Just when Liu Chuang and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, who were new to the group, had their own thoughts on the chat group and tried to understand。

In the Hokage plane, Konoha Village sadly held a farewell ceremony again!

“Why! Why will you die too!”

“Doesn’t it mean that as long as we work hard enough, there is nothing we can’t do!”

Looking at Jiraiya's body, Naruto knelt on the ground and had runny nose.。

“I would rather die than believe that gods are intentionally worthy of admiration, but after death, the troubles and sorrows must still be left to others.……”

Kakashi lamented silently.。

He advised Jiraiya not to go to the Akatsuki alone. Without the protection of the lucky light, even Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin, would not always be invincible.。

Especially a few days ago, he used the power of the lucky light to break Uchiha Itachi's "Tsukiyomi". Such an astonishing fact was before his eyes. Jiraiya, who was so proud to the core, still did not take matters of faith to heart. This is obviously overconfidence in one's abilities。

Now in the entire Konoha Village, only Naruto and Jiraiya have never had faith in that god.。

“Naruto, stop crying, we will avenge Jiraiya.。”

“Sasuke-kun has returned to the village. No one in this world can defeat the leader of our Lucky God Sect. The murderer of Teacher Jiraiya will pay the price!”

Haruno Sakura said seriously。

“Sasuke, Sasuke! Just know Sasuke!”

“I don't need your gods and leaders, I can uproot the Akatsuki organization and avenge Jiraiya-sensei!”

Regarding Haruno Sakura, Hinata Hinata and others' attitude of worshiping that god, Uzumaki Naruto had obviously reached the end of his patience. After yelling at Haruno Sakura, he quickly ran out of the village!

“Naruto, are you crazy? Even Jiraiya-sensei was killed by them! You actually went to give away someone's head alone?”

Shikamaru said worriedly. He didn't quite understand why Naruto was so disgusted with the gods believed in by the Lucky God Sect and Sasuke. Didn't he hear that Sasuke once saved Naruto's life in the Land of Waves?

“Are you afraid it's because of women?”

Aburame Shino looked at Haruno Sakura and Hinata Hinata in the distance, who were deliberately alienating Naruto, and touched her chin in thought.。

“You really think about it, you obviously have no experience, right?。”

Hinata Neji said speechlessly。

Ino and the others sighed helplessly. Uzumaki Naruto went to extremes and refused to accept new things. There was nothing they could do.。


“Kakashi, knock him out and bring him back! This brat is causing trouble!”

On the Hokage's office building, Senju Tsunade looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was going for revenge alone and frowned.。


Kakashi nodded and leaped down。

Uchiha Sasuke, who was standing on the side of Senju Tsunade, snorted, obviously very dissatisfied with Uzumaki Naruto's resistance to the belief in gods.。

“Konoha's formation materials are very complete, and the gate to the Kingdom of God should be built tomorrow.。”

“Tsunade, do you want to try it with Haruno Sakura and others? If you can really step into the Kingdom of God, but if you can contact the way of God, it will be easy to restore the pure appearance of a girl and not grow old.。”

Uchiha Sasuke squinted at Senju Tsunade and said。

“Restore girlish appearance and remain youthful forever……”

“Is it really that magical?”

Senju Tsunade was obviously interested and said, as the princess of the Senju family, she has been outstanding in appearance since she was a child. It is absolutely impossible to say that you don’t care about youth and beauty!


“Are you worried about what will happen to Konoha Village after you leave? Haha, with all due respect, even if you stay, the fate of Konoha will not change because of you.。”

“The only one who has the ability to completely change Konoha is me。”

Uchiha Sasuke smiled unceremoniously.。

Now the knot in his heart is untied and his great revenge is avenged. Danzo Shimura's dead body is gone and his soul is broken! There was not much hatred left in his heart, but his understanding of the teachings of the Lucky God Sect became more profound.。

“You bastard, you are young, why don’t you give me any face? At any rate, I will kill the Fifth Hokage now, and you are still a genin of Konoha!”

Senju Tsunade said angrily。

However, Tsunade Senju personally experienced the power of Uchiha Sasuke when this guy first arrived a few days ago! So I don’t have the slightest idea of taking action.。


A loud noise came from the direction of the border of Konoha Village, and Senju Tsunade's expression changed in shock!

With such a level of ninjutsu, it is obvious that a powerful enemy is approaching!

“Haha, the gate to the Kingdom of God is about to be built, and there are still people who don’t open their eyes and come to disturb it.。”

Uchiha Sasuke sneered. Before he finished speaking, he had disappeared into the Hokage's office.。

“Space escape! This little monster can use space power without even using the seal!”

Tsunade Senju scratched her forehead, feeling stressed out again!

With Sasuke in the village, she didn't worry at all that anyone could be harmful to Konoha, because Konoha was also the place of faith of the Lucky God Sect. But this feeling of powerlessness in the face of Sasuke's power made Senju Tsunade more and more worried. I want to go to the Kingdom of God to further my studies.……

“Psychic art!”

“ha? Why is it you, Toadji! What I need is your dad! Can you beat him? He is the one who killed Jiraiya!”

Naruto Uzumaki, who was fighting with Pain outside the village, watched the little toad he summoned collapse and said。

Without the help of the lucky light, he couldn't even use psychic skills well. He was such a bully!

“I'm just here to fight, don't expect me to help in the fight, that guy's chakra aura is so scary!”

Toadji felt the breath of six Payne, then shrank his neck and said。

“Haha, Naruto-kun, as a nine-tailed Jinchuuriki, is this all you can do? Summon a little frog to help.。”

Pain's voice sneered. Recently, due to Uchiha Sasuke's relationship, tailed beast collection plans have failed one by one, so he couldn't sit still and do it himself.。

With his invincible six-path clone power, Payne believes that everything will be within reach, and the peaceful era he designed is not far away.。



Uzumaki Naruto was attracted by the gravity of Tendo Payne's palm, and several black iron pipes nailed Uzumaki Naruto to the ground!

“Damn it! Why is this happening again!”

Uzumaki Naruto collapsed and said。

He felt that everything about him had been messed up by Uchiha Sasuke!

“Pain, you came from Konoha to arrest people, should you ask me?”

Uchiha Sasuke's figure flashed in front of Pain Tiandao, staring at Pain with a nine-magatama reincarnation eye that had evolved again and said with a smile.。

Payne! ! !

“your eyes! How can this be!”

Payne said in shock, but before the Tiandao clone could retreat, Sasuke pinched his neck and blasted it into dust with a punch that flashed with lightning!

ps: In the next chapter, the girls of Naruto will go to the Kingdom of God. There are all kinds of exciting things not to be missed.~~~

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