“Who are you? "

Poros was lying on the ground, looking a little helpless. He was on Earth to challenge the strongest here, but as soon as he came to this ground, he was knocked away. It's so embarrassing!


, Sure enough...

there are strong people on this planet. This guy is very strong, which means that there may be stronger people on the earth.。


Boros got up from the ground and stretched his muscles. The surprise to him just now was far greater than the damage, and he was repaired in an instant.。

“Come, strong man, for I fight。”

“Hey, he's quite durable, but that's not why you ruined my store and ruined my discount opportunities! "

Saitama's smooth forehead was filled with anger. He gritted his teeth and stared at the 297 enemies in front of him, and said very unhappily.。

“You pay my discount coupon!”

“What discount coupon? I don't understand, but what I understand is that you will die under the fist of me, Boros! "

Poros twisted his head and said seriously. This was not a mockery of the person in front of him, but a fact he believed. A

real warrior will definitely respect the strong ones he recognizes, and the best way to respect is to use all his strength. , destroy the opponent!

“You really deserve a beating! "

Saitama gritted his teeth, jumped over in an instant, and fought with the opponent.

Neither of them had any (bcbb) weapons, nor did they use any special means. They just punched each other, returning to the most primitive Fighting methods.

But no one can express disdain for such a battle.

The huge fist wind roared, and they collided with each other to form a huge tsunami of wind. In just an instant, they were centered around them for an unknown number of miles. The land instantly disappeared into nothing.

Fortunately, the crowd had been evacuated when the alien spacecraft first started to attack, otherwise the casualties would have reached an unbearable level.

This is the most primitive and the most Brutal fighting methods, the most tyrannical force tore the earth apart, opened up space, and roamed the world wantonly, terrifying. Every collision caused an

explosion, and just a trace of power leaked could be easily annihilated. Those so-called AB-level heroes and strong men.

And this kind of handover has happened countless times, because it is so fast! It is so fast that it is dazzling, flashing into light and shadow. Only the absolutely strong can grasp it. At this time,

even That arrogant natural disaster seemed extremely fragile in front of these two small figures, allowing them to control it.。

“This guy is not weak..."

Genos looked at the terrifying scene played out by the two parties in the center of the battle and sighed: "I didn't expect this guy to be able to persist under the teacher for such a long time.。”

“indeed. "

Tatsumaki also nodded.

There is no way, Boros's power is indeed a bit outrageous. With this kind of strength, before the divine light that brought down the Lord God spreads to the earth, even the second-ranked S-class Tatsumaki dare not say that it can be stable. Definitely capture him.

Genos may be easily wiped out...

What's more, these two terrifying guys in front of him are obviously still around, whether it's Saitama or the alien visitor. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But they are already so strong. Tatsumaki, who has extremely strong willpower, can feel that there is still a greater power in the two people that has not been released. If

this power breaks out, even the current She felt a little dazed.

Tatsumaki took a deep breath and said, "This alien is really strong! ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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