiers in the border war zone, regardless of the lives of the people under the city wall, doing such a deed....

They were hiding in the comfortable inner city and there was basically no danger. However, the people in the border area had to bear the consequences of their wrong decisions.

This group of scum is simply more disgusting and hateful than the giants, the lifelong enemies of mankind.

Just like traitors are far more hateful than enemies, in Allen's view, these rubbish are the traitors among traitors. 3.6 After experiencing what Allen said, everyone in the group was filled with indignation.

You are right. Under the influence of the general atmosphere in the group, everyone has a sense of admiration for the military as a group.

And within the premise of popularizing their faith, they cherish their lives extremely. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And now there are scumbags who insult soldiers and despise life. Doing such things for their own selfish purposes really completely ignites the anger in their hearts? .

Người mua: sabmado

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