“This kid is really despicable and shameless, even his teammates are being cheated!”

Seeing Chen Xian kicking Xuanwu into the battlefield and being brutally killed by his own side, Shang Zhen, the dean of Shengtian Temple, sneered.。

“If there is internal fighting at this time, Shendu Academy will only lose worse!”

“Old man Kang Dingshu has completely spoiled this silly boy. He has no sense of the overall situation at all.。”

“What ultimate true god? He is simply a scum.。”

“Did the ultimate true god cultivate a route to pick up girls? He only knows how to tease women and has no other abilities!”


Hearing the taunts from all sides in Longting Square, Chen Xian smiled. He ignored the fearful Lin Hongye and others and stepped into the battlefield space alone!

In this competition between the schools of Shengtian Longting, both schools have a lot of freedom to make arrangements. If they can win, even if one person goes in and fights alone, the rules will not be broken. After all, this kind of choice and assessment of the situation is also a test of the abilities of the captains of both colleges.。

“Hong Xinghe, you shouldn't let Chen Xian go in by himself! Don't embarrass third graders!”

Jiang Hongyu stepped into the teleportation array for the second time without hesitation.。


“That’s it! Since you have all your souls outside, don’t be afraid and let me in!”

Hong Xinghe struggled for a moment and then shouted。

“Damn it, Hong Xinghe, you're going to be fooled to death by Chen Xian too!”

Lin Hongye and others had no choice but to follow with dark faces.。

“Chen Xian is here!”

“Hahaha! He teleported to me randomly! I'm rich, two 3-star artifacts are mine!”

In the battlefield, an 8th-level junior seminarian from Shengtian Seminary shouted excitedly after seeing Chen Xian.。

The Kingdom of God in the Palm exuding the aura of a god shrouded Chen Xian!

“oh? You said you got rich?”

Chen Xian let himself fall into the opponent's kingdom, looked at the figure of the divine throne above the kingdom of God and said with joy, and then stretched out his hand to shake the opponent from a distance!

The extremely rich law of time and space blooms from Chen Xian's palm! The surrounding space of the Kingdom of God immediately collapsed, and the 8th-level lower god on the throne of God fell into Chen Xian's palm amidst disbelieving screams!

“This is impossible!”

“I am an 8th level lower god, I am 9 levels higher than you! ! !”

“Please forgive me——”


The God of Shengtian Temple, who was cheering and shouting just now, had his head crushed by Chen Xian!

The sky was full of golden divine blood. The opponent obviously did not set up the souls outside in advance. All the divine thrones and a space ring fell into Chen Xian's hands.。


Hong Xinghe and others, who had just entered the battlefield, were dumbfounded when they saw Chen Xian crushing an 8th-level low-level god to death without even using the divine weapon or the divine kingdom in his palm!

Shang Zhen, the dean of Shengtian Temple who saw the battle clearly from outside, stood up in shock and anger!

The gods watching the battle around were even more noisy!

“It’s true that the divine aura is an 8th-grade true god! There is no breath of divine throne……”

“God! A super monster appeared in Shendu Academy!”

“He's not even a lower-level god, yet he reaches level 9 and crushes his opponent to death? ? ? Did I go crazy today?”

“The most important thing is that he did not use the divine weapon or the Kingdom of God at all! It's all based on physical strength alone!”

“It's over... We all made a mistake!”

Countless gods trembled with their thoughts.。

“Ha ha ha ha! I knew Chen Xian would not disappoint me!”

“Shang Zhen, I have to thank you for initiating this gap game! My Shendu Academy can directly jump more than 500 places!”

Kang Dingshu laughed excitedly and said。

Although he had only killed one person, it was enough to show Chen Xian's invincibility!

“He has become so terrifying!”

Rong Feifei said with a complex expression。

A low-level god of level 8, Rong Feifei is only level 6. Does this mean that with her strength, she can only serve as a waiter for Chen Xian forever?……

“I knew it was useless to worry about him。”

Su Xue chuckled.。

“Don't panic, gather the team to deal with him together! He is just awesome on his own!”

“Artifact long-distance attack!”

“Those who are good at formations should quickly suppress him, don't let him summon the Kingdom of God in the palm of his hand!”

The gods of Shengtian Temple, who were shaken by the battlefield, recovered slowly and shouted:。

They are supreme students from one of the top 100 prestigious schools. Even if they encounter such a situation that is beyond comprehension, they will not give up the fight!

“That's right! You are the pride of Shengtian Temple! Together they are enough to defeat the peak-level mid-level god!”

“Luo Feng! My face depends on you!”

The dean of Shengtian Temple gritted his teeth and shouted。

He has already let out his cruel words. If Chen Xian is picked on the whole school, his old face of Shang Zhen will be completely lost!

“Want to gather strength to consume me? ignorance!”

Looking at Luo Feng and others who had quickly gathered together, Chen Xian sneered. He was not in the mood to play a game of eagle-catching chicken with these people, and he had no intention of giving the other party a chance to use their formations.。

“Better together! Let’s put aside the pot of your practice of dark law first!”

Following Chen Xian's wish, the Great Light Divine Sword appeared from the Kingdom of God!

The boundless divine power of the 8th-grade ultimate true god and a billion times the lucky divine light poured into the sword body. The Great Bright Divine Sword let out an excited and unbearable dragon roar, roared up, turned into a sky-covering dragon and crashed into the gods of Shengtian Temple!

“this! ! ! How could he have such light power!”

“Ahhhhh! my eyes!”

“This level of light law? ? ?”

“Help! Chen Xian, please let me go, I haven't left any ghosts outside yet!”


The ten thousand-foot-long light dragon instantly shattered everyone's space-time barrier, and the Kingdom of God in the palms of more than a dozen people was shattered! All the supreme masters of Shengtian Temple who practiced the laws of darkness were completely wiped out before they even had time to beg for mercy! There were only a dozen or so gods majoring in other laws left, looking around blankly!

It’s really just a sword! Chen Xian wiped out 17 supreme students of their Shengtian Temple with just one sword!

“He alone is worthy of the top academic team, and he is not at the same level as us.……”

Luo Feng, the captain of Shengtian Temple, said with numbness and bitterness。

With such heaven-defying power, there was silence inside and outside the stadium!

The principal of Shengtian Seminary, Shang Zhen, opened his mouth wide and froze on the spot!

The supreme student he had painstakingly cultivated for thousands of years at the Shengtian Temple was just like a coward in front of Chen Xian? ? ?

Hong Xinghe, Lin Hongye and others in the battlefield were also dumbfounded!

Jiang Hongyu looked at Chen Xian's back in fascination. She knew that there would never be another such an invincible man in this universe!

Lin Hongye plopped down on the ground, recalling the scene where he had ridiculed Chen Xian, his face was as pale as paper!

Because he is also majoring in the Law of Darkness! ! !

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