At this time, they looked at each other.

If this alien's power is just ordinary in the vast starry sky of the universe, then their plan will be temporarily shelved for a while.

After all, although there are a few strong men in this world who can beat a dozen noodles, but overall, it is still terrifyingly difficult to spread something like faith fundamentally.

But Genos and the others weren't too worried.

After all, today's earth is no longer a lonely world without roots.

Now here, with the protection of the Lord God, who dares to act recklessly here? Moreover, faith has developed to such an extent that Genos now has the right to summon the divine beasts of the Kingdom of God several times!

Who dares to come here, as long as he summons the mythical beast at will, is there any threat?

But after all, this power to summon mythical beasts only lasts three times, and it will definitely not last long. It is okay for a short time, but it will definitely not be able to sustain long-term strategic development.

Therefore, if the situation in the universe is really that difficult, I am afraid that it will have to develop for a long time before it can develop to the surrounding areas.

But at this time, they didn't know that Boros was no small player in the universe. As a powerful man who already spanned the stars and the sea.

An existence that can be called the overlord of the universe has absolute fighting power. Otherwise, it wouldn't be running around because it couldn't find an opponent.。

“You are very strong."

The battle became more and more intense, and the storm became more and more fierce. It even transcended the distance between the city, the country and the continental plate, reaching beyond the stars. The

long battle made even the passionate Boros, who was fighting, was a little overwhelmed. He stopped temporarily and looked at the opponent with sharp eyes.

But what surprised him was that the guy in front of him didn't look exhausted at all. He was still as crazy and paranoid as before.。

“What kind of monster is this? "

Even the corner of Boros's mouth twitched, and he didn't quite understand. Could it be that this is his old enemy, the strongest existence on earth? It can't be

such a coincidence...

Moreover, what's going on with this inexplicable and extremely hostile attitude ? ?

Didn’t I just arrive on Earth... I haven’t challenged anyone, I haven’t massacred a single creature, and when I came up, I was beaten up by this guy. Instead, he got angry first. What the hell is this! (Read Baoshuang novels.

Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How does Boros know that in the eyes of other powerful people on earth, a supermarket is just a mediocre thing, but in the eyes of Saitama, especially when he has a super discount coupon? , that is the lifeblood.

It is really the reverse scale of the dragon, if you touch it, you will die!

“I'll kill you! "

Looking at the increasingly crazy Saitama, Boros took a deep breath and stopped hiding.

He had already released his power suppression state early and took off his willpower armor. He was already at normal strength. Just now, his body was destroyed by a serious punch from Saitama, and he had to use his energy release ability to recover and regenerate.

But even at this point, he still couldn't be an enemy of the opponent.。

“It's been a long time, I haven't activated this state for a long time. Hahaha, the strong person recognized by me, let's feel the most powerful state of strength against an opponent! "

At this moment, the overlord of the universe is still pushed to the breaking point.。[]

Form changes, energy gathering, the second mode is on!

Meteor burst state, open the warrior! .

Người mua: sabmado

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