“Um, sorry..."

Seeing the angry girl opposite, Matthew touched the shield and said with some embarrassment and apology: "You were too fast just now, I really didn't react.…”

“No reaction? Is this the reason? ! "

The girl who fell from the sky frowned. Although her mood was slightly relieved, there was still an angry look in her eyes:

“Who are you? You dare to touch my body without permission. Which city are you from?”

“Body touching? "

Ma Xiu was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to realize. Maybe she was referring to what he had just done to pull her up?

“Let me say, although there is no explicit permission, it seems that you did not refuse when I touched you just now..."

Gudazi said awkwardly next to him, and then blinked at Matthew next to him.。

“Uh, um, may I ask, miss? "

Matthew also quickly realized that this was the first resident he and others had encountered when they came to this world. Although it might be a bit strange, it was still very helpful to understand the world through her.。

“Um? Don't you know me? "

The performance on the other side made the girl who fell from the sky a little confused. Her beautiful face was full of doubts: "Is this serious?”

“I'm very sorry. We are members from Chaldea. We came here to restore humanity.…”

“Na na,"

before Matthew could finish speaking, the girl who fell from the sky shook her head and interrupted him:

“They are guests from a foreign country. I probably understand why. Haha, it’s also thanks to that person.…”

“Let me introduce myself, my name is Matthew, I am a heroic spirit, this is my master, Fujimaru Ritsuka, and this is a cute creature called Fufu..." Seeing that the atmosphere finally relaxed, Matthew quickly introduced himself

, I want to ask for information about this world。

“Okay, no need to introduce yourself to me, I won't tell you my name or give you any information. Instead, I have something to ask you.

The girl who fell from the sky said proudly: "Have you seen anything in this world? " ? It's the kind of thing that when you see it, you feel that it is very, very strong and powerful! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Something very powerful? Did you lose something? "

Matthew asked curiously。

“No, how could I lose something! "

After hearing this, the girl who fell from the sky seemed to be stabbed in the foot. She said with shame and anger: "Okay, okay, you don't know, I'm leaving first. If you see me, you must tell me!”

“This, we may not be able to leave for a while…”[]

Matthew said hesitantly and pointed into the distance.。

“Ho ho ho! ! "

It's still the same type of Warcraft as before, but this time there are so many of them, with a terrifying rhythm, that they are desperately chasing them in their direction.。

“Danger, please step back! "

Matthew quickly took out his shield, lined up in front of (De Nuohao) and said anxiously: "There are too many this time, they are the same type as before, we are in danger... Especially”

“Postponed? "Who do you think you are talking to?"

Seeing the appearance of the two people and the monsters surrounding them, the girl who fell from the sky narrowed her eyes and snorted softly: "Who do you think you are talking to?" It's you who should step back! "

As soon as the words fell, before the two of them could react, the girl who fell from the sky tapped her toes and flew away in an instant.

Người mua: sabmado

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