Demiurge's eyes looked into the distance. After being strengthened by divine light countless times, as the Prince of Darkness, his Eye of Chaos had already become incredibly powerful.

No matter how many distances were crossed, no matter how many obstacles were crossed, there was no peep that could withstand his gaze.

He kept going over and over until he stopped at a girl hiding everywhere, wearing a red robe and a mask of fascination.

Although her body was tightly wrapped in a robe, and her face could not be seen clearly even though she was wearing a mask, anyone who saw the girl could still feel the unique charm of her body.

Behind the tavern, the girl Ibiruai was looking for a hiding place to avoid the detection of people around her.

Although he looks petite on the outside, he doesn't seem to be very old.

But in fact, Ibiruai, who looks like a girl, has been a vampire for hundreds of years. Unlike Shalltear, the true ancestor of vampires, she was transformed from a human race.

It can be said that the girl who has lived for hundreds of years, well, let's call her a girl for now, is the strongest combat power of Cang Qiangwei's team, and she is also an extremely powerful magic singer!

However, he was very cautious at this time and was not willing to expose his whereabouts at all.。

“God, what kind of magic did this guy have that day? What kind of god did he believe in? "

Ibiruai gritted his teeth and became angry. Originally, he just went out to do some errands, but he came back not long after.

As soon as he returned to the team, the members of Blue Rose introduced some kind of god to him and promoted some beliefs.

Yibiluai gritted his teeth . Billuai ran out of it without saying a word, and almost didn't stop all the way here.

Nonsense, she still doesn't know the members of Blue Rose?

Take Gagelan for example, how could he be a person who believes in other gods? , such abnormal behavior must be caused by magic.

The source of magic must be some people who believe in that god...

But after running out, Ibiruai felt more and more wrong as he walked. It has only been a few days, how come he feels everywhere Who do you believe in God?

“Three days, has it changed in just three days? Those who didn’t know thought it had changed in three years! "

Ibiruai rubbed his head and said feebly: "No, I have to save them, but the people of Cangqiangwei have fallen without any suspense. It's useless even if I am stronger... I have to find helpers

! "

Ibiruai made up his mind, put on his hood again, dodged around and walked in the direction of the Holy Kingdom.。

“I hope the Holy Kingdom hasn’t fallen yet.…”

“Interesting, this is the Destiny's Daughter they recommended. It feels so easy to figure out. "

Demiurge, who could see Ibiruai's thoughts at a glance, smiled helplessly, not caring at all that he was the master of brainstorming. After laughing,

Demiurge pinched He raised his chin and thought about it: "Should we bring her here now to explain it clearly, or should we say...

But the direction we are going in seems to be the Holy Kingdom? Wait, when it comes to the Holy Kingdom, I remember that the Saint in it, as Princess Lana said, can also become the Daughter of Destiny.

Haha, things are getting more and more interesting. "

Demiurge's eyes narrowed slightly and his mood became happy: (bcdi) The Lord God is so generous. I can't just deal with it casually. I just have to wait until a big gift comes to the Lord God again! "

The poor girl Ibiruai still doesn't know that she has been targeted, and she doesn't even know that she is slowly falling.

Holy Kingdom: “Don’t come over!”JPG!

……(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side, the world of "One Punch"!

“Mr. Genos, what are you doing? What have you done? "

In the Hero Council, the person in charge of the handover, Inoue Ishi, scolded angrily.。

“The Guild carries out all kinds of publicity for everyone in order to stabilize your image and to calm the hearts of the people when disaster strikes.

But what have you done? []

What kind of god do you use the opportunity of publicity to express your belief in? He posts about prayer over and over again in his official account every day!

That’s all, but!

Inoue Shi scratched his head and said in a state of extreme madness and collapse: "Why are you promoting this and that at such an important ceremony for the union? You know what a bad impact

this has on our guild. " Now, do you know how the governments of various countries and the plutocrats behind us view us?”

“Indeed, do you think that because you are strong, you don’t have to care about everything?

The funds used by the unions are provided by the government and chaebols. Tell me, it has caused such a serious impact and made them unhappy. Where will we get the funds for our activities in the future? "

It's no wonder Inoue Ishi is so irritable now. It's really because what Genos did before was too outrageous.

If it's for his own promotion of his social life, it doesn't matter no matter what.

Heroes, especially those with such a powerful S level It’s normal for heroes to have special quirks.

It doesn’t matter what gods you believe in. Even Ishi Inoue once worshiped the gods and passed through the temple.

But you are promoting the equality of everyone in such a grand occasion where the chaebol and the guild jointly promote the handover. , what is it if there is no distinction between high and low in faith?.

Người mua: sabmado

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