“I'm leaving first. I guess the old principal and others are already gathering at the teleportation array.。”

“Due to what happened now, other colleges may target students in Class 9. For safety reasons, you can just watch the progress of the college competition at school.。”

Chen Xian looked at Concubine Mengzi, the class beauty who was sleeping on the side, and said。

After saying that, he tapped his forehead and disappeared.。



“Chen Xian is here!”

“This bastard had the nerve to keep so many of us waiting!”

“Do you really think you are the first genius in the universe?”

“The old principal was biased enough to allow a first-year student to participate in the school competition, and also gave him a principal's jade token that allowed him to enter the top floor of the Tiandao Book Pavilion!”

Seeing Chen Xian appearing on the teleportation platform of Shendu Academy, Lin Hongye, Xuanwu and other supreme students looked ugly and said。

“But people do have this ability. Otherwise, you can also go and break the record of those teacher-level dungeons.。”

Jiang Hongyu stretched and said. The sight of the graceful snake-like waist curve made the male students around him feel their hearts beat faster.。

Jiang Hongyu was originally a goddess-level figure in the third grade. Before Feng Lin Xuanya entered the school, Jiang Hongyu had been at the top of the school beauty rankings for many years. His strength has even reached the level of a lower god, and he is ranked among the supreme students.。

Such a person who is at the peak of his beauty and strength speaks out for Chen Xian, which makes Lin Hongye and others feel uncomfortable!

“Senior Sister Hongyu, Chen Xian already has Feng Linxuanya and Su Xue, do you still want to post them?”

Lin Hongye endured it for a while but couldn't help but sarcastically said。

The last time Xuanwu made a bet with Chen Xian in the arena, he lent Xuanwu 8 top-level immortal treasures, but they lost everything together and suffered heavy losses. Nowadays, Chen Xian naturally dislikes him no matter how he looks at him. Jiang Hongyu, who is helping Chen Xian speak for him, is naturally placed in the ranks of his enemies!

“Lin Hongye! There is still some time now, do you want to follow me to the arena of life and death?”

“If you win, my 2-star divine sword will also be yours.。”

Jiang Hongyu narrowed his eyes and chuckled.。

“you! ! !”

“You actually borrowed Su Xue's Luoxue Divine Sword? You even challenged me to use an immortal treasure, how shameless!”

Lin Hongye looked at the beautiful snow-white sword in Jiang Hongyu's hand and said angrily。

“No wonder he talks about Chen Xian like this! It turns out that this woman even lent you the artifact!”

Xuanwu couldn't help but snorted coldly.。

“Even with your faces like this, I should punish you! But let’s write down this account first. Let’s talk about it after the school competition is over and you can still come back alive.。”

Jiang Hongyu sneered.。

Her family had an old relationship with Su Xue's family. Su Xue was a teacher at Shendu College and had known her, Jiang Hongyu, for hundreds of years. This trip to the school competition arena is not protected by the laws of the Supreme God. Death once is real death!

So even with Jiang Hongyu's arrogance, she still decided to ask Su Xue to borrow the "Luoxue Divine Sword"! Because Jiang Hongyu has dual cultivation of ice and fire, and has a divine throne to suppress the soul of the artifact, he is able to exert the true power of the "Luoxue Divine Sword"。

Unexpectedly, Su Xue agreed readily!

“It turns out that you also know Jiang Hongyu, and you have lent out all the artifacts. You are quite generous.。”

Chen Xian has smart ears and eyes. Although he was far away, he still heard what Lin Hongye and others said.。

Facing two poor guys like Xuan Wu and Lin Hongye who were desperate to lose, Chen Xian originally didn't want to talk to him anymore. As long as his bottom line was not touched, Chen Xian didn't want to waste his time on two poor guys.。

However, when the "Luoxue Divine Sword" appeared in Jiang Hongyu's hand, Chen Xian was surprised.。

“What's the point? If you give me the Luoxue Divine Sword, I should discover its maximum value.。”

“Anyway, it is just for lending to others, maybe because of this divine sword, Shendu College can be promoted to the top 100 schools in the Shenhe Star Region. Then the old principal will have to come and thank me.。”

Su Xue chuckled.。

“Aren't you afraid that if Jiang Hongyu dies, the divine sword will be snatched away?”

Chen Xian scratched his head and said。

“Isn't it still you? Help me take care of her. Just don't take care of her into your arms.。”

Su Xue looked at Chen Xian with affectionate eyes and whispered:。

Chen Xian's mouth twitched! He found that since the last time he got together with Su Xue, this iceberg beauty has become worse and worse! Compete with the goblins in your own country!

“Su Xue, this damn guy……”

Jiang Hongyu, who was sulking, suddenly moved his ears and looked at Su Xue with a look of shame and anger.。

Especially after seeing Chen Xian next to Su Xue, her cheeks turned red for no reason!

I'm afraid everyone can't imagine that Jiang Hongyu is now a peak-level lower god. How could Su Xue's voice transmission be hidden from her?……

“cough! Everyone is here, let’s go!”

“This trip is going to Shengtian Longting. The honor and disgrace of the college will be on you.。”

The old principal Kang Dingshu looked at the audience from a distance and said。

Especially when I saw Chen Xian arriving as promised, I was very happy and the smile almost never stopped.。

Because Chen Xian killed the four guardians of the Blood Moon God Sect and the brothers Chu Wenshang of Shengtian Temple yesterday, as a superior god, he already knew the situation from Su Xue。

According to his judgment, absolutely no one is Chen Xian's opponent in this school competition!

Today will be the glorious year of his Shendu Academy.……


“Don’t worry, the old principal, this time it will definitely become one of the top 100 famous schools!”

“It's all up to us!”

Lin Hongye and others patted their chests and said, you must know that the individual ranking rewards in the School Competition are also extremely rich! They should go all out to see if they can make a comeback and get the divine weapon or even the mid-level god status reward, now is the day!

“I don’t even have a magic weapon, so I don’t trust you guys.。”

Hong Xinghe, the strongest among the supreme students, sighed and shook his head, and was the first to step into the star teleportation circle.。

“Captain, you don’t do this!”

“I'll borrow the artifact to use when I'm on stage!”

Xuanwu and Lin Hongye followed closely with dark faces.。

“Chen Xian, I'll go with you. These people are so mean. I don't want to be next to them.。”

“Su Xue, do you mind if I come with you?。”

Jiang Hongyu deliberately took a step behind, blushing slightly and approached Chen Xian and Su Xue and said。

“It’s also a great pleasure to have a beauty like Senior Sister Hongyu as your companion.。”

Chen Xian welcomes with a smile。

“Of course I don't mind……”

Su Xue glared at Jiang Hongyu vaguely and said。

“That’s great!”

Jiang Hongyu secretly pouted her lips in a playful manner.。

Su Xue……

The keen sense is about to suffer. There is Feng Lin Xuanya who already makes Su Xue feel in danger. If she knew that Jiang Hongyu was so shameless, she shouldn't have lent her the artifact and let this shameless girl die!


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