Chat group,

human beings will never be slaves: "I understand, thank you seniors, I will develop my faith next."

My young master Zhang Zifan: "You can teach me!"

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "By the way, newcomers , I wanted to forget your name before. Human beings will never be slaves. I mentioned giants just now. Are your world enslaved by giants?" Human beings will never be slaves: "No, not enslaved

but by giants. In captivity, as I said before, giants have no intelligence and only know how to kill, eat, and mate...

and we humans have built high walls to protect our group in order to defend against their attacks, but in my opinion, these high walls What it symbolizes is not only a protected area, but also a captivity. We are trapped inside the wall, and we can never get out, and we can never be free."

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "This, this is too outrageous I always feel that your giant is more miserable to the fate of mankind than God is to the fate of mankind in our world."

Humans will never be slaves: "Yes, but there have been no giants in decades or hundreds of years. , many people have become accustomed to comfort and have given up struggling.

But we have not yet. Represented by the Scouting Knights, we are all determined to explore, but unfortunately it has never been of useful value and suffered heavy casualties." Queen Medusa

's Eldest cousin: "The past was really miserable, but your destiny has changed since you joined the chat group. Move forward, young man!"

Human beings will never be slaves: "I understand you all. Thank you very much."

After sending the last message, Ai Lun closed the chat group, took a deep breath and pushed out the door. He wanted to quickly promote his faith to his family.。

“Alan, what's wrong with you? I always feel like something is wrong with you today. "

Mikasa looked at Allen who was very excited when he pushed the door open, frowned his slender and beautiful eyebrows, and asked with some confusion.。

“It’s okay to have a lifespan of ten thousand years...ahem, I mean Mikasa. "

Allen looked at the beautiful Mikasa with blazing eyes, and subconsciously expressed his inner thoughts. He quickly coughed twice and changed his words, and then said: "By the way, mom Mikasa, let me tell you something. "

Immediately afterwards, Allen quickly told his family about the Wanjie chat group and the Lord God, and brought the words of prayer.

But it was obvious that neither his mother nor Mikasa believed it.

But Ai Lun didn't care and understood that if the chat group didn't exist, he would never believe it if others told him such things.。

“Mom, Mikasa, believe me, what I say is true, otherwise you should recite the prayer mantra first. "

Alan said extremely sincerely. He might not care too much about other people. At worst, he would promote the next one first. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) But for his family, it is still more and more important

. The sooner you believe, the better. This 280 means saving your life!

Although Allen's mother still doesn't believe it, Mikasa, who trusts Allen very much, nodded and read it out.

Of course, she definitely doesn't believe it now, but Allen Today's behavior is really abnormal. In order not to irritate him, I just think about it.

There is no loss in thinking about the words again.。

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you……”

As soon as Mikasa finished speaking, a divine light fell from the sky, startling the other two people present except Eren.

But without enough time to dodge, Mikasa directly faced the divine light, and then the beautiful girl was stunned.

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