In the divine light, the black-haired girl saw so much, so much!

The warm sunshine fills the Kingdom of God with infinite vitality and beautiful gardens. In the Kingdom of God, there are women laughing and playing, drinking tea and playing chess, or practicing swordsmanship hard.

They were all so beautiful, even Mikasa, who had been extremely confident about her appearance since childhood, felt a little ashamed of herself when she saw them.

There is no way, although the appearance is very similar, and has reached the top of the word beauty, but in terms of temperament, Mikasa is still an ordinary human girl, and it is obviously difficult to compare with her.

But these are not important, Mikasa's eyes swept over one by one, and she was instantly attracted by a figure.

A man with a tall and tall figure and handsome appearance was smiling at him with the corners of his mouth raised.

For a moment, Mikasa was a little dazed.…

“Is this what Allen said before, Lord God?”

In the distant Kingdom of God,

our God Lord Chen Xian smiled slightly, obviously in a happy mood.

He had just finished "guiding" Miss Katarina who came to seek advice on how to farm, and taught her a good lesson.

Chen Xian didn't pay attention to the scene in the chat group for a while, but now his eyes lit up.

Here comes a new world!

And the girl I prayed for was very beautiful, her eyes were really beautiful, and she always had a very familiar look to her.

When he opened the chat group, Chen Xian was in a better mood. Sure enough, they were two familiar worlds.

It was obvious that the person who joined the chat group was Eren from the world of "Attack on Titan".

And Doctor Roman in the world of "Fgo".

Well, we just don’t know what point in time the latter is currently at.

But it is obvious that Eren and Mikasa's family has not been destroyed yet, and the giants probably have not invaded at this time.


Chen Xian's mind stirred, and he saw a lot from the projection of that world.

It seems that the plot and destiny of that world will soon unfold one by one.。

“But this time, hey, with this Lord God here, it is impossible to let those damn fates continue to happen! "

I saw our Lord God's finger tap lightly, and a ray of light symbolizing power flew quietly toward a certain world.。

…(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The picture is fed back into the world of giants.

Allen's mother looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, obviously still not understanding it.

Allen on the side was immediately happy. Seeing this praying look that was obviously different from his own, it was obvious that Mikasa was the kind of destined beauty that the group said!

“.Haha, ten thousand years of life, I was so lucky to find one so quickly!

She is so lucky and has entered the Kingdom of God. Mikasa will definitely live a happier life than she does now. That’s great!”[]

“How about it!

Allen looked at the girl who was dazed in front of him and asked excitedly: "What did you see? "”

“I saw it..."

The girl's expression still showed some residual surprise and fascination, and she said softly: (Nuoqian's)

“I saw the warm sunshine, the vibrant and beautiful kingdom of God, and the Lord God!”

“Hahaha, it's true. Allen

said proudly to the girl in front of him: "Mikasa, I knew you were the kind of destined beauty favored by God!"”

“Destined beauty?

Mikasa raised her eyebrows and asked with some confusion: "What kind of faint is this? "”

“Wait Alan, what exactly is going on? ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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