“Has even this person reached a million-level belief? "

Genos, who closed the group chat information, frowned and felt a little sad.

Although the newcomer who joined the group at the same time was a bit slower than himself.

But he was from ancient times, and the spread of information and the number of people Even

so, I am only a few days ahead…

“You can't hesitate any longer, otherwise you will really be left far behind by these people. "

The red light in Genos's eyes flashed, and he made up his mind to cut through the mess quickly.

However, this requires absolute control.

With his own strength, he can now say that plus Tornado, probably OK~…

“Maybe now is the time to challenge the teacher-…”

Genos murmured in his mouth, looking in the direction of Saitama's house in the distance, no longer hesitating, and moved forward quickly.

Saitama, this is the teacher that Genos worked hard to become. In his eyes, this is the strongest and most unfathomable existence.

Well, of course this is all before joining the chat group.

But even at this time, Genos, who had experienced countless strengthenings, was still full of vigilance when facing Saitama.

Because even the tornado shows its upper limit, and Saitama-sensei, the power he possesses, cannot be forgotten at all?

When Genos was rushing to Saitama's home, Saitama was also rushing home.

And it was obvious that Saitama, who had not missed the supermarket discount and snapped up a large number of products, was humming a tune while carrying his bag and shaking his huge bald head. He was obviously in a good mood.

But at this time, three figures suddenly stopped in front of him. The leader was a woman.

The woman has short black hair, a pretty face, and a tall figure that makes her stand out among the girls. Coupled with her graceful figure and mature temperament, she just steps forward and a strong sense of a royal sister comes over her face.。

“B-level hero, Saitama? "

The beautiful lady Yu smiled arrogantly, and after identifying the person opposite her, she did not give the other party any room to refuse, and said directly:

“You are very good and capable. I allow you to join my snow blowing team and come to report to me in the afternoon!

By the way, my name is Fubuki from Hell, number one in Class B! "

That's right, the person who came is none other than Tatsumaki's sister, Fubuki, who is entangled in the No. 1 B-level hell. If you want to

read some exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And what follows is her The two younger brothers said to Saitama:

“Newcomers, let's meet your seniors. I am the second B-class member of Fubuki Group, eyelashes!”

“Fubuki Team, third in Class B, Yamazaru! "

Seeing the man opposite him baring his teeth and claws, with a particularly fierce aura, Saitama was not frightened, and said calmly:

“Sorry, not interested. I have to go home. Give me a break.。”[]

“Very good, you are not afraid in the face of danger, I am more optimistic about you. "

Hell's Fubuki smiled slightly but was not angry:

“However, excessive self-confidence is the source of tragedy. You must know that in the Hero Association, heroes all stick together.

The C-level ones don’t matter, no one cares, but for the B-level ones, our Fubuki group is the absolute number one group!

How about, think about it? "

Fubuki smiled confidently. She didn't think that the person opposite would refuse at all. Hum, even if she refused, she would still have absolute confidence. She would convince him (physically)。

“Don't be too reckless, after all, for a hero, the most important thing is safety!

If you don't stick together, you'll bump into each other one day and lie in bed for half a year. You won't be able to keep your ranking.。”。

Người mua: sabmado

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