“Immortals like me are more accustomed to finding the truth in battle!”

“Jingyao Nuo dance!”

The mandrill is here with a shot, full of murderous intent and ready to kill!

“He uses his killing move as soon as he comes up. Do you really think I have a good temper?”

“Rock tide overlapping mountains!”

Li Yongsheng formed a seal with one hand and smashed it to the ground! The huge rock elemental power poured into the earth, and the earth shook like a tide!

“Sure enough, it is the divine aura of the Rock King Emperor!”

Temporarily evaded by Li Yongsheng's large range, Mandrill avoided the aftermath and stabbed him again with the ghostly face! Under the Jing Yao Nuo Dance, he was endowed with extremely terrifying strength and speed bonuses. In this state, not many people in Liyue could take a few moves!

“It’s not over yet, right? Let’s play with you! Let you see the benefits of my God’s blessing!”

The corners of Li Yongsheng's mouth raised, and his figure turned into an electric light and disappeared on the spot with a buzzing sound.。

“This is? The stars have returned? You can actually use thunder magic!”

A spear hit the air, Mandrill said in shock。

The opponent has obtained the Heart of God from the Rock King Emperor, so it is natural for him to be able to use rock elemental skills, but how can he still use thunder power? And it’s also the extremely famous ultimate move of Tian Xing Ke Qing!

As everyone knows, with the blessing of ten thousand times the divine light of luck, Li Yongsheng, who possesses seven kinds of elemental power, can learn the opponent's magical powers just by watching them use them!

“I’m surprised now, it’s still early!”

“The poem of the wind god!”

“Jingyao Nuo dance!”

Li Yongsheng smiled strangely and performed two magical moves in a row!

The power of the God of Wind made Mandrill's center of gravity unstable, and then the long sword turned into a thorn and stabbed Mandrill, using exactly Mandrill's own special skill!

“you! ! !”


Seeing that Li Yongsheng was not only able to use the moves of the rock, thunder, and wind gods, he even learned his own secret skills! Mandrill was so shaken that he reacted more and less quickly than usual. He was directly knocked away by Li Yongsheng's sword and suffered serious injuries!

“Cough cough cough!”

“How can this be! How could you even know my special skills? who are you!”

Mandrill managed to get up, coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, looked at Li Yongsheng with a shocked face and said。

“It's very simple. I have the blessing of the true God and everything goes well!”

“Any magical power you use in front of me is equivalent to teaching me a unique skill. I have to thank you.。”

Li Yongsheng explained with a smile。

elf! ! !

“How is it possible that there is such a God who is so bright that he can achieve this level just by being blessed with luck? Even the heavenly principles above the Seven Gods are absolutely impossible!”

“Who is the true god behind you?”

There was a trace of fear on Mandrill's face.。

It is said that seeing is believing and hearing is believing. This is also the main reason why Mandrill insists on taking action.。

Now seeing Li Yongsheng's heaven-defying power, Mandrill's immortal state of mind was directly broken! He knew that he could no longer defeat the ever-changing Li Yongsheng, nor could he defeat a mortal, which made Mandrill feel disheartened!

“Do you want to meet the true God of our Lucky God Sect? I can teach you a way, but whether we can meet you by chance is another matter.。”

“After all, only girls of destiny like Ning Guang can get a glimpse of the true God's Dharma.。”

“However, no matter how ineffective this method is, it can dispel the evil thoughts that are corroding you. What do you think?”

Li Yongsheng laughed and said。

“Is it really so magical? ? ?”

“Why are you willing to help me?”

Mandrill said in surprise。

But he somewhat believed it, because if he wanted to harm himself, the other party's force would be enough to easily do it.。

This is the advantage of doing it……

“Because you are Liyue's God of Contract, and Liyue is now a believer of that true god. I still hope that you can continue traveling in good health, right?”

“The Emperor Yanwang must have hoped that the people of Liyue would be safe, happy and lucky, so he gave me the Heart of the Rock God.。”

Li Yongsheng shows his hands。


“Well, I believe you for once!”

Mandrill hesitated again and again, feeling that he really had nothing to be deceived, so he nodded and agreed.。

A quarter of an hour later!

“That's it... okay? The demonic resentment that has troubled me for thousands of years! Was it dispersed like this? ? ?”

Looking at himself as if he had been reborn, Mandrill was shocked beyond words!

“Hahaha, let me just say, my god’s lucky light is the natural enemy of all filth and bad luck in the world!”

“Now that you are chanting and praising the name of my God, of course my God will not ignore you! Now that you have escaped from bad luck, it’s time for me to set off. Liyue is the headquarters of our Lucky God Sect. You can go and meet Ningguang and the others. There are many potential enemies to deal with in Liyue Seven Stars now.。”

“The gods of other countries probably want to kill me with one shot just like you did just now.。”

Li Yongsheng smiled and said、


His face turned red, he nodded and disappeared.。


“Senior, did you teleport just now? You are a god, right?”

“Can you tell me which god kidnapped my sister Ying?”

On the east coast of Mondstadt, a teenager looked at Li Yongsheng with hesitant and helpless eyes and said。

Li Yongsheng……

“Holy shit! Isn't this the original protagonist of this world? I actually met him, and his sister Ying was just kidnapped by the 'God of Heaven'?”

Li Yongsheng and Mr. Xin said speechlessly。

Because he joined the chat group, Li Yongsheng knew that many planes and worlds in the group were connected. For example, Bai Yuechu and Liu Chuang know the original plot of the world of "Qin Shi Mingyue"。

So Li Yongsheng also got some fragmentary plot clues from Bai Yuechu. He knew that there was once a "Genshin Impact" game that had been developed, but no one had paid attention to it long ago, so the information was incomplete.。

“Poor stranger, meeting me is your blessing!”

“I am the messenger of the God of Luck, coming to the world to spread the grace of my God. As long as you praise my God like this and chant……”

Li Yongsheng switched to the magic stick mode, and when he met Sora, he said:。

“Can just praying and praising God help me find my sister? Great, I'm willing to try it!”

Sora, who had long lost his strength and memory, said without hesitation。

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer is empty……”



A few days later, Li Yongsheng brought Kong, who had joined the Lucky God Sect, to Mondstadt!

A beautiful and dignified figure blocked the way for the two of them!

“I am the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, Qin!”

“I'm sorry that I can't let you into the city because our intelligence officers have already given me some information.。”

“You, no, I should say you, are the current King of Rocks and the leader of the Lucky God Sect, Li Yongsheng, right?”

Qin looked at Li Yongsheng very cautiously and said。

Lisa, Amber and others from the West Wind Knights looked at the guy who caused turmoil in the Teyvat continent with extremely curious eyes.

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