“Ahem! "

Ellen's mother coughed in pain. Obviously, even if the shock of falling on the bed subsided, it was not easy to accept it. However, the

ending of death was avoided so coincidentally.

She struggled He ran down from the bed, coughing painfully, and still had doubts in his mind. Was he rescued just like that?

“Hoho! "

The giant next to him saw that the food he had got flew away like this, and he was naturally unwilling to accept it. He struggled again to catch it back.

However, all this was a delusion after all. Allen, who had already reached his mother, killed him directly. There was an angry move, giant, pawn!

“Mom, are you okay? How do you feel? "

After killing the giant, Allen hurriedly ran to his mother's side, checked that she was fine, and hugged him excitedly.。

“Great, really great. Thank you Lord God. Praise my God, hahaha!”

“This, am I still alive? "

Ellen's mother obviously hasn't recovered from the danger and fear, and she is looking around blankly.。

“It’s okay, it’s okay in the end, haha, it’s all the Lord God who saved you, mom!”

“Lord God? "

Allen's mother thought about the divine light before and the abilities her children had obtained through prayer. She closed her eyes devoutly and prayed (bccj): "Thank you Lord God!”

“This, what happened to Allen, how did you become so powerful, and the Lord God? What's the meaning? "

Taking advantage of this gap, an old acquaintance of the Knights finally ran over and asked Allen.。

“This is the power given to me by the Lord God. By the way, uncle, everyone..."

Allen suddenly remembered something, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he jumped into the sky and shouted loudly:

“Everyone, listen up. I have believed in the Lord of God and that is why I have gained such powerful power. Our Lord of God is the Supreme God of Luck. If you pray, you can gain the power of luck. Hurry up and recite the following prayers. We will definitely be able to defeat this. A bunch of damn giants。”

“Come and recite after me and praise my God..." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“What does this mean? Why did you suddenly start to believe? Didn't you overthrow all the so-called gods before, except for those damn guys in the main city?”

“Don't worry about it, it's obvious that this Lord of God must not be the same one who believes in those damn guys in the main city. Didn't you see Allen's performance just now? Didn’t you see the one who was saved like that?”

“I'd rather believe it or not. We're all going to die anyway, so just believe it, so what if we sacrifice our souls? As long as we can protect the residents!”

“Yes, these damn giants, I will fight with you!”

“Praise my God…”[]

The words spread on the battlefield spread to 4 weeks ago, although everyone was still confused and even confused, and some conspiracy theories arose.

But at this moment, in a scene where death and fear have taken over the main theme on the battlefield, everyone seems to have no choice.

Coupled with the superb performance of Eren and Mikasa before, this gave the warriors present a certain degree of confidence.

For a time, the name of the Supreme God of Luck rang out one after another in this battlefield.

Countless rays of divine light spread slowly, bestowing the power of luck on the existence of every religious Lord.

With the blessing of this lucky force, the originally one-sided situation on the battlefield has undergone earth-shaking changes. .

Người mua: sabmado

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