“very good! "

Fubuki smiled coldly, with no emotion in his eyes.

He must be the number one, even if it's just the number one in Class B. Anyone who stands in his way is an enemy.

And enemies must be eradicated!

“Since you are so reckless, you can't blame me for being cold-blooded. Give me..." Before

Fubuki could finish her words, suddenly, an extremely high-speed figure flashed past.

So fast!

Fubuki was shocked. At this speed, she actually He couldn't even see clearly.


The figure combined with the ground, causing a huge roar, bringing layers of smoke. Fubuki stared at the people in the smoke vigilantly, and was shocked in his heart. Strong! The absolute


is the one who is absolutely unable to The 12 strong men who defeated!

“S-level, this one definitely has S-level! "

Fubuki must be extremely excited, because her sister is a strong person in this position, and only such a strong person can bring such a powerful shock.。

“Hey, Saitama, I'm here to challenge you again, so hurry up and challenge me! "

The dust dissipated and the figure revealed his true face. The person who came was none other than Sonic.

He has been training hard since he was easily defeated by Saitama last time. He was more desperate than life-threatening and worked hard to the limit. Finally, he had a breakthrough. At this moment,

he He is here to seek revenge from Saitama, to avenge his past shame and completely wash away his previous shame!

“An S-level warrior is actually challenging a B-level hero? ! "

It's no wonder that Fubuki was so shocked. The difference between S-class and B-class is huge, like clouds and mud.

This kind of thing that only SB would think B-class and S-class can fight against, is now discovered in front of her.。

“Not interested in. Saitama

waved his hand and said boredly.。

“snort! "

Sonic snorted coldly. He had already expected the bald head in front of him to be in such a state. He smiled coldly, pointed at the house behind him and waved the knife and said:

“This is your home. If you don't fight me, I will go back here!”


Saitama opened his eyes, a little annoyed。

“Then come quickly and fight quickly。”

“Good guy, he is indeed my lifelong enemy. "

Sonic's mouth twitched, but he was not angry. He drew the knife and approached it with the tip, and said seriously: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I am no longer the same as before. Don’t underestimate the enemy. Be careful. This is my lifelong enemy!”

“Phew~Okay! "

Saitama took a deep breath and became a little serious.

“Seriously, one of the must-kill series, Seriously and repeatedly…”

“Is there going to be a war? S-level strongman and B-level hero? No, judging from the current situation, this bald head is definitely not just B-level! "

Fubuki's heart was shaking, what kind of monster is this bald man? Just a look at him seriously made him almost paralyzed with fear.

What kind of terrifying guy was he going to provoke today!


Suddenly, another A huge roar exploded between Sonic and Saitama, two red rays of light flashed coldly through 333, and a cold and handsome face appeared in the smoke.。

“Sonic, what are you going to do to my teacher?”[]

“S-class hero, Genos? "

Fubuki immediately recognized the name of the person who came and was in a daze. Is the S-class a B-class apprentice?

“It has nothing to do with you, kid, my opponent is Saitama..."

Sonic waved his knife and said impatiently. He came today to challenge his old enemy, and he didn't want to waste time on such a small person.。


Genos nodded, and without saying much, a machine gun punch carrying the power of divine light was fired out, condensing terrifying light and shadow in the sky. In an instant, explosions sounded like raindrops, and

Sony Gram, cool!.

Người mua: sabmado

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