Incomparably powerful energy gathered in his body, and the core in his body continued to fluctuate, emitting more and more terrifying power!

Endless energy turned into propulsion, surpassing the power and speed of biological limits, and slowly took shape.

Gradually, Boros' body began to transform like a Super Saiyan, becoming more and more powerful!

However, this state is too huge a burden even for him, the overlord of the universe, and will consume a large amount of "zero-three-zero" energy and shorten his lifespan.

And once the energy is exhausted, he will die...

But at this time, Boros has no time to care about anything, and releases his current state with all his strength, not caring about his own sense of consumption.

I don’t know how many years, I really don’t know how many years!

It had been a long, long time since he had felt the pleasure he felt at this moment, the pleasure of fighting a powerful enemy with all his strength and still fighting back and forth.

At this moment, he was enjoying the feeling. Even if his body was filled with huge pain, he didn't care at all. All he cared about was this battle!


Poros smiled crazily. At this moment, he no longer cared about everything. There was no sight of the planet, universe, or galaxy in front of him, only his opponent.

That bald head...

well, a battleship of the Space Dark Matter Pirates that has been controlled by the heroes of the earth and is about to crash into the earth. He fainted in the toilet crying.。

“It's not simple..."

Tatsumaki and Genos also came to the outer space. After being strengthened by the divine light, they are no longer afraid of this environment outside the universe. At

this moment, they still feel this powerful alien. , the energy fluctuations have surpassed their level!

According to their perception, if this power is released on the earth, it is enough to easily destroy the surface, and it is even possible to destroy the earth.

This is, even those originally on the earth No matter how powerful an S-class hero is, it is difficult to compare with them.

Even with the blessing of the Lord God, it is difficult!

Of course, as the leader of the Lucky Cult, Genos has the feedback power bonus of letter reading, and as a destiny The daughter of Tornado, who is very powerful in her own right, has vaguely reached this point after her life state has been sublimated.

However, it may be very difficult to fight against Boros. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network !)

Very strong!

This is an absolute strong man...

but it’s a pity...His opponent is Saitama. After being strengthened by the divine light, his strength has been further enhanced and his limiter has been fully opened!

“Huh~ I do mean that."

Seeing the power on the other side, Saitama slowly calmed down. Although he was very unhappy, ah ah, he was just unhappy, okay?

“An ordinary punch, an ordinary continuous punch! "

During the conversation, the two fought together again. This time the explosion was more powerful than before. Even if it is difficult to transmit sound between the universe, this brilliant battle that can be seen even on the earth is shocking. exaggerate!

“Lord Boros will come to save us, you nasty Earthlings, we won’t let you go!”

“Yes, the great Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates will not be ruined on your little planet in 2.9。”[]

On Earth, the members of the pirate group who have been controlled by the heroes are being escorted to prison.

But it's obvious that some guys haven't been subdued yet and are still clamoring.

Although to be honest, they did not expect that this weak and backward planet would have so many strong people.

Especially the green-haired woman, whose strength is exaggerated? .

Người mua: sabmado

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