“Bastard, just run away after bullying someone……”

“There are a lot of troubles here!”

Tiansheng Linglong panted and covered her face.。

Chen Xian signed a gambling contract with Mie Wuyan, whom she cheated with, and even lost the artifact! Especially since Mie Wuyan was only half-step to the supreme god, and was not even able to resurrect under Chen Xian's powerful strangulation. He had offended the Destruction God Realm to death!

Even with the rules of the arena and the gambling contract, Destruction God Realm would not give up with Chen Xian for the sake of face, and he was also in some danger。

However, with those two super-grade mineral veins, Shengtian Longting may not hesitate to fight an interstellar war with the Destruction God Realm, not to mention that there is a guy like Chen Xian here with endless strength!

You must know that Chen Xian's current godhead is only a lower god, and he can already kill the supreme god in half a step! Tiansheng Linglong could no longer believe how those supreme gods would feel after hearing the news.。


“Lotus, clear wind and snow, Xiuning, Xiangling, Fang Ruqin! I have met the Lord God!”

In the main hall of the Divine King's Palace, Feng Qingxue, Xiuning and others, who had been practicing in the Divine Kingdom for three days, waited for Chen Xian's return to meet the Divine Lord for the first time.。

Facing the Lord God who has stepped into the true pinnacle of the universe, with extraordinary facial features and temperament, and infinite masculinity, even though he is as steady as Xiuning, he still has pink cheeks and is extremely flustered!

Xiuning originally thought that in the past three days, she had been completely transformed by virtue of the Divine Kingdom's creation. She had reached the third level of innate creature cultivation and could face a true god like Dongfang Huaizhu without being frightened. Unexpectedly, when she saw Chen Xian, she didn't even dare to raise her head. Get up and look at Chen Xian!

“Lord God is such a strange man……”

Xiuning's heart trembled and she couldn't help but think wildly.。

Feng Qingxue and Fu Rui beside them were so embarrassed that their pretty faces turned red. They had been extremely nervous after bowing and bowing.。


“The Lord God has become more and more handsome recently. Look at how nervous the new girls are.。”

Yan Lingji's stunningly beautiful figure leaned into Chen Xian's arms and smiled sweetly.。

“You still have the nerve to tell others, you little goblin wasn't much better when you first came here.。”

“Xiuning, get up. You don’t need to be so restrained from now on. I won’t bite anyone.。”

Chen Xian also looked funny and said。

“Thank you Lord God!”

Feeling that God Lord Chen Xian seemed to have restrained his aura, Xiuning and Feng Qingxue felt at ease.。

“Three days ago, when I first arrived in the Kingdom of God, I encountered the day of God’s trial, and saw the boundless power of all God’s sisters! We were shocked and admired in our hearts, but we were simply unable to participate in the trial at that time, so we asked the Lord God to atone for our sins.。”

Xiuning once again bowed and apologized.。

“It doesn't matter, you are here by chance. No wonder you have already cultivated to the third level of innate creature in three days. It seems that you have learned a lot from watching the battles between gods and demons, and your aptitude is extremely good.。”

Chen Xian hugged the coquettish Yan Lingji and looked at Xiuning approvingly.。

“Thank you Lord God for the compliment!”

“Feng Qingxue and Fu Rui are also making extraordinary progress. They are both the Lord God. The Kingdom of God has too many blessings.。”

Xiuning heard Chen Xian's praise and said with joy。

“No, no, we are only born with level 1 creatures. Sister Xiuning is the most powerful one.。”

“The great witch Zhu of Wumengling Valley is well-deserved!”

Fu Rui and Feng Qingxue became more and more comfortable, and even joked。

These days, they have asked the sisters more than once about the temperament and preferences of the Lord God. Now they can see that he is as gentle as jade and has an excellent temper! It made the girls so happy that they became bolder.。

Especially Fu Rui and Feng Qingxue, they know that Xiuning was found by Baili Tusu from the past time and space. Although she is a girl, she is Baili Tusu's mother in the sense of the word! So I can't help but want to see some interesting scenes, so that when they become gods and return to their hometown to play, they will be Baili Tusu's aunt……

“Sister Xiuning came from the past time and space, so she must have many things to puzzle over.。”

“Why don't you stay tonight and ask the Lord God for advice on your doubts? Yan Lingji will tell Eiri and the others to prevent other sisters from disturbing you.。”

Yan Lingji seemed to be happy to see Xiuning's good deeds and whispered in Chen Xian's ear.。

“ah? I——”

When Xiuning heard this, he was immediately flustered. He would be embarrassed to death if he was left alone with the Lord God!

“If you have any doubts, you can ask me. It’s not good for a simple person like Yan Lingji to cause chaos.。”

Chen Xian obviously knew Yan Lingji's bad intentions, so he pinched Yan Lingji's pretty little pussy and said。

“Did you hear that? If sister Xiuning doesn’t seize the opportunity, Yan Lingji will be bullied by the Lord God.。”

Yan Lingji said shyly。

“Then, okay then……”

Xiuning's six gods have no master, and they agreed by mistake。

“Haha, Lord God, don’t really bite people.。”

“Sister Xiuning can’t bear your teeth。”

Seeing that Xiuning wanted to accompany her, Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes turned and she left with a sweet smile. Before leaving, he also greeted the stunned Feng Qingxue and others.。

Chen Xian……

“This guy is really getting better at scaring newcomers.。”

Watching Yan Lingji leave, Chen Xian said speechlessly。

“No, Xiuning... Xiuning is willing to serve the Lord God!”

After realizing his situation, Zhu Xiuning, the great wizard of Wumengling Valley, came to Chen Xian under Chen Xian's surprised gaze, blushed and offered him a kiss on his own initiative.。



One day in the upper world and dozens of days in the lower world!

The next morning in the Kingdom of God space。

After finishing the make-up lesson with Xiuning, God Master Chen Xian looked at the position on the receiving formation platform in surprise.。

“Is he a visitor from the world of Genshin Impact?”

“There seem to be just one million believers over there, so they can’t wait to come. It seems that Tianquan Xing Ningguang has completely given up his attachment to the worldly things in the lower world.。”

After reading the visitor's information from the destiny line, Chen Xian said with a smile。

“You should rest here first. When you wake up, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others will prepare some delicious breakfast for you.。”

Giving a gentle kiss to the beauty beside him on her forehead, Chen Xian left with a smile.。


Xiuning covered her face with the quilt and said, the sweetness she had never experienced before appeared on her face from the bottom of her heart.。

“I have met the Lord God!”

“Lord God got up so early。”

“Looks like you slept well last night!”

On the reception formation platform, a dozen divine women including Esdeath, Chi Tong, Li Mochou, Fu Rui, etc. bowed and saluted.。

Having just gone through the trial of gods, at least one-third of the gods are still playing in the lower realm while adding bricks and tiles to the treasury of heaven and earth of the Kingdom of God. So most of the people who greeted Chen Xian again today were newcomers.。

“Don't be poor, Esdeath, your group is said to be in last place?”

“Come over at noon and explain everything clearly to me.。”

Chen Xian looked at the extremely beautiful woman with long icy blue hair and chuckled.。

“ah? If you want me to explain...oh my god——”

“I'm going to be tricked to death by those guys!”

Esdeath trembled.

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