“Chuangzi, are you really not even sparing civilians? What’s the use of their belief in my god?”

At night, Zhao Xin, who was handing out leaflets on the forum, wondered:。

They have the super warrior gene, but those netizens don't, and they can't become warriors out of thin air even if they get lucky.。

“Ahem! You can do whatever you want. Having more believers will naturally benefit you.。”

“Ge Xiaolun, please forward this to your game group, especially the video material showing the miracle! Only then can anyone believe it!”

Liu Chuang lay on the bed and said leisurely。

After a day's hard work, all the members in Durban, except Reina who came to ask for leave, were either beaten or threatened by him, or coerced and coerced into becoming members of the Lucky God Cult!

And of course he proclaimed himself the leader of the church, and he also received the blessing of the second blessing from the lucky light!

Now he has activated the third generation super warrior divine body! I truly have the strength to compete with Rena, and this has only been a day!

“As long as it reaches 10,000 believers, I will have the authority to summon the sacred beasts of the Kingdom of God three times. At that time, I don’t care about the light of the sun or the light of the universe, you will have to warm your bed for me!”

Liu Chuang smiled evilly in his heart.。

“By the way, I forgot to thank God in the group! By the way, let’s see if I can get some spiritual guidance or something!”


I, Liu Chuang, will never be a gangster again: "Praise my God! I, Liu Chuang, have just received two blessings from my God and have evolved into a third-generation super soldier! Kowtow to my God jpg! Also, thank you to all the big guys in the group The introductory information uploaded was of great help!”

Ouyang is not crazy: "Haha, you are teachable! You have found your faith so quickly. Congratulations!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "So my God has another world of believers! What good news!”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "Ah hahahaha! Brother, what kind of civilization is there? Is there anything interesting happening there? Upload some information and Uncle Bucky will analyze it for you!”

Tushan Yaya’s stinky bitch won’t be paid: “Especially the food and the recipes! They must be uploaded. If you can send me some more money... rub your hands jpg!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Bai Yue!!! Don't embarrass us old people as soon as you show up! @俺 Liuchuang will never be a gangster again, don't listen to him, we don't care what recipes! Just upload some of yours Photos of handsome guys and beauties around the world, as well as realms of strength and so on! I'm bored lately, so my sister will help you design a promotion plan!”

Stop calling me Ethics King: "Tickling your hands, scratching your hands jpg! Upload some videos of beautiful girls, and we will help you check to see if there is a destined girl!"”

I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "Well, I got it, I'll do it right away! I just wanted to ask everyone how to break through my ridiculous super gene again! Thank you very much jpg!”

“"I, Liu Chuang, will never be a gangster again" uploaded a set of videos of female characters!

“"I, Liu Chuang, will never be a gangster again" uploaded the Super Theological Seminary information textbook!


Everyone! ! !

They all call me Dragon Mother: "I'll go! There are still beings in your world who can summon the energy of the sun. It's a very advanced plane! I can't seem to fix it!"”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "It's very powerful! The attack method of Rayna, the Light of the Sun, is very similar to that of Kizaru, the old boy I killed, but it is obviously more advanced! You are a very powerful universe over there!"”

Don’t call me ethics king again: “It’s a super plane visually. According to the information, there are angels on your side! Ahhh! I really want to meet you. What a good material for two-dimensional production, a real beautiful angel. !”

My boss Zhang Zifan: "The super soldier gene is very difficult to understand! I can't understand it either. I'll help you, Aite, this knowledgeable @我hanfei wants to reform”

I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "Han is reading it right now. This super seminary textbook is extremely profound, but it is still far from the content of the "Shinto Book" given by my God!”

I, Han Fei, just want reform: "Based on my speculation, Liu Chuang's plane world mainly relies on scientific and technological means to analyze the laws of life, but he probably only has a little understanding of it. In terms of ultimate power, he has the same power as the true god who can easily crush the planet like Queen Medusa. There is a big gap. That Sun Reina is probably not even a false god in the Kamigawa Star Region.。”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Ah! Han Fei, you are so awesome! You are worthy of being given the "Shinto Book" by my god! Flying kiss jpg!”

I, Song Ming, ultimately want the entire world: "Brother Han's analysis is extremely thorough and reasonable. As expected, my god is the only true god in the universe!”

I, Liu Chuang, will never be a gangster again: "Shivering! Unconsciously! jpg!"”

Stop calling me Ethics Lord: "So, Brother Liu Chuang mainly uses science to analyze the laws of life and create super soldier genes? So how do we help him?"”

The name should still be Uchiha Sasuke: "Can't we just let Han Fei upload the "Shinto Book"?。”

Everyone: “Dooling jpg!”

I, Han Fei, just want reform:“……This is a gift from my God. How could I dare to upload it without my God’s consent? Full of cold sweat jpg!”


“Haha, are these guys quite enthusiastic about learning?。”

“In this case, for the sake of billions of believers, I will help you!”

Chen Xian, who was taking a break in the Holy Sky Dragon Court Competition, looked at the chat records in the group and raised his eyebrows. The flow of time here is completely different from that in the lower realm, so everyone in the group has enough time to help him develop followers. This is the main reason why Chen Xian was able to be promoted to the 8th level ultimate true god in a short period of time!


“"The God of Luck" uploaded "Shinto Heavenly Book Volumes 1-3" to the group file!

Everyone:! ! ! !

Ouyang Bufan: "Praise my God!!! You are so generous and kind!”

Primitive survival thanksgiving: "Oh! My God has seen our hearts, praise my God!”

I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "My God's grace is so great! He even uploaded the next two volumes! I'm so grateful for the jpg!"”

Queen Medusa’s eldest cousin “Believer Yue Mei, thank me for my divine grace!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: “Believer Daenerys, thank me for my divine grace!”

His name should still be Uchiha Sasuke: "Believer Sasuke, thank me for my divine grace!”

I, Liu Chuang, will never be a gangster again: "Believer Liu Chuang……”


“Very good! With this "Shinto Book of Heaven Volumes 1-3", my super genes can be upgraded infinitely!”

“Uh--you actually need to grow to 10,000 followers before you can read the first volume? ? ?”

“Holy shit! Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Yaowen! Don’t sleep, go to various websites and media to develop believers!”

Liu Chuang jumped up and said as if he had been beaten to death。



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