While talking, Eyelashes and Mountain Apes stepped forward one after another, showing off their strong and capable muscles. They looked majestic and wanted to bring a sense of oppression to the other party.

“Humph, Sister Fubuki asked you to join because she thinks highly of you, so don't be too ungrateful!”

“That is, the eldest sister is already very high-minded for you to be able to come here in person, but you are just a newly promoted B-level, so you must understand your position!”


After the two of them finished talking, Fubuki waved his hands in a big "187" manner and said, "Don't scare him. After all, after

he joins, we can be considered a team."。”

“Yes, eldest sister!”

“Haha, Sister Fubuki is still loyal and knows how to take care of her younger brother.。”

“You must be fools. "

Looking at the exaggerated performances of the three people, Saitama's eyes were not moved at all, and he remained as calm as a dead fish:

“And you, Fubuki, the first in the B-class group? You...are you afraid of being surpassed by others when you invite others to join the organization?。”

“You, what did you say?”

“How is this possible, eldest sister!”

“Hey, hey, listen up, I am different from you. I am a hero for the sake of being a hero, not for ranking. "

Saitama said slowly, gradually opening up the scars in the opponent's heart:

“And you, because you are afraid of being surpassed in the so-called rankings, you form gangs everywhere and even persecute other heroes. Can you be considered a hero?”

“alright! "

Hell's Fubuki exhaled, obviously being hit hard.。

“Eyelashes, Mountain Monkey, teach him a lesson. He can't get out of bed for three months. Let him know what it means to respect your seniors!”

“yes! "

Having said that, Fubuki sighed. It seems that he can't find anyone today, but let's teach him a lesson and see what happens in the future. Boom!! Before the thoughts


Fubuki's mind fell down, a huge burst of The noise rang out loudly.

Why did the Eyelashes and the others make such a big noise? This was in the urban area. Although not many people lived there, the impact was...


The Eyelashes and the others had no ability to make such a loud noise. Could it be... (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fubuki looked back and saw the B-level bald man, making a fist with one hand and looking at him with sharp eyes:

“For a hero, strength and will are the key to being a hero. Forming a clique to persecute your companions for personal gain is not worthy of being called a hero!”

“You are very courageous and have good strength. No wonder you dare to reject me....”

Fubuki was slightly shocked. He was able to kill Yamazaru and the others in one fell swoop. This was definitely no less than him.

However, she did not retreat at all, and she must not retreat。[]


Fubuki sighed with determination in his eyes.

He pushed again and again, and now he has reached B level. If he steps back again, will he have to fight with those C-level guys? What a joke,

she is Fubuki, Fubuki from hell!

“In other places, I lagged behind you everywhere and could not reach the front. Now I have finally reached the first place in B level. I cannot, absolutely cannot lose.

Even if these disgraceful methods are used, I no longer have the ability to care about this!”

“B-level Saitama, let me ask you again, are you sure you don't want to surrender to me? 3.9 I can arrange for you to replace Shan Yuan and become the second in Class B! "

Fubuki stepped forward without retreating, and the momentum from his whole body exploded. It caused the surrounding objects to tremble continuously, as if they would turn into sharp weapons in the next second and start killing!

“I said, you are not a real hero, you are not a true hero. "

Qiyu raised his head, his tone unchanged:

“If you want to fight, then just fight! ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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