Immediately, the girl who descended from the sky waved her hand gently, and countless bright and dazzling lights bloomed around her, one after another blasting away at the monsters on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

As the bright light bloomed, continuous explosions sounded loudly, and the ground was suddenly covered in blood and flesh. The ferocious monster just now turned into a lamb to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, and had no choice but to accept the slaughter helplessly.。

“Hahaha. "

The girl who fell from the sky smiled, and her laughter like silver bells filled the battlefield, which was very beautiful.

But to those monsters, this was simply a terrifying sound from hell that could not be more terrifying.。

“Sinai! "

The girl's fingers were compared to the 037 shape of a gun. She clicked continuously, each time penetrating the body of the monster and annihilating it. However, it seemed that

the girl felt that this was not satisfying, so she gave up using long-range attacks to wash the ground and rushed directly. She stepped forward and kicked the monster.

With an earth-shattering sound, this slender girl actually forcibly embedded the huge monster opposite her into the earth.

Such ordinary muscle strength was simply terrifying. It's outrageous!

Following a dance-like dance, the girl's figure slowly stopped beside the two of them. Such power directly stunned the two (bcdi) people.。

“So strong! "

Matthew murmured, looking at the monsters around them, still distributing bait like a tide. She quickly summoned the shield and said seriously: "Then let's work together..." However, at this time, the

girl who was originally beside them had disappeared. , had already unknowingly sat on the Noble Phantasm and flown into the air. He

only left one sentence: "Who wants to cooperate with you? If you can't even solve this level of monsters and want to restore human nature, then it's really That's so ridiculous, Master Heroic Spirit, haha, let's meet again later. "

For a moment, the two people who had lost the girl's help were stunned. However, the situation did not allow them to think too much. Countless monsters still surrounded them.。

“Great, Gudazi, we finally got in touch! "

While the two were running for their lives, the communicator in Gudazi's hand finally flashed and picked up Dr. Roman's voice.。

“What's your situation now?”

“Doctor, it’s too late to say anything more now, please contact me later. We are surrounded by monsters now and then we’ll contact you later! "(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gudazi had no time to say more, so he and Matthew fled for their lives, completely forgetting about the communicator.

However, there were too many monsters on the first floor. A layer of people surrounded them like a tide, forming a huge encirclement that enveloped the two of them. Cold sweat broke out

on Gudazi's forehead: "It's broken, it's really dangerous now!"”

“This number is really too much, and we alone...can't solve it at all. "

Matthew also frowned and said helplessly.。[]

Gudazi really didn't expect that this place could be so scary. He and Mashu had just arrived in this world, and before they had even established a foothold, they were directly surrounded by these monsters.

The strength of this group of monsters, even in terms of individual numbers, cannot be underestimated. If placed alone in other eras, it would not be so easy to solve.

But in this age that belongs to God, there are so many of them, it’s terrifying, extremely terrifying!

Look at this order of magnitude, plus I actually encountered it as soon as I came here……。

Người mua: sabmado

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