“ah? Or should we sacrifice the giant tree of bitterness?”

Hearing Tushan Yaya's words, Tushan Laojiu grinned with big gold teeth and said。

“Sister Yan, the big gold tooth you gave him is so interesting。”

Yun Yi couldn't help but laugh again。

Yan also squinted his eyes and was happy。

“You two guys are really here to play in the lower world.。”

Tushan Yaya was a little crazy and said, such a boring joke, it is better to stay in the Kingdom of God and be bullied by the Lord God!

“Why do you start missing him again?……”

Recalling the few days she spent with the Divine Lord Chen Xian, Tushan Yaya's cheeks turned red inexplicably. In order to cover up the embarrassment on her face, she teleported to the giant tree of bitterness.。

“Is this the giant tree of bitterness? The spiritual energy is not weak. No wonder it has the power of reincarnation and renewal. The reincarnation system of this world is also considered complete.。”

Yan's eyes glowed, and data analysis involving the law of reincarnation kept emerging in his mind.。

“Sister Yan, is it all over? It’s so fast! I'm only halfway through。”

Yun Yi exclaimed。

“I said you have an occupational disease! Don’t let go of this thousand-year-old tree! I guess it has some use.。”

Tushan Yaya complained helplessly while using various laws to spawn new tree saplings of bitterness.。

“Haha, I’m really used to it. Do you want me to help you figure out when Yaya will be able to conceive a child for the Lord God?”

Yan Yongrong's noble face revealed a trace of a bad smile.。

As soon as these words came out, Tushan Yaya staggered immediately!

“No thanks! Just think about when you will give birth to a child for the Lord God.。”

Tushan Yaya glared at Yan in shame。

Yun Yi over there also blushed and his heart skipped a beat. He seemed to be remembering the embarrassing incident with the Lord God the day before yesterday, and he was extremely panicked. What if he was also tricked?……

“Haha, this is difficult to handle. Our angels live for a long time. Now that I have become a true god, it will be even harder to give birth.。”

“Unless Sister Yaya asks the Lord God to spend more time with me, it’s almost the same。”

Yan admitted very generously.。

“Stop it, stop it, I'm talking as if the Lord God can completely listen to me.。”

“I suggest you two go somewhere else and don't disturb my spellcasting with dirty jokes all the time! By the way, there should be some things in the world outside the circle that are worth bringing into the Kingdom of God. Wouldn't it be great to find some rare monsters and sacrifice them, and then guide them into the Kingdom of God in the palm of your hand?”

Tushan Yaya suggested。

“What a great idea! The kingdom in my palm is in urgent need of thunder-type monsters. Let’s go to the world outside the circle you mentioned.。”

After Yan finished speaking, he roughly identified the direction, and the figure passed through the void.。

“Ah, sister Yan, wait for me, I can help!”

Yun Yi first waved to Tushan Yaya, and then jumped into time and space.。


“Finally left. This bastard Yan has learned so much from the evil king Liang Bing that he even has the nerve to say such a joke.。”

Tushan Yaya was relieved。

But for some reason, I really miss Chen Xian.。

“You bastard man, am I, Tushan Yaya, being bullied into losing my feelings?……”

The more Tushan Yaya thought about it, the more shy she became.。



Just when Tushan Yaya, Yan and Yun Yi were searching for treasures and rare birds and animals in the "Demon Fox" plane。

《On Peach Blossom Island in the "Shooting the Condor" plane, Huang Yaoshi, who welcomed his daughter back as a god, started to have a headache!

“I said, dear girl, you know better than me what treasures and objects there are on Peach Blossom Island. How can there be treasures that can catch the eye of a true god? Our most valuable thing is this Peach Blossom Island. You can’t move the entire island to the treasure house of the Kingdom of God, right?。”

Huang Yaoshi smiled bitterly.。

He finally realized what it means to be a married daughter, and the water thrown away means that he will not even let go of his own pension capital.。

The most important thing is that Huang Rong didn't bring him a god-level grandson.……

“Why do you want an island? My daughter is a god now, a true god who can create a small world.。”

“If I want any island, I can create it myself, like this!”

Huang Rong snapped her fingers toward the broad sea ahead!


Three islands that are ten times larger than Peach Blossom Island emerged out of thin air on the sea surface. The green mountains and flowing green on the islands are three points more beautiful than Peach Blossom Island! Such magical power made Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong and others look stupid!

“Amazing! Huang Laoxie, this daughter of yours is simply capable of doing anything. How come I, the old beggar, never gave birth to a daughter who can go to the Kingdom of God! Big loss, big loss!”

Hong Qigong beat his chest and stamped his feet.。

“Ronger...our family owns these three islands?”

Huang Yaoshi swallowed his saliva and said。

I have worked hard all my life to build the foundation of Peach Blossom Island. Huang Rong is so good. He has three beautiful islands at the snap of his fingers!

“Of course, my daughter finally came back, so these three islands should be treated as filial gifts to her father. But you probably can’t take care of them, so you can give one to Qi Gong.。”

Huang Rong smiled and said。

“How can I not take care of him? I have been used to begging for food all my life. There is no point in giving it to him.。”

Huang Yaoshi said with a straight face。

“I bother! Huang Laoxie, you are so good! I am always a beggar and I used to be Rong'er's master after all. You are so stingy! How many beggar's chickens can you sell an island for?”

Hong Qigong's hairy road。

“Hey, it seems that there is really nothing good here to enrich the Lord God’s treasure house of heaven and earth.。”

“By the way, that bastard Ouyang Ke is the leader, he must have collected good things over the years! I'll call Cheng Yaojia and let this bastard spit out the good stuff!”

Huang Rong ignored the quarreling Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong and walked away with a chuckle.。

“Ah ah ah ah ah! My collection of decades!”

“Aunt Huang Rong, it’s okay if you don’t bring me a gift when you come back. Why do you bring people to search for my rare treasures? Doesn't this allow me to live anymore?。”

Looking at the purple coral, blood jade bracelet, and even the three-eyed frog that were circled by Huang Rong, Ouyang Ke wailed and knelt down.。

Even if these things are sacrificed, they won't be worth a few longevity dollars, but they are Ouyang Ke's collection for many years!

“Don't be so stingy. Anyway, you have so much longevity, so you can just spend time looking for it in the future. Do you think it's Sister Yaojia?。”

Huang Rong said, taking the treasures all over the floor into her divine source space.。

Seeing Ouyang Ke's crying face, Cheng Yaojia over there chuckled!

“Ouyang Ke, don't be sad. The main reason is that there is no such thing as a hometown in the Kingdom of God. Bringing it with you can be considered as a thought.。”

“Now that Rong'er's sister Bingxue Chongming has been promoted to the realm of true gods, wouldn't it be nice to give you the Midas touch and turn it into gold in exchange for some benefits?。”

Cheng Yaojia snickered.。


Ouyang Ke wanted to die, he was not short of gold, he just wanted his treasure back...

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