There is no way, the Lucky God's Light is simply an outrageous cheating bug level existence.

Even the most basic divine light bonus cannot be underestimated.

For a while, various strange scenes appeared on the battlefield:

some people were slashed out by the giant, and they were clearly dodged by the giant, and directly hit the house next to them, but the beam of the machine passed through the giant's neck. Kill it instantly? !

Some people accidentally fell to the ground when they were running away from the giant's attack. They thought they would become the giant's food soon, but the giant also fell and hit his head hard on the house. He was penetrated through the neck and died immediately.

There is also the enemy's body that is clearly aimed at when running away. After all, it is impossible to directly hit Platinum with a gun barrel.

But the hand of the person who fired the cannon slipped and pushed the cannon out directly. At a wrong angle, the cannonball hit the back of the giant's neck accurately and accurately. Giant, pawn!

Such a strange scene is not a special existence, but a common phenomenon on such battlefields.

Almost everyone who thought of the Supreme God of Luck escaped from the hands of the giant, and some were even able to kill him with great success!

Even though the number of giants was extremely large and they spread overwhelmingly like a tide, they were held back by this divine light, and they died in various coincidences, extremely frustrated.

For a while, even those beings who killed the giant were a little confused. In their eyes, this kind of existence that was originally extremely powerful, looked extremely terrifying, and felt that it was impossible to defeat, just died in such a strange way?

It's simply ridiculous and outrageous...

but the facts can explain everything, and it's still so outrageous!

Forced by such crises, almost everyone prayed to the Supreme God of Luck.

Although you can't make up for the difference in strength caused by the huge size gap between ordinary humans and giants with the elementary luck you get, almost everyone in the town surprisingly retreated to another line of defense.

Simply outrageous!

When the city gate was closed heavily, everyone discovered that apart from the beings who were initially killed by the sudden purge, only a few people who refused to believe in the existence of gods were directly killed.

The rest survived in a daze, and for a time people's piety of faith almost reached its peak.

One hundred, one thousand, tens of thousands!

Countless beliefs were gathered together, and Allen also received great benefits. The Shinto Book of Heaven directly cleared several levels and reached the first level where the foundation was laid.

At this time, even if he didn't use his own power, the morning light was still flowing in his eyes, shining brightly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Is this power real? The Lord God is too generous! "

Eren felt the indescribable power in his body, and felt that he should be no weaker than Mikasa. At

this moment, he was very eager to fight, and even thought about opening the city gate and fighting to the death with the giant running outside.

But reason is the ultimate restraint. Live this young man…[]

There was nothing he could do. The scene where his mother almost died was still lingering before his eyes. The feeling of terror and helplessness had not completely subsided.

Allen suppressed the fighting spirit and the outpouring of strength in his heart. He knew that now was not the time for a decisive battle with those damn giants. Now he had to become stronger! .

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