Divine River Star Territory, Chen Xian’s Divine Kingdom Space。

“Lord God, after drinking this drink, Mulan will practice a beautiful sword technique for you tonight.。”

“If you drink two drinks in a row, Sister Zhaojun will ask you to sing, and she can sing a lot! Or let Diao Chan dance for you until dawn……”

At the bonfire party celebrating the promotion to the Kingdom of God, Hua Mulan was so drunk that she lay on Chen Xian's lap and hummed with her eyes closed.。

Seeing this, the beauties surrounding God fainted with laughter!

“Oh my God……”

“Sister Mulan, don’t just agree to things for others!”

“What a shame!”

Wang Zhaojun and Diao Chan covered their faces and cried in shame。

Perhaps they were too excited after entering the Kingdom of God. When they attended the bonfire party, they even forgot to remind everyone that Hua Mulan was famous for "one cup pouring"!

“This is weird enough. They are already at the biological level, but their drinking capacity has not increased.。”

“Huaizhu, is the peach blossom wine you brewed overheated?。”

Looking at the delicate woman with drunken face lying on his lap, Chen Xian rubbed his forehead and said。

“Lord God, you can’t blame others for their peach blossom wine. Didn’t you see that Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiyu were drinking happily? It’s just that Mulan has nothing to do with wine.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu covered his face and smiled.。

“Yes, the wine made by Sister Huaizhu is much better than the wine in the human world! Every sip I take is like a peach blossom. This is my first time drinking wine!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's round red lips took another sip, and she drank her tea with a smile.。

“The description is very accurate!”

“It was also my first time drinking, and I didn’t look like I was getting drunk! The three of us have drank several bottles of wine.。”

Kuchiki Rukia looked at the seven or eight wine bottles in front of her and said seriously。

On the side, Inoue Orihime and Shifouin Yoruichi covered their faces when they heard this, thinking to themselves, you are a greedy person, please stop talking, you will expose us all, okay?

“Amazing! The three girls from the Death God Realm are so powerful in fighting!”

Gao Yao looked at the table of the three women and said。

“Yes...I'm sorry, it's really delicious.。”

Inoue Orihime explained shyly with her eyes leaking from between her fingers.。

“Lord God, I think the sisters won’t give up until dawn tonight. Didn’t you say that you are going to the Kamigawa Star Territory tomorrow to do some important things? I will take care of Sister Mulan, let Wang Zhaojun and Sister Diao Chan serve you and go back to rest. You should atone for your sins.。”

Yan Lingji's waist as soft as a snake came to Chen Xian and kissed him gently on the cheek, smelling like a drinker.。

Such a hot beauty immediately ignited Chen Xian's hidden emotions.。

“ah? this——”

“God, Hua Mulan can trick people to death!”

Wang Zhaojun and Diao Chan covered their faces. They were so smart that they didn't understand what Yan Lingji meant. They were too embarrassed to walk just thinking about what would happen next.。

But the two women couldn't refuse either. They were mentally prepared before entering the Kingdom of God. When they saw the only ultimate god in the universe, that perfect manly aura was the end of all girls.……

“It’s okay, you monster understands me in front of me。”

Chen Xian lovingly tapped Yan Lingji on her forehead.。

Disappeared in place with Wang Zhaojun and Diao Chan。

“Phew - great! I didn’t choose this king! The Lord God ate a lot of peak-level golden gun dragon fish tonight!”

Shui Yunji breathed a sigh of relief and said。

“You even thought of this! The Ai family admires it. No wonder you were a little resistant when you saw Princess Bai Xing getting this kind of fish.。”

Boya Hancock rubbed his forehead and said。

Queen Medusa and Dongfang Huaizhu also blushed and breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fears!

“Sister Xun'er, what are the characteristics of that fish? Why do the sisters look so scared?”

Lina whispers the taste。

“You can find out just by going to the Temple of God King!”

Gu Xun'er snickered.。

In the distance, Jian Hui blushed and coughed dryly. He quickly pulled Lina, a silly girl, to him and whispered something in her ear.。


At this moment, in the God King's Palace, the sound is muffled and the wind and rain are like singing.。



Ding! There are new people joining the group, there are new people joining the group。

“"I, Liu Chuang, will never be a gangster again" join the chat group!

“I won’t accept anyone from the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult." Join the chat group!

Hearing such a pleasant sound of newcomers joining the group。

The God Lord of the Heavens, who was trying hard to communicate with Wang Zhaojun, happily drank the wine glass next to him to replenish his fluids.。

“It turns out to be the "Super God" plane and the "Immortal Sword" plane. If the two worlds can win, it will be worth over 100 million people in faith!”

Chen Xian said happily, his will to fight became stronger.。



Tushan Yaya's stinky bitch won't pay her salary: "Damn it! The second newcomer's group business card is awesome! You and Song Mingyou are not willing to give in too much, are they all sinister villains? Smirking jpg!"”

My boss Zhang Zifan: "Hey hey hey, there is a new show to watch this time! Remember the protagonist of the Hammer Plane and upload the video of the whole process! @老夫月worshipping Leader will not accept anyone!”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "Uncle Bucky prefers the brother in front of me! @俺 Liuchuang will never be a rogue pirate again. Bucky will show you off and fly with you! Hahahahaha! Turn around with laughter jpg!"”

Ouyang Bufeng: "They seem to be ruthless characters. Please read the instructions for joining the group first. If you have any questions, you can ask us directly in the group. Don't doubt yourself. You two have won the big prize!"”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Drunk, drunk, a gangster, a villain! We are a missionary group of justice!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "@Tang San’s mistress who doesn’t want to travel through time again, don’t be a bad imitator, otherwise my sister will be sad. Smirk jpg!”

Tang San, who didn't want to travel back in time, said: "Uh-Sister Longma, time seems to flow faster here. I'm not a child anymore! Hug shoulders and get angryjpg”

“"Tang San, who doesn't want to travel back in time" uploaded a personal selfie!

Everyone! ! !

They all call me Dragon Mother: "I'll go! You haven't spoken for a few days, but you've grown up??? The speed of time over there is so scary! Shivering jpg!”

The one who kills monsters with a knife: "The universe is really full of mysteries! My dear, you have to preach quickly, otherwise you will grow old very quickly!"”

I, Song Ming, ultimately want the whole world: "That's true. If it weren't for my god's blessing and longevity, I'm afraid you would be buried in a few days!"”

I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "Cough cough cough! Brother Song's words... are not really auspicious.。”

Support Dumbledore: "I'm a little worried about the condition of the other newcomer @My name is still Uchiha Sasuke, right? Sasuke, you haven't aged, have you?”

My name should still be Uchiha Sasuke: "Everything is normal for me, thank you for your concern.。”


“No matter what the situation is, it looks like a monster! The time flow rate has also been adjusted, and these guys in the group are more pretentious than Taiyang Reina!”

Liu Chuang closed the chat window and continued to play the game console with Ge Xiaolun angrily.

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