“I go! Chuangzi, are you okay? Why did you start worshiping God while you were doing it?”

Looking at Liu Chuang who suddenly knelt on the ground to beg God and worship Buddha, Xin Zhao grinned and said。

“Ha ha ha ha! What spell did you recite just now? You might as well shout 'Demacia', our dormitory's battle cry!”

Ge Xiaolun laughed so hard that his stomach hurt and he said。

“With just this little bit of potential, you have the kindness to challenge me, Rayna, the Light of the Sun? If you want to defeat me as squad leader, you have to wait another 10,000 years, hahaha!”

Lena, the sun goddess with fair skin, beauty and long legs, looked at Liu Chuang who was knocked down by her and bent down and said with a smile。

“kindness? What's going on in the sky?”

Policewoman Hua Qilin, who was good at observing the environment, suddenly looked at the strange sky and exclaimed。

Du Qiangwei, Li Feifei and others also noticed something was wrong and looked at the sky in shock!

Everyone saw a dazzling beam of skylight shining on Liu Chuang, and the arm that had been broken by Reina automatically recovered! Liu Chuang's vitality is increasing rapidly!

Because Liu Chuang already possesses the rare Nuoxing God of War super gene, but it has not been released yet, but now under the light of luck, the super gene has been opened very smoothly!

“this power……”

“Hey, praise my God! ! ! Lena, I have found the real God. If I defeat you, I will be the squad leader!”

Feeling the unlimited power after the genes in his body were turned on, Liu Chuang roared excitedly, jumped, and smashed his fist towards Reina with the slightest crack in the space!


Reina, who was confused, never expected that the contrast in strength between Liu Chuang and his front was so huge. She was immediately thrown far away, and the sun's energy around her body automatically defended, and the brilliance flickered endlessly!

“Damn it! You actually turned on the second generation super soldier gene like this? Just because of that magical beam of light? ? ?”

Lena crawled out of the ruins and said with a shocked look on her face.。

Du Qiangwei, Qilin, Ge Xiaolun and others who had been brutally tortured by Reina before looked at Liu Chuang with ghostly eyes!

“Chuangzi... what kind of trick is this! Teach me!”

Xin Zhao looked jealous and said。

He saw how badly Liu Chuang was beaten by Reina before, so he had no way of fighting back!

So suddenly having this kind of combat power is obviously because of the light from the sky just now!

“Easy to say, easy to say! Which of our brothers is following whom? Come worship the true God with me later, and you will soon become stronger.。”

Liu Chuang agreed happily.。

Just kidding, I have read the group file information! As a member of the chat group, he is the zero source of faith spread in this world! As long as you work hard to develop followers for that true god, you will receive rewards that are thousands of times greater than the lucky divine light!

Therefore, the main task in the future is not to train the devil, but to develop believers and find the destined beauty for the true God!

Stunning beauties like Lena, Du Qiangwei, and Qilin must do their ideological work in advance so that they can be sent to the Kingdom of God in exchange for rewards later.……

“joke! Liu Chuang, you big idiot, you dare to worship other gods? Do you still want to fool others into being stupid like you?”

“Tell you! I, Rayna, the light of the sun, am the real god!”

“Is it great to accidentally turn on the super soldier gene? See how I deal with you!”

Lena's whole body bloomed with dazzling sunlight!

With the terrifying power of her second-generation divine body, coupled with the blood inheritance of the Sun God, if she really wanted to take action, how could she not be able to defeat Liu Chuang, who had just turned on the super combat gene?

“Amazing! This is the goddess!”

“Monitor Rena looks so charming!”

“Please hug your thighs!”

Ge Xiaolun, Qilin and others looked at Reina floating in the air and exclaimed。

Liu Chuang clenched his fists and prepared for the battle. He knew that he had not developed any followers after all. This lucky light reward did not seem to be enough to compete with Reina!

However, just when everyone thought Liu Chuang was about to be brutally tortured again, Reina suddenly fell from the air and fell to her knees holding her stomach!

Everyone? ? ?

Liu Chuang? ? ?

“It hurts...it hurts me so much!”

“Damn it! Why did it come so suddenly! Didn’t you just come here a few days ago?……”

Reina's delicate and beautiful face showed a look of shame and anger, then she held her belly and moved towards the female dormitory.。

“What do you mean? If you say you don't want to fight, you won't fight?”

“I was beaten badly by you just now! We have to fight now. This has to do with who will be the squad leader! This is a battle of glory, you know?”

Liu Chuang said reluctantly。

“Holy shit! I'll be the monitor for you today, just for one day!”

“I'll take care of you when I'm better!”

Reina held her stomach and ran towards the dormitory while threatening.。

Du Qiangwei, Qilin and other girls……

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he covered his eyes, not daring to look directly at the scene in front of him!


“You are so lucky! How could he actually encounter Taiyang Rena and suddenly have trouble during the battle?”

“Tsk tsk! What a wonderful position to have as squad leader!”

Xin Zhao said with admiration on his face。

“Hey, luck is also a kind of strength, just like when I played a game at night and grabbed the blue buff in a range!”

Ge Xiaolun nodded with great approval and said。

“ha? It turns out it’s a woman’s thing.……”

Liu Chuang scratched his head。

I am completely in awe of the power of the God of Luck!

“Big idiot!”

“Liu Chuang, you are taking advantage of others' danger!”

Du Qiangwei and other girls said with disdain。

“stop! Who asked you to leave without permission?”

“Am I the monitor now? I have the authority to ask you to continue training!”

“Well, you guys and girls, every one of you counts! Either defeat me here, or you have to believe in gods like me, choose for yourself!”

Seeing Du Qiangwei and others about to leave, Liu Chuang stood in front and snorted coldly.。

As soon as these words came out, everyone staggered!

“No, there are still people who are forcing people to believe in God? Aren't you being a hooligan?”

Du Qiangwei and others vomited blood and said。

“Stop talking nonsense! I am a gangster! Liu Chuang said with a straight face.。

Everyone fainted!

“Chuangzi, are you serious about coming? I don't believe it. You can really become powerful all of a sudden?”

“That's right! It must be Reina who just let go because she wasn't feeling well!”

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin stepped forward with clenched fists!

Du Qiangwei's space flying knife also shines brightly again!

five minutes later。

Du Qiangwei and others, who were beaten badly by Liu Chuang, knelt down on one knee helplessly.。

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer Du Qiangwei……”


“What! These guys actually turned on their super genes just because they knelt down to worship an inexplicable god? Have you ever found out which god you believe in? Don't say anything about Morgana!”

After hearing the test report from Miss Miss, the teacher in charge of Durban was completely shocked!

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