“Damn it! You are seeking death!”

“Do you know what the ranking of our Shengtian Temple was last time? Dare you, the Last Bus Academy, to accept the challenge from our Shengtian Seminary academy? Hahahahaha, very good!”

“Your godhead will burst into pieces, your soul will bear the boundless fire of karma, and will never be reincarnated!”

Shang Zhen, furious with thunder, roared to heaven。


“The 15566th School Competition begins!”

“Shengtian Seminary launches a school challenge application to Shendu College! Does Shendu College accept it?”

The first battle invitation sounded in the square of Shengtian Longting!

After hearing such news, Su Xue and Rong Feifei, who were responsible for contacting the event, were stunned!

They didn't expect that Chen Xian would have the guts to admit that he killed Chu Wen and Shang two people in front of an eighth-level high-ranking god, and they didn't expect that Shang Zhen would challenge Shendu Academy so fiercely!

You must know that with Shengtian Seminary ranked in the top 100, it is extremely irrational to waste challenge authority on a last-minute school like theirs!

“Chen Xian! Look at the good things you have done, our team strength will be directly crushed by Shengtian Temple!”

Rong Feifei looked at Chen Xiandao angrily。

“Rong Feifei, why are you panicking? Sooner or later, you will face the top 100 famous schools, so why not be a little early?。”

Su Xue sneered.。

“Then we can't fight this kind of giant in the first game! If you lose the first game, you will go home directly!”

Rong Feifei scolded。

“Chen Xian, you troublemaker, what method did you use to kill their supreme student! We were not prepared to face the Shengtian Temple in the first game. Do you know that their supreme students are more than twice as many as ours?”

“The school team battle is not a 1v1 duel. Have you considered our feelings?”

Xuanwu and Lin Hongye also took advantage of the topic and loudly criticized。

Several other supreme students also looked ugly. If they were defeated by a giant like Shengtian Temple in the first game, the last school would not even have a chance to compete in the individual competition.……

“Stop arguing, just let the dean make the decision。”

An Yongsheng shouted。


After taking a deep look at Chen Xian, who was as leisurely as ever, the old principal also gave a brave smile on his lips!


As soon as this statement came out, all parties in the square were in an uproar!

“Is the last train to Shendu Academy about to explode? He actually accepted the challenge from a top 100 university in the first game!”

“Hehe, Chen Xian is probably going to be beaten to death!”

“That child is the legendary Ultimate God, right? The courage is good, but the brain seems not enough!”

“Judging from the aura of his godhead, he should not even be able to reach the lower gods. Shang Zhen, who insulted the upper gods like this, is dead no matter what!”

“What a pity, that is the first talent in hundreds of millions of years who happens to set foot on the extreme road, and he is going to die because of his arrogance!”

“Kang Dingshu also became more and more confused as he got older, but he actually accepted it!”


“Go ahead, since the old principal has accepted it, let’s give it a try! But try to leave a trace of the soul with me, so that even if you die on the battlefield, you will at least have a chance to practice again with the help of the soul.。”

An Yongsheng said helplessly。

“ah? If a soul is separated under this situation, the main body's strength will be compromised!”

Su Xue looked at An Yongsheng in shock and said。

“That's not all your Chen Xian's fault! All the battles in the School Competition are not protected by the law of life. If you die once, you will be dead. If you don't leave any soul behind, how can we let all the supreme students of Shendu Academy be wiped out!”

Rong Feifei sneered.。

“It's up to you, I don't need to keep any souls.。”

Chen Xian chuckled and said, facing the suspicions of Rong Feifei and others, he didn't even bother to explain. Anyway, Rong Feifei is just a waiter serving tea and water during this trip.。

“I don’t need it either. With Luoxue Divine Sword here, self-protection is not a big problem!”

Jiang Hongyu took the initiative to stand beside Chen Xian and said。

“If you have the guts, I'll kill them later and grab you an artifact of your own.。”

Chen Xian laughed and said。

“real? Thank you very much!”

Jiang Hongyu's eyes sparkled and said。

“Don't forget to attract bees and butterflies wherever you go. Let's talk about it after you win.。”

Su Xue said angrily, her original worries were gone!

“snort! You're going to lose and you're still in the mood to pick up girls! I'll keep my soul!”

“Me too!”

Lin Hongye and Xuanwu said with dark faces。

They didn't understand what was so good about Chen Xian, and why Jiang Hongyu still wanted to get involved with Chen Xian when he knew he had so many women!

“I'll keep a separate soul too……”

The captain of the team, Hong Xinghe, let out a long sigh. After all, he had never seen Chen Xian’s full strength and did not dare to joke with his own life.。

Other supreme students who are at a lower level have also left a trace of their souls. If they die in battle, they will rely on their souls to rebuild!


One minute later, both sides entered the battlefield formation entrance!

“I have only one request, that little boy Chen Xian be skinned and cramped, and tortured to death at all costs!”

Shang Zhen's invincible will of the superior god resounded in the ears of the 30 supreme students of Shengtian Temple!

“Hey, don't worry, principal! I have investigated clearly and found out that this guy possesses two 3-star artifacts! If you don't tell us, we won't let him go!”

“Ahhhh! He, a guy who doesn't even have a godly status, actually possesses two 3-star artifacts?”

“Principal, you really have the foresight to find such a big fat fish for us right from the start!”

“It’s not just Chen Xian! The rest of them also have at least a few 1-star and 2-star artifacts on them, so we must not let them go!”

“Revenge for Chu Wenshang and Chu Tianxiong!”

“As long as they act quickly enough, they can't even think about transferring the artifact to the cloned soul!”

“It is estimated that Chen Xian also kept a part of his soul, and just crushed his body to ashes!”

Luo Feng, the captain of Shengtian Temple, smiled strangely and took the lead in stepping into the battlefield formation!

The other men and women also rushed into the teleportation array like wolves, fearing that Chen Xian, the big fat fish, would be beaten first. Although the outside world says that Chen Xian is the ultimate true god, possessing the heaven-defying strength to leapfrog and fight lower gods, they are not ordinary lower gods!

The supreme students of the top 100 famous schools, Shengtian Divine Academy, both in terms of their skills and the quality of their magic weapons, are far ahead of the stragglers of Shendu Academy!

“Chen Xian, how about you go in first to attract some firepower?”

Xuanwu looked at the opponent's terrifying lineup and said with a slightly pale face.。

Even though he left behind a split soul, the pain of his real body's death still daunted him!

“Attract your sister! You go in first!”

Chen Xian had obviously had enough of Xuanwu's nagging and kicked him into the teleportation array.。

“Ah ah ah ah ah! Chen Xian, you bastard!”

Xuanwu's screams came!

In a moment, he was cut into pieces by the five fastest peak gods of Shengtian Temple!

Lin Hongye and others' eyes widened in horror!

Pointing at Chen Xian, he never dared to curse again.……

“There is no one else with this temper.。”

Looking at Xuanwu who could only rely on his soul to practice again, the old principal Kang Dingshu’s mouth twitched and said。

Su Xue rubbed her forehead and gave Xuanwu's divided soul���A look of silence。

ps: Don’t go away, the beautiful angels from the super-god world are on their way...

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