“so what? Anyone who dares to harm the Lord God’s wealth will be killed by me! "

Genos didn't care about the universe or the universe or the planet. He flew up directly and wanted to go up and completely destroy this thing.。

“It must be destroyed! "

Tatsumaki said quietly: "But do you know what this kind of battleship represents?”

“What does it mean? Genos was a little confused: "

Technology, weapons?" Population...wait you mean population, faith! "

Tatsumaki nodded 12 times. It was obvious that both of them realized the value of the space battleship at this time.

Their own skills and abilities did not matter, but the people on it represented the planet they came from and the universe they sailed to. There are various living planets!

And even if the number of people on these living planets is not more than that of the earth, they are definitely indispensable. This is Bai Huahua's belief!

“Hahaha, I never thought that besides our planet, there are more places waiting for the spread of faith. "

Genos's eyes flashed red, and he recovered a little from his original disappointed mood: "Future operations can no longer just rely on our own planet, we must look to the stars and the sea! "

Tatsumaki is also in a good mood. After all, for a figure like the Lord of God, I am afraid that the only thing that he and others can help him with is faith.

With this, I think even the Lord of God will be happy.……

“At that time, we will enter the Kingdom of God. "

Tatsumaki is not stupid. There must be a lot of strong people in places like the Kingdom of God. When she gets there, she must not be as reckless as she is now. It doesn't matter if she is alone. She can slowly

become stronger alone. She also It's not that I haven't experienced this part before.

But the person who went with me was Fubuki, my sister.

She knew her well, she was a really competitive person, and she couldn't bear loneliness.

If you want to stand firm. , you still need to hug your thighs tightly!

And in the Kingdom of God, is there anything thicker and stronger than the Lord God’s thighs!


On the other side, on top of the space battleship.

Genos and the others were surprised, but the soldiers here were even more surprised.

What just happened?

The left wing gun of his own battleship was destroyed so easily!

Although it is not the main gun of the main ship, it is fortunate that it is not, otherwise they can discuss how to escape now. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“No, hurry up and inform Lord Boros that the combat power on this planet is not as simple as we imagined. "

After a series of analyses, the tentacle-looking military advisor realized something was wrong and quickly ordered his subordinates.。

“No! "

Boros pushed the door and entered the control room, and the people around him quickly saluted him.

Although placed in various planets, they are equivalent to the 620th place where the overlord exists, but in the face of this man, they have paid absolutely Loyalty and faith.

After all, he is an invincible guy who travels throughout the universe and fights across the stars and seas. He is the real overlord of the universe, Boros!

“You guys stay here first and wait until I go down to meet the powerful people on this planet. "

Poros was not very surprised, but said that he was very excited now.

It seems that the prophecy is true. On this planet and in this place, he can really meet his lifelong enemy! The

fighting spirit is already burning, Poros Rose's eyes were burning with a raging anger that had long since been extinguished.。[]

It had been so long since he had fought against a strong person that even he couldn't remember clearly. .

Người mua: sabmado

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