“Haha, it’s indeed me!”

“Mondstadt is known as a free city. Even if I am here to promote the doctrine of the New God, why am I not allowed to enter the city?”

Li Yongsheng narrowed his eyes and said。

It was impossible for him to use force against a beauty like Qin. Maybe she was the Destiny Girl, and it would be terrible if she became a god and came back to trouble him! So I can only use words to break through the other party's psychological defenses.。

“There is some truth in what you said. We, Mondstadt, adhere to the philosophy of Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind, and become a free and kingless city-state! But you are the leader of the Lucky God Sect, and you are suspected of ruling the believers. Of course, you cannot be allowed in.。”

Qin argued hard。

“Ruling cultists? Haha, you might as well ask your Mondstadt believers how I have ever forced them to rule. I don’t even know the names of most of the believers.。”

“There are so many believers in the Seven Kingdoms now because they need the help of the God of Luck. Your God of Wind, Barbatos, is the mastermind and ignores the suffering of the people! I provide an existence that can treat everyone equally and help people fight to eliminate disasters and provide everyone with faith. Is it wrong?”

“If you don’t let me preach, will you, the Knights of the West Wind, rescue their diseases and sufferings?”

Li Yongsheng sneered.。


Qin was speechless for a moment!

“What a sharp-tongued boy. You really are not the Emperor of the Rock King. That Emperor doesn't have such a good temper as you.。”

Lisa chuckled.。

Familiar with ancient books from various countries, Lisa’s understanding of the seven gods is even better than the piano。

If the Li Yongsheng in front of him was Emperor Yanwang, he might have called in directly.。

If you only understand that the God of Wind, who has now given up his divine power, does not have much power to compete with the King of Rocks, the Knights of the West Wind will not be able to do so.。

“Qin, I think what he said makes sense!”

“What should we do?”

Amber whispered.。

“I feel that since Mondstadt is an ownerless city-state, the people who have the final say here should be the citizens of the city-state, not you Knights of the West Wind.。”

Kong, who was following Li Yongsheng, couldn't help but say:。

“This makes sense!”

Lisa's eyes lit up and she said。

“Who is this young man? Do you speak well?”

Qin looked at Sorado。

“I am empty, my sister was snatched away by a god! It was the God of Luck who gave me light and hope, and gave me the strength to find my sister.。”

“You think that in my situation, should I believe in the God of Luck, or should I imagine the Seven Gods who stole my sister?”

Kong said with a stern expression.。

Qin, Lisa and others were speechless!

Where is this multiple-choice question?……

“Sorry to hear this news, we deeply regret the pain of a blood relative being snatched away by the gods.。”

“You are right, Lordless Mondstadt is a free city-state, and we, the Knights of the West Wind, should not stop you. You have not violated the laws here.。”

“Please come with me, I'll treat you to Mondstadt delicacies as an apology。”

Qin made a respectful gesture and said。

“Leader! You let him in, but how can we explain it to the fools?。”

“The envoys from the Kingdom of Winter have always been overbearing and powerless!”

Lisa worried。

“Haha, it turns out that the delegation from the Kingdom of Winter is in Mondstadt. How could Captain Qin, who has always been hospitable and hospitable, stop me?。”

“Don’t worry, I’m going to the Winter Country anyway! Why not help you get rid of them first!”

Li Yongsheng smiled and said。

“Um - I'm sorry, but please don't mess around! It would be troublesome if you hurt the citizens of the city. The Fools are the most powerful powerless group in the Seven Kingdoms. You——”

Before Qin finished speaking, the city gate was already covered in ice within a kilometer radius!

“Ah ha ha ha! How brave, are you the new Rock King Emperor? The rebel who established the New God Faith in Liyue?”

“You are brave enough to come to Mondstadt alone to preach, which just saves others time!”

An enchanting and luxurious figure froze everyone's bodies with a terrifying cold air, and then flew over to grab Li Yongsheng!

“The eighth seat among fools! Miss!”

“You bad woman even froze us!”

“Don't mess around!”

Qin, Lisa and others were shocked and angry.。

It's a pity that I can't break free of the "lady"'s frozen power in a short time!

“Don't waste your efforts, the Queen has given us divine power, not even the God of Wind can break free!”

“Especially you, Emperor Rock King, you who just got a heart of God might as well be the God of Wind, hand over the heart of God!”

The lady's cold voice came, and the figure had already flown to Li Yongsheng!

“Ah? Want to take my God's Heart? Did the Ice Queen of the Kingdom of Winter ask you to do this?”

The fire element in Li Yongsheng's pupils was instantly released! Easily pinch the intruder's arm and easily suppress him in place。

“you! ! ! You can actually ignore my frozen power! Aren't you the Rock King? How could you have such a strong fire element!”

The lady was shocked and said that she couldn't break free even after trying several times!

The other Fool's men behind him saw their commander being controlled, and they shouted angrily and rushed over to kill them.。

“The world is frozen!”

Li Yongsheng's backhand was to hit the fools with the ice element secret skill "Ms." just used!

A dozen of his subordinates turned into ice sculptures by the way!

Miss! ! !

“How is that possible! Can you tell it at a glance? ? ?”

The lady is shocked again!

“He can actually use ice magic!”

“Damn it! If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it if you beat him to death!”

“Is this the power of being blessed by the God of Luck?……”

Qin, Lisa and others also exclaimed!

“It's very beautiful. Maybe you can also enter the Kingdom of God?”

“Do you want to surpass the power of the Seven Gods? Or would you rather be the Ice Queen's thug all the time?”

Li Yongsheng narrowed his eyes and smiled as he looked at the "lady" in front of him.。

If such a plump beauty could be sent to the Kingdom of God, the God Lord might reward him with some more longevity.……


Just when Li Yongsheng arrived in Mondstadt and brought Madam, Qin, Lisa and others into the Lucky God Sect with his irresistible power and promise.。

At this time, the Kamigawa Star Territory, the outer space and time of the Tiandao battlefield。

Chen Xian, who is invincible and can kill half a supreme god with one move, is fulfilling his promise in Tiansheng's exquisite small world palace.。

The little princess of the Holy Sky Dragon Court, the Heavenly Saint Linglong, known as the most beautiful woman in the Divine River Star Region, is already weak and weak, her eyes are blurred, and she is almost on the verge of fainting due to Chen Xian's efforts.。



“I'll let you go for now. I'll go back to the Kingdom of God first.。”

“Remember to call me when the people from Destruction God Realm come. They will not let go after losing two 6-star artifacts and two super-grade mineral veins.。”

Chen Xian smiled with satisfaction.

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