A slime: "So what, hum, I counted on my fingers, and I think Shuna and Shion should have become concubines, but no one has returned to our plane. Fortunately, I am in our plane." The plane is already invincible. Alas, it’s too abrupt and heartless.”

Zhang Zifan: “Hahaha, you guy, do slimes have hands?”

A slime: “Hey, hey, hey, I’m feeling sad. Have you ever, why did "597" attack me personally?"

Tang San, who didn't want to travel through time again: "Ahem, I don't want to listen to their quarrel about this, let me explain it. The

Destined Beauty is what you have in your world. Beautiful women with destiny, this can be tested after your world faith reaches one million and you can build the gate to the Kingdom of God." Wuhe Shidao was very afraid of the elite: "If it is difficult to reach one million faith

, In fact, there was a special judgment method before, that is, whether this beauty received the favor of the Lord God when she prayed for the first time. In addition, you can also distinguish

before praying, that is, those beautiful women in your world who are unique in the world. , and the level you can access is basically determined.

And you can be considered a special existence if you have access to the chat group."

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "It's a pity, obviously others can also I accepted the chat group, and I think she looks pretty good, but it's a pity that the Lord God just doesn't like her..."

I, Zhang Zifan, said: "Hahaha, I told you not to expect the Lord God to like you anymore, otherwise I'll be here Just find someone in the group to deal with, I'm pretty good, right?"

Ouyang Bu crazy: "Hey, I think I'm good too."

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Fuck you, even if the Lord God doesn't like me, It’s not your turn for you two sluts to take advantage of me!

Okay, newbie, let me tell you about the benefits. You haven’t finished reading the group announcement at first glance. If there is a destined beauty who can pass the test of the Kingdom of God, there are extremely high The most simple welfare is the reward of ten thousand years of life, endless cultivation, and treasures!”

“Ten thousand, ten thousand years of life? ! "

The corner of Allen's mouth twitched, and he could not suppress his surprise. There is no way, this is a life span of ten thousand years!

For people like them whose average life span is less than 80 years old, there are even many captive human groups who are less than 60 years old. To him, this was simply an unimaginable number.

At this time, he realized more deeply and clearly how powerful the Lord God was. It was too exaggerated!

However, the destined beauty should not be so easy to find...

Allen said He murmured, but the next moment a black-haired beauty with beautiful appearance and gentle temperament slowly emerged in his mind, Mikasa! Yes, Mikasa's

appearance can be said to be the one he has seen since childhood. She is the prettiest among all the girls, and if it involves her, hahaha, she is definitely the destined beauty that the group calls her! She has a long life... (Read the cool novels and go

online Lu Novel Network!)

Allen closed his 3.8 eyes. It was unbelievable that these words that he didn't even dare to think about before were so close to him now. But

all this still happened after all . There is a premise, that is, we must first establish the foundation of the kingdom of God before we can achieve it. Millions of faith, whether it is for freedom, life span, or for the great Lord God. I, Allen, will definitely be able to achieve it


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