Inoue Ishi's mood was really shattered. At the beginning, he had a good impression of the new S-class hero Genos.

He is strong and responsible, and he doesn't have any messy requirements or quirks.

But now, he just wants to take back his previous evaluation of him, and also blind his previous self.

You are really blind!

Inoueshi covered his eyes, a little at a loss, thinking about that time.

Genos tried his best to promote the God Lord on the big platform, and even deliberately disparaged the plutocrats in order to arouse public sentiment, saying that they had been exploiting and squeezing the people, and they had been - what the hell!

People must learn to resist, and faith is the best way for them to resist. If you believe in the Lord God, you can get everything and live a happy and peaceful life.

What's in the back is fine, but what's in the front is like a thunderclap.

Aren't you deliberately slapping those chaebol adults in the face?

It’s okay if it’s a smear campaign…

but what’s said here is all true!

It's all bloody black history.

You must know that several chaebol adults at that time simply left in shame, and the subsequent funds provided were pitiful.

This was all Genos's fault, and he had to deal with a lot of people to persuade him to stop.

Originally, I wanted to drag Genos to apologize, but I didn't expect that this bastard started to promote it again...

It was simply unreasonable!

“Are you finished? Let's go now. Don't delay me from continuing to lead the people to believe in the Lord God! "

Genos said nonchalantly. He was already very unhappy when he was stopped by this guy when he was giving speeches and leading the people in various places.

If he hadn't thought that Inoue Ishiya had helped him, Genos would have slapped him long ago. He was knocked away.

But even so, Genos still gave a cold warning:

“Also, it doesn’t matter what you say about me. Don’t insult the Lord God. I will let you go this time. If you dare to speak arrogantly again next time, I will kill you!”


Inoue Shi almost laughed angrily. He was about to curse the Lord God twice. After all, all this was caused by the so-called gods. But when he

saw Genos's cold and quiet eyes, he quickly stopped. Stop.

What this guy said is true!

If he really insults that god, he will die, he will definitely die!

“Phew~ Genos, let me ask you, do you still consider yourself a member of the Heroes Guild?

Inoue took a deep breath and asked with serious eyes: "If you still think so, then don't do this anymore. Your current behavior is blindly promoting your faith, and the number of people you have accepted has exceeded a hundred. " Wan, we are about to hit the bottom line!

If you stop and disperse the people now, we can still keep you, otherwise…”

“It's a million..."

Genos was not surprised but overjoyed when he heard these words. He moved his eyes and felt the reward he had achieved. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It's

really Breaking a million!

Genos clenched his fists, feeling the explosive power in his body that was simply incomparable to his previous self. He closed his eyes and sighed: "Praise my God! "

What a majestic power this is. Compared with this power, my previous self was just like dust compared to the starry sky, so insignificant that it couldn't be any smaller. But

now, even when facing Teacher Saitama, I have a certain power. It’s time to fight!

“Still praising, still praising!”[]

Inoue was so angry that he almost laughed, and said harshly: "Are you really going to betray our Heroes Guild?"

Asking for flowers

“If you feel like it, then fine, whatever you think about it, whatever you want to do with it.

All of this doesn't matter, only the Lord God is the most worthy of my faith and following, oh, and Mr. Saitama. "

Jeno nodded indifferently.。

“Okay, very good? "

Inoueshi gritted his teeth, and the anger in his heart almost swallowed up his sanity, so he didn't hear Saitama's name. Although this one

followed the god, it was in the same sentence after all, and it was a name with almost the same status.

However, I won’t care too much if I hear it, after all, he’s just a B-level hero.。

“So since you are unrighteous, don't blame me for being ruthless, Ms. Tatsumaki, I'll leave the rest to you, teach this guy in front of you a lesson. "

Inoue Ishi, who made the request, felt a little relieved, because he knew that Genos might have become a little stronger, but he would definitely not be Tatsumaki's opponent. In his opinion, except for

the one who is known as the strongest on earth , Apart from the men, Tatsumaki can be said to be the most powerful being in the Heroes Guild!

Thinking of this, Inoueshi hesitated for a while and added: "Although he is a traitor...

But if possible, Miss Tatsumaki should not hurt him too much, let alone Kill.

Every S-class hero is our guild’s most valuable asset…”

“Okay, you are really long-winded, Wu Lu Sai! "

Before Inoue Shihua finished speaking, he was interrupted by a cold female voice.

Immediately, a petite girl with a cold and pretty appearance walked out step by step, looked at Genos with faint eyes and said: "S-class hero Genos?

You plan to be caught without mercy and be taught a lesson by me. Or should you give me a beating after being beaten? ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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