“It's the Kuja Pirates! How did they get here!”

“With a "piu" sound, they all arrived!”

“Did the Pirate Empress really become a god in the Kingdom of God? She was so rude to the boss!”

“Dare you say that the Four Emperors are insects! I'm going crazy! ! !”

“Hehe, let me teach these ignorant women a lesson!”

The strongest subordinate, "Pandemic" Quinn, one of the three plagues, was the first to walk towards Boya Hancock with clenched fists!

“Be bold and dare to be rude in front of our divine sister!”

Tanzania, the second-in-command of the Nine Snakes Pirates, wielded the trident and whipped "Pandemic" Quinn hundreds of meters away at a speed beyond everyone's comprehension!

Boya Hancock became a true god and returned home from the Kingdom of God. Of course, he did not treat his two sisters badly. Under the initiation of the true god's divine source, the strength of the two sisters has reached the level of the four emperors!

“Damn it! Knocked Quinn away in one fell swoop?”

“How can this be! Quinn's strength is at the Shichibukai level!”

“When did the second-in-command of the Nine Snakes Pirates become so fierce and powerful? ? ?”

Black Carbon Orochi and others exclaimed。

Kaido's eyes also became serious, and he was keenly aware of something unusual.。

“Ignorant ants。”

Boya Hancock sneered with his eyes narrowed, and was not in a hurry to crush these little bugs. After all, a trip to the lower world is still rare, and you must have a good time.。

Nico Robin, Princess White Star, Flame Spirit Girl, and Purple Girl who were in the lower world with her at the moment have already gone to fish-man island to hang out.。

Boya Hancock took his Nine Snakes Pirates to search for devil fruits and rare treasures everywhere, and then coordinated and asked his two sisters to build altars and sacrifice them to the Kingdom of God to enrich the treasure trove of heaven and earth.。

In this way, my two younger sisters can also receive a lot of blessings from divine light and longevity.。

As for Bucky the Clown, the leader of the Lucky God Cult, he has not been able to completely incorporate the entire world into the religious faith for so long, which makes Boya Hancock very dissatisfied! That bragging and lazy guy has just been repaired by Boya Hancock and is lying at home recovering from his injuries.。

“Ahhhhh! What a bastard woman! See if I don’t squash you!”

“Brachiosaurus head cone kills!”

Quinn, who was whipped away, was thick-skinned and got up in disgrace. He transformed into a huge brachiosaurus and jumped into the sky, hitting everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates.。

“It looks like your head is very hard, so I'll turn you into a mallet and take it back to ring the bell.。”

Boya Hancock did not let the two sisters waste any more strength, but chuckled and snapped his fingers.。

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, the originally mighty and huge Brachiosaurus Quinn was enveloped by a beam of law, screamed and turned into a club, falling to the ground with a bang!

Everyone? ? ?

Even Kaido was confused this time!

“What kind of ability do you have! How could such a devil fruit exist? ? ?”

Kaido stared at Boya Hancock in shock and anger and said。

“Magic! Such a terrible witchcraft!”

Black Tan Orochi screamed, and the Wano General "Black Tan Orochi", who was originally in the mood of watching a show, also looked panicked!

“The Empress is so powerful!”

“Hahaha! See the magical power of our empress sister! You bugs!”

The second and third sons of the Nine Snakes Pirates said excitedly。

“Such a heaven-defying magic cannot always work!”

“Jack, come with me to try her again and be a pawn for Lord Kaido!”

Jin, who is known as "Fire Disaster" shouted。


“Elephants attack!”

Drought Jack responded。

Unexpectedly, when the two of them were about to transform, they were hit by two beams of light from Boya Hancock's fingertips, and turned into two palm-sized poodles!

“Woof woof! Wang——”

Jhin and Jack, who turned into puppies, sat on the ground and screamed twice in fear.。

Everyone! ! !

Now the people present were really stunned!

The black charcoal snake plopped down and knelt down in front of Boya Hancock. Even if he had no brains, he knew that the pirate empress in front of him already had unimaginable abilities, and could change the enemy's species at will! This is simply the power that only gods can possess!

And his strength is pretty good for following Quinn and others!

“Your Majesty the Empress! Kaido and I are not familiar with each other!”

“Please go to Wano Country when you have time, and I will definitely prepare all the gifts you need!”

“Please don’t turn me into a puppy too! ! !”

The black charcoal snake was sweating like rain and kept kowtowing.。

The other members of the Beasts Pirates, as long as they had some brains, kept begging for mercy. Even super big guys like Three Disasters were easily turned into sticks and puppies. If they were still stubborn, wouldn't they really be turned into bugs? , were you trampled to death?……

“Boya Hancock! ! !”

“What do you want to do? I, Kaido, did not take the initiative to provoke you!”

Kaido, the leader of the Beast Pirates, said with an ugly expression.。

Three of his most effective subordinates are gone? Being turned into an animal, this kind of thing has subverted Kaido's outlook on life! Kaido, who originally planned to take action, hesitated.。

“Haha, do you need to provoke the Ai family if they become willful?”

“Let the Ai family just turn into a dog and guard the gate, so as not to leave you here to hinder the Lord’s followers from doing business!”

Boya Hancock sneered, his eyes glowed with the light of law.。


“You stinky bitch! ! !”

“Woof woof woof! Woof woof!”

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, Kaido, one of the four emperors, known as the immortal, has turned into a palm-sized poodle, barking at Boya Hancock.。

“Lord Kaido……”

Black Carbon Orochi and the others swallowed their saliva in horror.。

“How dare you scream!”

“I'll give you no bones for another year!”

Boya Hancock's high heels kicked Kaido's dog on the head。

Kaido squealed, instinctively wailing for mercy with his tail between his legs.。

When Peggy Wan, Black Mary and others from the Beasts Pirates saw this scene, their outlook was completely shattered!



“Lord Ningguang, I am also the leader of a religion, the majestic Rock King! I'm afraid it's not enough to just give me such a small amount of activity funds to go to Mondstadt to start business.。”

《"Genshin" plane, Li Yongsheng, one of the members of the chat group, looked at the 3,000 molas in front of him and smiled bitterly.。

Now, except for the remote fairy mountains and wilderness in Jueyunjian and Qingyunding, all the other towns and villages in Liyue Kingdom have fallen under the influence of the Lucky God Sect's faith!

Even several other countries knew about Li Yongsheng, Ningguang and others' extraordinary generosity in changing their faith!

A battle of faith is about to break out!

In order not to affect the believers in Liyue, Ningguang suggested that Li Yongsheng go to harm Mondstadt! Even if it is developed, it must be solved in Mondstadt, otherwise it will damage the industrial facilities of Qunyuge Pavilion.……

“You go out to fight, what do you need so much money for?。”

Ningguang's stunningly beautiful face was filled with disgust.。

“Well, that makes some sense, but I feel like something is wrong. I am the protagonist of the plane.。”

Li Yongsheng complained。


“The God Lord is the real protagonist. When Ningguang and I go to the Kingdom of God, you won’t be able to spend it however you want, so just be patient for now.。”

Ke Qing laughed and said。

Li Yongsheng...

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