“Is this the Holy Sky Dragon Court? It turns out that every college residence is a world! It’s really grand and worthy of being an official event destination!”

After coming down from the teleportation formation, Chen Xian felt the independent stone pillar-shaped space under his feet and said in surprise。

“That's right, the power to create a world of thousands of stone pillars and gather them in one place in Longting Square is something that the Supreme God can do.。”

Kang Dingshu explained with a smile。

There are only seventeen people from Shendu College participating in the "School Competition" this time. Except for the old principal Kang Dingshu who leads the team, An Yongsheng, Su Xue, and Rong Feifei are all members of the ambulance service category. There are only thirteen supreme students who can actually represent Shendu Academy and earn points.。

Of course, among the thirteen students, Chen Xian was not considered to be a supreme student. But in the eyes of the old principal and other insiders, Chen Xian is the only hope among these people.……

“Chen Xian, we had the same people in our team last year. With you as our teammate today, we will definitely be able to get closer!”

“Look at the Kamigawa Heavenly Ranking, where are the rankings of us and the school in the last hegemony competition?。”

Hong Xinghe came over, pointed at the "Shenhe Tianbang" that stretched across the sky in the northwest direction of Longting Square and smiled.。

“Kamigawa Heaven Ranking! The cosmic strength ranking of all students in the Kamigawa Star Territory? It turns out that senior brother Hong Xinghe is ranked 222nd, which is very impressive.。”

Chen Xian glanced at it and said。

“Ahem, don’t make fun of me. If my personal ranking had been higher at that time, our Shendu College would not have been rated as the Last College.。”

“So today Jiang Hongyu and I came here with the intention of revenge and avenging shame.。”

Hong Xinghe smiled bitterly.。

“What is Last Bus Academy?”

Chen Xian scratched his head and said in confusion. He had never heard of this term in his memory.。

“It is one of the bottom 100 schools among the three thousand schools of gods in the Kamigawa Star Territory. It is exactly the opposite end of the spectrum from the top 100 schools. Of course I won't let the students in the college know about such an unfortunate name.。”

Kang Dingshu's old face turned slightly red, and he waved in embarrassment.。

“Don't panic, old principal. With Chen Xian here this time, the last bus will definitely be impossible.。”

Jiang Hongyu snickered.。

“That's true, so I'm just waiting to avenge my shame.。”

Kang Dingshu tied his beard and laughed.。

“It's a good idea, but I'm afraid that some people who are good at fighting in the ring will be timid when it comes to life and death battles.。”

“That's right, every battle in this school competition is a real sword and a real gun, and there is no protection of life. Chen Xian, if you are afraid of offending others and dare not kill, no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to score many points.。”

Xuanwu and Lin Hongye said coldly。

“You two are talking nonsense before the war even starts. You didn’t have the nerve to teach others with your points ranking last year.。”

Kang Dingshu glared at the two of them and said。

The value of any supreme student is extremely precious, so low-level divine teachers like Su Xue and Rong Feifei can only serve as event waiters.。

But if Xuanwu and Wu are always so annoying, Kang Dingshu will really get angry and deal with them.。

“Just a friendly reminder。”

Seeing the old principal getting angry, Xuanwu and the others shrank their necks and said。

“Hey, I think you two want to stimulate me and make me kill a few more people with good backgrounds so that I can get into trouble, right? Don't worry about that。”

Chen Xian looked at the two people chatting away and smiled. But in my heart, I was thinking about finding some excuse to kill these two flies. I was disgusted all the way. When I go back, I must not let the flies go back alive.。

“Chen Xian! In this school competition, some students have extraordinary backgrounds. They really cannot be killed. It would be great if they can win.。”

Su Xue pulled Chen Xian's sleeve and said。

“Yes, Xuanwu and Lin Hongye have terrible intentions. If you accidentally kill a child of the super family, it will be extremely dangerous to go to the battlefield of heaven in the future! I can briefly talk about some forces that require your special attention!”

Jiang Hongyu said seriously。

However, before Jiang Hongyu could explain this matter to Chen Xian in detail,。

Thunderous roars were heard above everyone's heads!

“Where is Chen Xian's son from Shendu College!”

“Tell me honestly, where are the two supreme students of our Shengtian Temple, Chu Wenshang and Chu Tianxiong!”

A burly figure wrapped in thousands of wind and thunder shrouded everyone's heads and said。

“Shang Zhen, the dean of Shengtian Temple!”

“A high-ranking 8th-level master!”

Feeling the overwhelming spiritual pressure, Su Xue and others' expressions changed in shock.。

This is an existence that is even more exaggerated than the old principal Kang Dingshu's realm and strength. Unexpectedly, he didn't have enough face to come to question Chen Xian in person!

“Haha, Dean Shang, you are so majestic, who are you trying to scare by showing your Dharma in front of young people?”

Kang Dingshu sneered. The dharma form of the 7th-grade high-ranking god appeared in the sky, standing opposite Shang Zhen like a giant of heaven and earth.。

Although Kang Dingshu's realm is lower than one level, he is better because of his superior natal artifact, and he is not afraid of Shang Zhen if he fights with magic.。

Such a tit-for-tat scene aroused the curiosity of the academy teams in other world spaces in the square. Various spiritual thoughts exchanged and collided, and the void shook endlessly!

“Kangding book! Is this brat who doesn't even have the status of a god really worthy of you tearing your face apart? It's not like you, the old guy, killed the two Chu Wenshang brothers, right?”

Shang Zhen said angrily。

Chu Wenshang and Chu Tianxiong were at the pinnacle of lower gods. Without them, the strength of Shengtian Temple's team would be greatly reduced!

“Humph, do you think I am as worthless as you?”

Kang Dingshu snorted coldly.。

“So it’s not you who takes action, it’s the people in your college!”

Shang Zhen's thunderous aura locked on An Yongsheng, Jiang Hongyu and others and said。

“old man? Don't bother, you can't even notice my strength. Why are you showing off your Dharma appearance to show off?”

“I killed the two idiots in your Shengtian Temple, what can you do?”

Chen Xian summoned a 1-star artifact Flying Sword, held it in his hand and said with a smile。

Everyone! ! !

“Chu Wenshang's 'Heaven Sword'! Good boy, it’s you! Say, what plot did you use to trap the two brothers? Who else is taking action!”

“If you don't explain it clearly, you won't be able to leave the Holy Sky Dragon Court alive!”

Shang Zhen looked at the divine weapon in Chen Xian's hand and said angrily。

Xuanwu, Lin Hongye and others also looked at Chen Xian in horror!

The two brothers Chu Wenshang and Chu Tianxiong are among the top 100 famous masters on the Kamigawa Heavenly Ranking! ! ! Such a being was actually killed by Chen Xian? And snatched the artifact?

If it was really Chen Xian who did it, then their little strength is nothing in front of Chen Xian.……

“What kind of conspiracy was used to kill two bed bugs?”

“Old thing, do you only know how to yell? If you don't dare to break the rules yourself, how about sending a school to challenge you? I really want to see you, the true god and Dharma minister, crying and begging for mercy.。”

Chen Xian said with a evil smile.

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