“True God? Are you so frightened? You have only been to the Kingdom of God for such a short time and you want to pretend to be a god to scare me!”

“For the sake of Bucky the Clown, I will beat you half to death today, especially you Boya Hancock! Your beauty makes me upset!”

The aunt smiled strangely, and after speaking, her whole body burst out with domineering energy. The shark-tooth sword in her hand was attached with armed domineering energy and made a buzzing sound. Charlotte Lingling jumped up and slashed at Boya Hancock!

“You are a fat bitch. Originally, the Aijia wanted to keep you to add some vitality to the world of the Aijia. However, if you are so resentful, sooner or later you will harm the Lord’s believers.。”

“Let me, Aijia, think about how to kill you.……”

Boya Hancock wrinkled slightly and thought on the spot.。

Nico Robin sighed softly, and felt a little sorry for the Four Emperors who were about to fall. Thinking back to how she was so afraid of the Four Emperors of the Sea, just hearing their names would turn her face pale with fear.。

Now I can look at people like Charlotte Lingling as monkeys。

“What a bastard! He actually despises his mother so much!”

“Do you really not even do any defense?”

“I guess I was stupid because I went to some divine country, hahahahaha! Mom's sword is so powerful!”

“What a pity that such a great beauty could at least survive to marry me and give birth to a child for our Charlotte family?”

Seeing Boya Hancock completely ignore "Mom's" killing move, Charlotte Lingling's sons, the captains, chattered and laughed strangely.。

“Damn it, you actually had an idea for the empress sister, you must be drowned alive just for having this idea!”

“This can be regarded as retribution for your "bigmom" pirate group who has slaughtered people from all over the world for many years!”

Nico Robin ignored the big mom who was slashing at the pirate empress, and instead turned towards the big mom who was spitting filth." Everyone in the pirate group snapped their fingers!


A storm cage with a radius of ten miles in the sea completely enveloped the Big Mom pirate group!

Today's Nico Robin has the strength of the 8th level of the false god. He can easily annihilate even the stars and the sea with all his strength. This casual use of the cage also has the laws of water. The water inside is no longer ordinary sea water, and has been replaced by highly poisonous one. "Weak water”!

Gulu gulu!




“This dead woman!”


Dozens of captains and thousands of crew members of the "Big Mom" pirate group were struggling in fear in the water! Not only were they unable to use the fruit's abilities, they would drown and be poisoned even if they covered their mouths and noses, and most of them died in an instant!

“Yeah yeah yeah yeah! ! !”

“If you dare to treat my children like this, go to hell!”

Aunt Charlotte Lingling watched this scene, her hair exploded and her eyeballs became bloodshot! The whole person braved the black flames and rushed towards Boya Hancock and Nicole Robin!

Unexpectedly, something strange happened. I couldn't help but speed up my sprint. There was only ten meters left but I couldn't get any closer! It seems that the surrounding time and space has automatically formed a defensive maze. No matter how violent and furious Auntie is, she cannot break out of the time and space maze!

“Damn it! how so? What kind of magic did you use on me? ! !”

Charlotte Lingling was confused by such a strange and incomprehensible situation! He slashed wildly over and over again while cursing angrily.。

“Sorry, it was the surrounding law elves who automatically formed the space-time maze for the Ai family.。”

“You can’t understand what I’m saying. Aijia and you are no longer on the same level.。”

“Robin, let's go and go look for devil fruits or something on this fat woman's island. Maybe the Lord God will be interested.。”

Boya Hancock suddenly lost interest and said。

“What about her?”

“She just cursed some unpleasant words and was very disrespectful to the Lord God.。”

Nicole Robin pointed at Big Mom and said。

“No matter she was punished, she couldn't stop, she could only keep flying like this until she ran out of life force。”

“Based on her strength, this process is expected to last half a year. Watching herself die slowly for half a year should be considered a horrific punishment.。”

Boya Hancock ponders。

“Um... let's forget it. Sister Empress is really kind. No wonder the Lord God likes to go to your place so much.。”

Nicole Robin smiled.。

“No! ! !”

“Boya Hancock! You can't do this to me!”

“You can't leave, you're not allowed to grab the devil fruits I've stored! Ah ah ah ah ah! I want to go on a killing spree!”

“I want to go crazy and eat a mountain of desserts!”

The aunt's eyes were as red as blood, and Boya and Hancock yelled from behind as they left.。


“What? The bigmom pirate group was destroyed? Charlotte Lingling, that woman trapped in mid-air waiting to die?”

“How is this possible!”

“We are the four emperors, only gods can do this kind of thing! You nonsense boy makes me very unhappy.。”

In the country of Wano, Kaido, the leader of the Beast Pirates and one of the Four Emperors, heard the report of one of his subordinates, He raised his brows, grabbed the thorn iron rod and smashed it into meat patties.。

“Bah bah bah! The flesh of the pleasurer tastes really bad。”

After grabbing the meatloaf and taking a bite, Kaido said with a look of disgust.。

The evil subordinates around were laughing strangely. Of course, it was impossible not to laugh, because they were all promoted from pleasurers. After eating those artificial devil fruits, they had lost the ability to cry.。

“But Lord Kaido, this problem also needs to be solved. The followers of the Lucky God Cult have spread to the new world. The Navy and the Clown Bucky’s Lucky God Cult have a tacit understanding and have been suppressing us.。”

“Now if that Boya Hancock really comes back from the Kingdom of God, he might have some special abilities.。”

The Wano general "Black Carbon Orochi" who was eating and drinking next to him chuckled.。

“Kingdom of God? snort! It’s just something Bucky the Clown uses to scare people!”

“Some people also say that Bucky the Clown summoned a giant dragon during the war. Is that dragon as strong as me? If people from the Lucky God Sect dare to come here, I will smash them into meat pies and eat them.。”

Kaido said with a bored look on his face.。

“Hahaha, you are indeed more powerful! Next time I will bring a beautiful girl to accompany me at the bar, but this time I came in a hurry!”

The black charcoal snake grinned.。

“You actually look down on the great holy beast of our Kingdom of God, An Yue Wutian. Don’t you know that you, little guy, can’t even be considered a worm in front of it?”

Boya Hancock and the Nine Snakes Pirates teleported here and looked at Kaido with a sneer.。

“kindness? ? ? How did you get here?”

“Dare you say what you just said again?”

Kaido got up furiously!

Black Carbon Orochi and others were also a little confused!

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