Could it be said that such monsters are just the most common existence in this era?

Gudazi's heart was heavy, and he realized that he had just arrived and was dangerously close to the monsters that existed in this world.

Even if you are not in desperate situation, if you want to break out quickly, you can only use the command spell。

“But, do I need to use Command Seals when I first come to this world? "

Gudazi frowned, thinking about the solution. In his mind, he thought of the tip bag that Dr. Luo Man said before leaving.。

“Otherwise, open this bag and try it now...

No, absolutely not. We are not in crisis yet. Damn it, we lost contact with the doctors and the others just after arriving in this world. What should we do? what to do! "

Just when Gudazi was worried and hesitant about whether to use the command spell, suddenly, there were countless sounds of breaking through the air.。

“Do you want to compete for quantity? "

Suddenly a voice came from nowhere, and said in a faint tone: "Then I should be able to come in handy. "

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A beautiful green figure walked out of nowhere. As soon as she finished speaking, countless golden rays of light bloomed from her body, and she sprinted towards the monster with endless sound of breaking through the air.。

“Hoho! "

Gudazi suddenly raised his head, only to find that the monsters that were still surrounding them just now turned into lambs to be slaughtered again, being strangled one by one by these rays of light. In

just one or two blows, this monster came from nowhere. The green figure that came out easily slaughtered the group of monsters that had forced Gudazi and the two into a desperate situation. Even the remaining monsters did not dare to stay longer. They restrained their cruel and bloodthirsty nature and ran away with their tails between their legs. Got it。

“It is an honor to meet you, Master from Chaldea. My name is Enkidu. I have always welcomed you in this era that belongs to God. "

Enkidu smiled slightly, waved his palm lightly, and the chains representing the Locks of Heaven spurted out, directly obliterating the group of monsters that had already run very far away.。

“So strong! "

Seeing this scene, Gudazi's eyes moved slightly, and it was hard to explain. This era of gods is simply ridiculously powerful. Regardless of the group of

monsters that flood the earth, they are all so powerful. Just talk about these two humans that I met when I first came to this era?

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At least they are humanoid existences...

They are so ridiculously strong, able to kill such terrible things. Monsters are slaughtered at will like cattle and sheep. It’s simply terrifying!

“Can I really solve this particularly dangerous fog in this era? "

Feeling this immense pressure, even Gudazi, who was originally extremely determined, felt heavy and worried.。


“Huh~ I’m finally saved, but it’s not easy! "

Far in the future of the era, Dr. Roman, who was in Chaldea, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had expected this situation for a long time, even he really didn't expect that Gudazi and the two would just enter this era. I encountered this kind of crisis again and again.

Fortunately, someone helped me。[]

“Enkidu... hmm? ! "

Dr. Roman murmured. Although Enkidu saved Gudazi and the others, he didn't know why he always felt something strange.。

“this era. It's really powerful..."

Roman murmured, feeling the immense pressure.

Người mua: sabmado

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