S-class hero, Tornado!

Genos looked at the cute and cute girl who walked out, but was actually full of violent factors. She also contained extremely powerful power in her weak body, and her eyes suddenly burst out with dazzling light.

Of course, as the legendary diamond-level straight man, Genos acted like this, definitely not because he was moved by his heart, or because he was attracted by the pretty beauty of the girl in front of him.

Instead, he thought of one thing, and that was what was said in the chat group, after the number of believers in his plane reached one million.

What you have is not only a reward after arriving in Chengdu, but also the ability to build the gate to the Kingdom of God.

The Gate of the Kingdom of God "607" is an existence that can detect the Daughter of Destiny and allow the Daughter of Destiny to pass through the Gate of the Kingdom of God to the Kingdom of God!

The most important thing is that every Daughter of Destiny can bring extremely generous rewards to Genos after going to the Kingdom of God.。

“Ten thousand years of life is a trivial matter, but I need strength, more powerful, tyrannical and invincible strength! "

Genos thought silently in his heart, and his eyes became hotter and hotter.。

“Hey, bastard, what are you looking at! "

Tatsumaki felt extremely uncomfortable with the gaze of the guy in front of him. What kind of gaze was this?

Is it burning greed?

Tatsumaki was confused, but it seemed to be different. After all, when he was not famous before, he was walking on the street. Ueno is easily looked at by those disgusting smelly men.

Although it feels a bit similar, it obviously has a different meaning and does not have that disgusting feeling!

This kind of look...

is simply like a tiger showing its fangs when it encounters a rabbit. Look at the way it looks when preying。

“Do you regard me as prey? Damn it, bastard! "

After reacting, Tatsumaki was a little annoyed for a moment. He has occupied the S-level for many years. Who dares to look at him like this?

“Bastard, are you looking for a fight?”

“No, no, I'm here to find you!”

“Find me?”

“Yes, it’s you, the legendary daughter of destiny! You must be among the destined daughters of this plane! Genos

smiled happily and quickly continued to explain: "As you know, I have always believed in an omniscient and omnipotent Lord God. How about it? Are you interested in knowing more about it?"”

“are you kidding me? "

Tatsumaki felt that his intelligence had been insulted. He covered his head and became more and more irritable.。

“I came to beat you because of this matter, but you want to draw me into a believer? Are you kidding me? !”

“Yes, but not entirely, you are not an ordinary believer, you are the daughter of destiny! Genos

said with a smile: "I have gathered millions of believers and can build the Gate of the Kingdom of God at any time. At that time, as the Daughter of Destiny, you can directly see me through the Gate of the Kingdom of God and serve the Lord God. How? So, are you tempted?”


The veins on Tatsumaki's forehead popped out, and her furious look made her originally cute and arrogant suddenly add a third of heroic charm.

Looking at Genos nodding repeatedly, she looked really good. I thought this would definitely impress the Lord God. Take a fancy. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I think you are really looking for death! "

Tatsumaki roared angrily: "Suffer death, you bastard who doesn't know the bounds of heaven and earth! "

As he spoke, a tyrannical power of thought swept across the world, causing everything around him to collapse.

Immediately, every iron pipe, every stone, and every thing in the whole world became extremely powerful. The powerful weapons turned and pointed their spearheads at Genos.。

“Wait, Miss Tatsumaki just needs to teach him a lesson. Don't get hurt.…”[]

Inoueishi was startled by this powerful tornado and shouted quickly. At this time, he felt a little regretful in his heart....

No matter how excessive Genos was before, neither he nor the entire Heroes Guild, nor even the plutocrats who felt insulted, had any intention of expelling or killing him.

After all, there are too few S-level heroes. Currently, there are only a dozen or so in the entire guild.

Each one of them is an extremely valuable asset and an indispensable figure in fighting against the catastrophe.

The service personnel of the union can be changed, the people behind them can be changed, and the funds can be prepared. However, there are only S-class heroes in total, and none of them can be obtained easily.。

“Let me go, why am I looking for Tatsumaki? I forgot that this girl has such a bad temper. I should have found someone else. "

The stone on Inoue is extremely painful.。

“It’s true for Genos, just saying a few soft words is all it takes, and he has to fight hard here. Now that he’s fine, he will be seriously injured for a while even if he doesn’t die.

I hope the tornado will be more measured when it strikes.。”

“kill! "

Tatsumaki's little hand clasped lightly, and all the weapons rushed towards Genos, bringing an extremely powerful 3.9 kill torrent. "If it were me before, there really wouldn't be much I could do in the face of such an attack. But it's a pity..."

Genos smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and touched it gently. In an instant, the air was detonated, and a huge wave bloomed spontaneously. The roar

suddenly sounded, and the ripples passed by, but it turned out to be just a finger. , he withstood the blow from the tornado.

Even though the tornado had no murderous intentions, the scene was still spectacular.

Genos stood proudly on the battlefield where Guichen was wanton, his body tall and full of aloofness.。

“Miss Tatsumaki, next, please appreciate the endless glory bestowed upon me by the Lord God! ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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