Boros took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the desire to fight. The most important thing now is to force out the strong men from this planet.。

“You continue to stay here and attack regularly, and I will go down and take a look. "

After Poros finished speaking, his figure disappeared directly, passing through the air like a meteorite, and was about to land on the earth.。

“I'll intercept him! "

Feeling the strength of the opponent, the desire to fight arose in Genos's heart. This is a strong man! A

strong man who can fight with him, and he feels that he should not be as invincible as Saitama-sensei. He can fight。

“Okay...forget it, no need! "

Tatsumaki was just about to respond indifferently when he suddenly felt something. He shook his head and said in a funny way: "He is already cold. Let's go to the battleship and have a look first. Maybe there are strong people there, anyway. We can't let this bald man take on everything, right?。”

“You mean, let's go. "

Genos understood, got up and flew towards the battleship.。

“Remember not to destroy too much. Some guys are left to our younger generation to practice. If we want to conquer the planet and sea, just a few of us are not enough..”

“Humph, I want you to say it!”

On the other side, a certain bald man who didn't care much about the battleship that suddenly appeared above his head was rushing to the supermarket excitedly.

After all, Genos and that stinky girl have already passed, I think they will be dealt with soon.。

“Discount coupon, discount coupon, hehe, I haven’t encountered a 30% off discount coupon for a long time! "

Saitama was very excited today because he actually got a restricted discount coupon at the regular leader's lottery ceremony, 30% off. This is a 30% off! It's too exaggerated, too exaggerated!


that The place was a bit far away from where he was, but would Saitama care about that? He walked directly towards that place quickly... walking

beyond the speed of sound was also walking!

“The new fully automatic unmanned store, hey, it’s newly opened, no wonder it has such a good discount coupon. "

Saitama arrived at the door of the mall and was about to press the doorbell in excitement.

Suddenly, a meteorite fell from the sky and hit the supermarket directly.


There was a loud noise, and this new model of fully automatic wireless The store was smashed into ashes. In the flying dust, all that could be seen was Saitama's painful and twisted face.。

“No! ! "(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Saitama screamed loudly, holding his bald head and rolling on the ground painfully and twisted. His power leaked, leaving scars on the ground.。

“Strong? "

On the way down, Boros could already see this figure running towards where he was, running at an unimaginable speed.

Now that it was rolling like this and making such a big movement, he was not blind...

He was a strong man, but What are you doing? []

Are you creating a magic circle to trap the enemy, or are you continuing to accumulate strength?

“.Strong man, stand up! "

No matter which one it is, Poros doesn't care much. He said casually, since he has met him, let's practice with this guy first, and then challenge the strongest person on the planet. Now

Poros (Li Hao Zhao) Si still doesn’t know what kind of terrifying existence he has provoked now.。

“stand up and fight me。”

“You, it’s all you who ruined my store and my discount coupons, I’ll kill you! "

A certain bald man stood up, with a terrifying and terrifying look in his eyes, and said through gritted teeth.。

“Very good fighting spirit, I recognize you..."

Before Boros could finish his words, he was directly punched away.

What the hell?!.

Người mua: sabmado

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