“God's blessing...Is this why you founded the Lucky God Sect?”

“I'm grateful to the god who gave you strength。”

Uchiha Itachi's voice became weaker and weaker.。

“You're still talking so much when you're about to die. I'll cure you after I finish taking care of this disgusting old dog.。”

Sasuke snorted coldly.。

“Arrogant doll! I really thought that whatever evil god I believed in could do anything to me!”

“Take action and kill the remaining Uchiha!”

Hearing Sasuke call him a disgusting old dog, Danzo Shimura said angrily。


Dozens of "root" masters responded that they were all killers trained by Shimura Danzo himself and would only follow Shimura Danzo's will!

Unexpectedly, before everyone started to attack Sasuke, Orochimaru turned into a big snake and swallowed him!

“I will help you clean up these little minions, which can be considered as a contribution to the leader!”

Orochimaru said with a strange smile while crushing and killing with the Kusanagi Sword.。

Uchiha Itachi was speechless. This time he completely believed in Orochimaru's identity as a prisoner.。

“Then it's up to me to personally end the bloodshed of your Uchiha family!”

“Wood Release·Violent Spear Tree!”

Danzo Shimura shouted。

“Grafting the Wood Release Ninjutsu of the First Hokage, don't you have something of your own?”

Seeing the sudden wooden attack, Sasuke snorted coldly.。

The perfect Susanoo stood in front of him, looking at Shimura Danzo with his 100-meter energy sword!

Although Sasuke has the ability to instantly kill Shimura's old dog, Sasuke is not in a hurry. He wants Shimura Danzo to die slowly in helplessness and despair. If he can kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, it will not be perfect.。

“This kind of power, Sasuke's Susanoo is much stronger than mine.……”

Uchiha Itachi saw that Shimura Danzo's Wood Release Ninja was instantly suppressed, and sighed with his eyes.。

“Don't underestimate me!”

“Open your eyes! Izan’s branch!”

The Sharingan on Danzo Shimura's arm opened, instantly bringing Sasuke into a fantasy world。

“Use the illusion pupil technique in front of me?”

Sasuke looked at the illusory and terrifying scenes around him and raised his lips.。


Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan opens! With the support of the incomparably huge chakra, Shimura Danzo's eyes exploded instantly when he used the pupil technique!

“How can it be!”

“How could your Mangekyō Sharingan be so powerful!”

“open! open!”

Danzo Shimura was frightened, and the other eyes on his arms opened again, and he used "Izanji"”!

His chakra can only last 60 seconds in each eye, but the used eye will be permanently blind! Shimura Danzo used this ninjutsu to fight for his life at the end!

Because the pressure and threats Sasuke gave him were even greater than those of Sarutobi Hiruzen!

“You old dog doesn't deserve the use of those eyes!”

Sasuke's figure instantly appeared in front of Shimura Danzo. With his new left eye, he looked at Shimura Danzo with contempt and said。

“That is……”

“Six Magatama Reincarnation Eye! ! !”

Seeing that Uchiha Sasuke was completely unaffected by the "Izan branch" illusion, Danzo Shimura looked at Sasuke's left eye and broke out in a cold sweat! For the first time, my body retreated involuntarily!

He wanted to run away, really wanted to run away!

Even to death, he couldn't imagine why the legendary pupil technique, which only the Immortal of Six Paths possessed, would appear in Sasuke!

That is the most powerful eye technique that can overturn the entire ninja world!

“Six Magatama Reincarnation Eye!”

“Sasuke actually evolved the six magatama samsara eye!”

Uchiha Itachi was also shocked!

Orochimaru, who had already completed the killing, saw Sasuke's eyes like this for the first time. Such a blessing made Orochimaru clenched his fists in excitement!

“Only a god could allow Sasuke to evolve eyes like this at his age!”

“It would be great if I could communicate with that god. I am willing to pay any price for that.……”

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said。

boom! Bang bang bang!

The moment Sasuke's Rokumagatama Rinnegan appeared, the remaining nine eyes on Danzo Shimura's arm exploded one after another! The terrifying counterattack force made Danzo Shimura spurt out blood, and his breath quickly withered!

“I can't die——”

“I can't die yet!”

Shimura Danzo was desperate and crazy, and finally took off his sealed right eye!

“No god!”

The Sharingan from Uchiha Shisui launched the strongest eye technique on Sasuke!

However, as soon as the ninjutsu was activated, Danzo Shimura screamed, and the blood chakra eyes in his eyes exploded instantly, making him blind!

“My Rokumagatama Samsara Eye has evolved to the level of the Six Paths Sage, and is the ancestor of all pupil techniques. If you want to use those branch bloodline evolution illusions to deal with me, you are simply bringing shame on yourself!”

“Shimura old dog? Do you have any other tricks?”

“If not, I will reward you with this earth-exploding sky star.。”

Sasuke smiled, the space in front of him was distorted sharply, and a small black hole of the moon was formed in front of Danzo Shimura.。


“Do not kill me! I do everything for Konoha!”

“You can't kill me like this, I still have a lot of things to do!”

Shimura Danzo covered his blind eyes with one hand and crawled on the ground trying to get out. The despair and fear made even Uchiha Itachi want to laugh when he saw it.。

“Ha ha ha ha! How can Shimura Danzo be the leader of the Root Organization if he is like this? He will be laughed to death by the children.。”

Orochimaru pointed at Danzo Shimura and teased without hesitation.。

“For Konoha? Haha, it's for your own ambition, right?。”

“You disgusting old dog! Not even worthy of keeping my soul。”

Sasuke clenched his fist and said。

Following Sasuke's thoughts, the Earth Blast Star behind Shimura Danzo exerted an incomparable force of attraction, and it was absorbed into the black sphere amidst Shimura Danzo's pitiful screams!

Then it slowly lifted off and exploded silently after reaching the atmosphere!

The power is as strong as the stars and the sun!

“Sasuke...I'm pretty sure that no one in this world is your opponent!”

“The whole world is at your feet。”

Orochimaru looked at the violently trembling sky and grinned.。

“The whole world, everything is at the feet of my god。”

Sasuke sighed.。

Uchiha Itachi over there slowly closed his eyes, knowing that Sasuke chanted the god's incantation and drew a lucky light, covering the two of them together.。



A few days later, Uchiha Sasuke appeared in Konoha with Terumi Mei!

“Leader, do you really want to build the gate of the Kingdom of God in Konoha? People are not ready yet. What does our Lord God look like?”

The flustered Mizukage, thinking that he was about to step into the gate of the Kingdom of God, couldn't help but blush nervously and said。

“If you are lucky, just go and see and you will find out. Orochimaru would even want to turn into a woman and get away with this opportunity.。”

Sasuke laughed angrily.。



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