Ouyang is not crazy: "Wow! It's so tragic. I was harmed by the daughter of destiny who returned from the Kingdom of God!”

“"Ouyang is not crazy" uploaded a "treasure robbed video file"”。

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Pfft - hahahaha! I thought you were molested, but it turned out that the things were taken away by the gods! This is your blessing, snickering jpg!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "It's so funny. Ouyang Ke, you also had your things robbed. When you sent Huang Rong and the six or seven Destined Girls to the Kingdom of God at once, you showed off to us when you got the reward from my God. Come on, why are you experiencing the pain now! Smirking jpg+2!”

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu What thoughts of my hometown! My heart is bleeding jpg! Her Huanyinfang is so wealthy but she still comes to plunder me. Yuan Tiangang has been beaten into a pig head because he refused!”

Shane of Primitive Survival: "I can't imagine that kind of scene! I laughed so hard. Fortunately, there is no Destiny Girl in my world.。”

I, Song Ming, will ultimately take over the whole world: "Stop talking, baby, I'm feeling miserable! Song Yan has also returned to the family, and she has become a pseudo-god at the peak of her realm. She can be blown away thousands of miles in one breath! Wait!" I rushed back, I’m afraid there’s nothing left in the warehouse! Woohoo, who can help me with the jpg!”

Stop calling me Ethics Lord: "Hahahaha! Fortunately, fortunately, the girls I sent are all divine maids and have no permission to go home! Proud jpg!”

Dagu didn't want to be Ultraman: "Oh my God, I can't believe it! Hui Jian is even younger and more beautiful than before! She has been nourished by my god and turned into a little girl! Shhh - you must keep your voice down, in case you are captain Hui Jian Knowing that I said that to her, she was afraid that she would beat me up!”

Dagu didn't want to be Ultraman: "Nani??? Captain Hui Jian, can you use mind reading on me? Ahhh! I was wrong, I'm sorry! I caused you trouble!"”

(Dagu’s scream!)

Tazmi didn't want to kill anyone: "Hang your face! Brother Dagu, are you okay? Are you still alive! @大古不看Ultraman, who will save this Ultraman! Worried jpg!”

I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "Don't do it! Our Ge La, the angels have come back from the Kingdom of God twice! This time, we directly brought the Destiny Girl from other universes and took away everything we could see. Oh! Especially the one named Tushan Rongrong, who wanted to take my ax as a sacrifice! Fortunately, her sister Tushan Honghong, probably because of the true god’s face, gave me some advice!”

I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "But Tianji King Hexi was really ruthless this time and directly sacrificed two angel battleships! That scene was so spectacular!”

Killing monsters with a knife: "It's an eye-catching jpg! I can't believe some of the pictures, I'm laughing!"”

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand, said: "Fortunately, the Destiny Girl in our world is not at a high level yet and cannot go down to the next world. Otherwise, what would happen to my mother if she came down!"”

Feng Qingxue is so beautiful: "I really want to know how Master Xiuning is doing in the Kingdom of God, but they have only been there for two or two days, and they must not be able to come back to play!”

I am not convinced by anyone in the Moon Worshiping Cult: "I would like to know how well Zhao Ling'er is practicing, or whether she has given birth to a child for our god. Unfortunately, even if Zhao Ling'er is pregnant, she will only give birth to a girl. Nuwa's bloodline cannot be offended.。”

He just wanted to beat Lin Langtian to death: "The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is indeed a believer of our God, and his profound worries are admirable!”

He vowed not to be an evil king: "But can we talk about some underage topics! I'm almost being made premature by you! Fear, fear, jpg!"”

Two words for Ying Zheng: "Care for young people, strong young people will make the country strong! Don't crook the building!"”

I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "Your Majesty is wise!”

The name should still be Uchiha Sasuke: "You bastard Tsunade! She slept with me, and she blamed it on me. Ninja! Tenshou! Escape jpg!"”

Two words for Ying Zheng:“……”

I, Han Fei, just want reform:“……”

King of Time who swears not to be evil:“……”

Tang San, who didn't want to travel through time again: "Pfft!!! Heart-breaking laughter jpg!”



“Boya Hancock! You bastard actually want me to hand over a hundred Devil Fruits? Is it good-tempered for me to be a mother? Even if you have really been to the kingdom of gods, the mere strength of the Shichibukai cannot even think of showing off in front of my mother!”

《In the world of "One Piece", "Aunt", one of the Four Emperors”——Charlotte Lingling, looking at Boya Hancock standing proudly in the void, shouted angrily。

Although she has heard everything that happened in the war on the top, and admits that the current clown Bucky is more powerful than the original Pirate King Roger, this does not mean that she will be afraid of Boya Hancock, the Shichibukai!

Nowadays, there are Lucky Cults everywhere in all maritime countries. Everyone is incredibly lucky. Her Big Mom Pirates haven't robbed a valuable merchant ship for a long time. This time, they have been resting on their laurels!

So even if she offends Bucky the Clown, Charlotte Lingling will never compromise with Boya Hancock who returns from the Kingdom of God to visit relatives!

“Mom said it well!”

“We, the Big Mom Pirates, will not give in to the Lucky God Cult!”

“It’s all thanks to the Lucky Cult founded by Bucky the Clown, which almost made us all unemployed!”

“Mom’s dessert tribute is 50% less than in previous years, 50%! Wouldn’t this cost my mother’s life?”

“Arrest Boya Hancock, and then blackmail Bucky the Clown to disband the Lucky God Sect. Our new world, Totland, does not need that sect that pursues peace and benevolence!”

Captain Xing, several of Charlotte Lingling's generals, drew their weapons angrily and said。

“Ha ha ha ha! See it, Boya Hancock! You have come to the wrong place today, this world is my territory!”

Charlotte Lingling floated into the air on "Thunder Cloud Zeus" and confronted Boya Hancock.。


“Is Bucky the Clown so lazy that he doesn't even bother to pass on the news to you? It's been more than a year, and you still think that Boya Hancock is the original Shichibukai?”

Boya Hancock's stunningly beautiful face said with a trace of helplessness.。

“Hee hee, Sister Hancock's aura is hidden well. Ever since she was loved again by the Lord God that day, she has been promoted to the realm of true God! Even I can’t sense Hancock’s sister’s level of strength, and Charlotte Lingling certainly can’t sense it either.。”

Robin snickered.。

“God, I’m so shy. Don’t mention the shameful things between me and the Lord God in front of these scumbags.。”

Boya Hancock covered his face and said。

“What? Are we scum? ? ? Boya Hancock! You are so bold!”

Charlotte Ling Ling's angry hair instantly caught fire!

“You're the one who's brave, okay? I've never seen anyone dare to commit suicide like this in front of the true God.。”

Nicole Robin said.

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