They were able to control the superior combatants with just a few strokes. They all belonged to the stream of thoughts, but one of their leaders, Goriusian Xiu, was killed instantly by none of them.

It's just terrible...


They always believe that their faith and their hometown Boros will definitely come to save them.

By the time Boros arrives on this planet, these hateful Earthlings will all have to pay a heavy price.

However, at this moment, the extremely flickering battle in the sky attracted their attention.

Goriusiancius, who was still autistic after losing 12, instantly realized something was wrong: "Is this Lord Boros fighting with someone? Something is wrong, Lord Boros actually activated the meteor burst state!" With this sentence

, Everyone turned off their fires.

As subordinates who had been following Boros for who knows how long, they naturally understood what this state meant.

There is such a strong person on earth!


On the other side, Boros was still immersed in joy, and in the joy he felt the despair that he had not experienced for a long time.。

“Hahaha, interesting, interesting, it’s been a long time since a fool has fought so happily!”

“Cool! But why couldn't he defeat him? Why, why didn't this hateful bald man lose any energy at all? "

As he continued to fight, he felt a sense of despair. He had already burned his life, burned his energy, and was in his strongest state.

But this bald man was still strolling in the garden. It was so despising.。

“I recognize the strong man, do you not recognize me after all? Haha..."

Boros smiled sadly. To be honest, this ending was something he had never thought of.

He followed the prophecy and spent 20 years arriving on this remote planet, just to find a strong person and someone who could make him The strong man in the first battle!

And now, the strong man has been found!

However, this strong man looks down on himself. Is his so-called power, the power that spans the universe, really so weak in his eyes?

It's ridiculous. It turns out that I, Poros, have lived for so many years, but after all I have just lived a joke.……

“However, I will not give in to this! "

Poros took a deep breath, and his eyes became determined, burning with anger and unwillingness.

He was unwilling to let the battle he had been pursuing for his whole life end so hastily. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention that I, who has dominated the entire universe, died so ridiculously in this remote place.

Death is not terrible, the terrible thing is to die, but it is terrible to die so ridiculously and sadly.。

“The strong man, this is the last time. "

Poros smiled helplessly. His mood had calmed down, and at this moment he felt more relaxed than ever before:

“Just let me bloom with my life, hoping to give you pleasure again!”[]

“Ahhhh! "

Boros distanced himself and tried his best to gather energy. This was his ultimate trump card.。

“"Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon" is powerful enough to turn the surface of the earth into ashes and even destroy the earth!

It's just that all the energy in the body needs to be released this time, and the outcome of releasing all the energy in the body on such a battlefield goes without saying. It

can only be death...

But, it doesn't matter!

Seeing Boros in this state, Saitama finally changed his demeanor and said seriously: "Okay!”

“Hahaha, that’s fine. "

Boros looked up to the sky and laughed, and the Star-Collapse Roaring Cannon advanced. The whole body burst out with endless light, which surged out in front of his eyes, drowning Saitama and the galaxy. Người mua:


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