Allen sprinted very fast, and the blood-red aura spread from his body along with the divine light. It seemed that his body had a tendency to expand. His speed had reached a certain limit, and it turned into a wisp of red in the eyes of ordinary people. lightning.

Mikasa behind him sprinted even faster, and the flower-piercing butterfly completely turned into a falcon, and sprinted away like a sharp sword and lightning.

But so what, for example, they have been killing furnaces for a long time on the battlefield, and their physical strength and cultivation have been exhausted to a certain extent, making it difficult to maintain their strongest combat power.

That is, what about their heyday?

The ugly giant had already captured Allen's mother and could kill and eat her in just a few seconds.

Now, Allen was filled with regret, why he had to fight so hard, why he had to leave so far, and why he was so busy washing in the sand that he completely forgot that the direction of his home was also a place that was clear to the soldiers.

He regretted, regretted and even began to hate himself. If he couldn't even protect his family, then the so-called freedom and the so-called power were of no use!

However, this cannot be completely blamed on Eren and Mikasa for feeling comfortable. The most important thing is that the giant rushing to the rear, although slightly smaller than the other giants in size, is extremely fast.

If there are experts who understand giants here, they will definitely exclaim: "What a strange thing!"

This is a particularly special existence among giants. It is rare in number and small in size but can jump extremely fast. Few people can intercept it.

Seeing the tragedy that was about to happen in front of him, Allen's heart exploded, filled with regret but helpless.

There is no way, in the face of this kind of crisis, no one can do anything about it. It seems that only opportunity or God can solve it.

Wait, God!

A flash of lightning flashed in Allen's heart, and he shouted in front of him: "Mom, pray quickly, pray quickly!"

Now, he was also praying in his heart, praying for God's blessing and praying that his mother would still remember him. A prayer about the Lord God。

“ah! "

The pain caused by being held by the giant was so great that Allen's mother almost lost her mind due to the pain.

But at the last moment when her consciousness disappeared, the desire to survive and the care for her children made the mother instantly He reacted and chanted loudly and painfully:

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you……”

In an instant, the divine light reappeared, facing the believers, although it was different from the special daughter of destiny and the spokesperson of the gods.

There is only a basic luck bonus, but this alone is enough. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Boom boom boom!

Just as the giant was laughing and wildly trying to devour the human in his hand, there was a sudden loud noise, and the house he had previously destroyed collapsed, directly breaking his leg.。

“.Ah! "

The giant screamed and roared. As soon as his hand was loosened, Allen's mother (Wang Li's) slipped from it and was about to fall to the ground. At such a

high distance, the ground was full of debris and debris. It seemed that this mother There was still no way to escape the fate of death.

But suddenly the giant resisted desperately and caused the destruction of the house. A bed suddenly slipped out of the house. It happened to be connected to her body. In this

moment Amidst the series of unexpected but inevitable luck, a miracle was born!

“Ahem? ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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