“Chuangzi, this is what you said. When we grow to 1 million believers, you will tell us how to improve our super combat genes!”

Cheng Yaowen bit into the licorice slices and hummed with red eyes.。

After a few days, they conquered almost all the website forums they could visit during their training. Now the Internet is full of videos and messages about "The God of Luck blesses believers"!

The head teacher in Durban did not stop this. After all, the effect of that god's blessing is obvious to all, and now some armies in other galaxies are trying to obtain that god's blessing!

Because many people have seen with their own eyes that injured soldiers on the battlefield were healed by the light of luck!

So today's super god plane already has hundreds of thousands of believers!

Liu Chuang even relied on several divine blessings and the "Shinto Book" uploaded by Chen Xian to upgrade his super warfare genes to the fourth generation for the first time! Without unlocking the gene lock, Reina is no match for Liu Chuang!

“Of course, this squad leader means what he says!”

“I also guarantee in the name of my God that when the number of believers reaches 1 million, I will help you break through the super warfare gene!”

Liu Chuang patted his chest and promised。

“okay! It’s only one million. Now our Lucky God Cult has been spread by word of mouth by hundreds of thousands of followers. Even if we lie in bed for a few days, we can grow to one million!”

Xin Zhao smiled evilly.

“It's good to spread the doctrine of love for our God, but why don't you, squad leader, let us take advantage of Du Qiangwei and the others? Falling in love without a woman is boring!”

Ge Xiaolun was a little confused and said。

He is very fond of beauties like Reina, Du Qiangwei, and Qilin! Who would have thought that Liu Chuang would not let him start?……

“nonsense! If you want to fall in love, when the gate to the kingdom of God is built, you can go find those girls who can't get in!”

“No one knows how to fall in love before this, otherwise be careful of my punch as big as a sandbag!”

Liu Chuang shouted angrily at Ge Xiaolun。

“Okay...the one with the big fist has the final say。”

Ge Xiaolun said helplessly that he had no idea of taking action against Liu Chuang, who had been promoted to the fourth generation of super warfare genes and had full god-killing power.。



In the early hours of the morning, the bald head teacher of Durban Super Theological Seminary was awakened by an extremely evil and terrifying scene!

“gather! Something big happened!”

The bald Liu took a breath and pressed the all-assembly alarm without hesitation.。

“What's going on? Teacher Liu, why are you breaking out in a cold sweat?。”

“Even the bald head looks bald.。”

Justin and Reina looked at the urgent bald head and joked。

Liu Chuang, Du Qiangwei and others were also yawning as if they were awake.。

“I dreamed that an evil god came through the wormhole! He is an unprecedentedly powerful evil god. Judging from his attributes, his aura should be that of a fallen angel! With our current strength, I'm afraid we still can't defeat her!”

The bald man's face was very serious.。

“No way? Not even with my strength?”

Reina said a little curiously。

“You are not your grandfather. Your current knowledge reserve and combat level are barely enough to be called a god, and you are far from being a match for that fallen angel!”

The bald head and purple face were full of sadness.。

Reina helplessly spread her hands, her memory is indeed only 20 years old, and she has no combat experience.。

“Fallen angel? Are there really angels? Aren't you pretty?”

Liu Chuang's eyes lit up and he said。

He doesn't care what evil god comes over, because even a powerful evil god cannot be the opponent of the sacred beast of the Kingdom of God. But if the opponent is a great beauty or something, he can just go to the Kingdom of God in exchange for longevity and blessing energy!

Furthermore, he himself is now a fourth-generation super warrior with full god-killing power, so he may not necessarily lose to some evil god! The bald man in front of me just doesn’t know his true power yet!

“Liu Chuang! Can you be a bit serious? It’s none of your business whether the angel is pretty or not.。”

Commander Justin scolded。

“That's right, you're just being rigid。”

Liu Chuang rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to this guy!

He has figured out that Justin is just a memory program, not a real flesh and blood body. Such a robot cannot provide faith to the gods, so Liu Chuang has no intention of developing James into a believer.。

“Liu Chuang, I know that your boy has made very rapid progress because of the mysterious belief behind him, but the intruder is also extremely powerful! I will inform General Dukao immediately that your novice trial is over.。”

“Justin, distribute black armor equipment to them, and then the team goes to find Sun Wukong, the former patron saint of this planet!”

“Maybe that monkey will agree to help me suppress the evil god!”

Bald Liu sighed.。


“I am General Ducao! The direct person in charge of your Xiongbing Company from now on!”

“I have received Teacher Liu’s report! His brain is connected to space military satellites, so the news is basically true! A powerful evil god has invaded the earth!”

“Now I ask you to find Sun Wukong. Yes, it is the legendary Sun Wukong.。”

“His strength may be different from the legend, but if he can be persuaded to return to the Xiongbing Company, he will be more confident in dealing with the fallen angels. After that, he will gather at the Grand Canyon! lets go!”

Dukao looked at the soldier in full black armor in front of him and shouted:。


Thinking of fighting the legendary Sun Wukong, Liu Chuang and others became excited and said。


The plane carrying everyone had just flown to the foot of Broken Finger Mountain when a black figure with gleaming eyes smashed the plane to pieces with a stick!

Fortunately, everyone has already passed the light of luck and landed safely one by one with their own abilities.。

“Holy shit! Fierce eyes and golden eyes, is it really Brother Monkey?”

Xin Zhao looked at the figure in the sky and exclaimed。

“I didn’t expect such a person to exist. Ge Xiaolun, you should meet him first.。”

Liu Chuang held an ax in his hand and grinned.。

“OK, the monitor has the final say。”

Ge Xiaolun held the big knife, opened the angel wings behind his back, and flew into the sky。

Such a scene shocked Dukao, who was watching the surveillance camera, and staggered!

“No way! Ge Xiaolun has been able to use the angel gene power in his body? Even the angel wings are open?”

Dukao said in confusion。

“Um... It was Liu Chuang who created a mysterious belief in gods, and these guys all made rapid progress because of that belief. There are already many believers of that god on the earth. Although his background is not nearly the same, he should be a very kind and bright true god.。”

Bald Liu hesitated for a while and told the truth.。

“Is there such a thing? ? ?”

“Your sister’s damn bald head! You are just saying such a valuable thing now!”

Dukao said in surprise。

If there really is such a radiant and kind-hearted true god to help, they are still afraid of the evil god of wool!


ps: Fallen Angel Morgana, do you want to go to the Kingdom of God?

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