“Oh my God! It's Sister Yaya's voice!”

“The sound is so loud……”

Lina and Nongyu, who were about to come to the Extreme Cold Palace to borrow ice cubes, heard the sound at the door and were so embarrassed that they couldn't control themselves.。

They never expected that Tushan Yaya would just come back from the formation platform... They originally wanted to borrow some thousand-year-old ice from Tushan Yaya to make iced herbal tea.。

“Let’s go first. Sister Rongrong’s side should also have thousand-year ice.。”

Lina covered her face and said。

“Uh-huh! Don't be discovered by the Lord God, otherwise it will be miserable!”

“Sister Yaya is also super face-friendly! Go, go, go!”

Nongyu and Lina blushed, and their figures turned into light and disappeared instantly.。

“was heard……”

Tushan Yaya has a high level, and she obviously noticed that Lina and Nongyu had just left from the gate of the shrine.。

Everyone is drunk!

But then I was immersed in the world of ice and fire again。



Just when Chen Xian was working hard in his own kingdom,。

Naruto plane。

Tsunade Senju, the fifth generation Hokage who had just taken office, looked at the report in her hand and her eyes twitched!

“Sasuke Uchiha founded the Lucky God Sect and occupied the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water.……”

“Are you sure that the Uchiha Sasuke in the report is the teenage boy from our village?”

Tsunade Senju rubbed her forehead and said。

“That's right, master! I'll go find Kakashi-sama and confirm it himself!”

“In fact, it doesn't count as occupation. I heard that it is just to spread the faith. Sasuke did not take the positions of Mizukage and Kazekage! I heard that we have now gone to the Kingdom of Thunder. This should be a good thing for us, right?”

Shizune suppressed the shock in her heart, snickered and covered her mouth.。

“What a good thing this is! With the temper of a person like Raikage, he would let Sasuke go on a mission? There's going to be a war soon, okay!”

“The village had just been made a mess by Orochimaru and his people, and now it was dragged into such a war vortex!”

Tsunade Senju grinds her teeth。

In the past few days, she had accepted Haruno Sakura as her second disciple, and learned about the Lucky God Cult from Haruno Sakura. Although she didn't want to admit those weird things, the fact that Shikamaru and others' strength had skyrocketed was before their eyes, and Tsunade had no excuse.。

So 70% of the ninjas in Konoha Village have begun to believe in the god of luck!

“Inform Kakashi and ask Kakashi to take Sakura to support Sasuke. This is the greatest support we can do.。”

Tsunade groaned angrily.。

“ha? ? ?”

“Two people, and one of them is a child. Well, you have the final say。”

The corners of Shizune's mouth twitched and she ran out.。

Now that Naruto is training with Jiraiya, the other teams have missions, and it seems that only Kakashi and Haruno Sakura can set off.。

“a ha ha ha!”

“Girl, you are so beautiful。”

At this time, Jiraiya was being chatted up by a beautiful girl, and he had already forgotten a little bit.。

But after drinking a few drinks, Jiraiya suddenly realized something was wrong and ran towards the hotel where Naruto was.。

“Brother Itachi, is this the jinchuriki the organization wants us to capture? It looks very weak, right?”

Kisame Kisaki looked at the shivering Uzumaki Naruto and laughed.。

“Of course that's right, don't waste time, take him and set off immediately。”

Uchiha Itachi said expressionlessly。


Kisame Kisame grinned and said。

“Who are you!”

“Don't try to bully me easily! multiple shadow clones——”

Uzumaki Naruto was covered in cold sweat. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to form a seal to resist, Kisame Kisame on the other side hit Naruto with a large sword, washing away Naruto's chakra energy.。

“How about it? Can't use ninjutsu anymore?”

Kisame Kisame smiled evilly, picked up Naruto's arm and put it on his shoulder.。

“Ahhhh! Help!”


Naruto collapsed and found that he couldn't use any strength after being caught by Kisame Kisaki!

At this moment, he was really envious of the good luck of Haruno Sakura and others!

It's a pity that he has never been able to persuade himself to believe in Uchiha Sasuke's god of luck. When he thinks of Haruno Sakura, Hinata Hinata and other beautiful girls' worship and admiration for that god, Naruto's liver hurts with anger!

Therefore, he is also the only genin in the village who does not believe in gods and only wants to rely on his own efforts to become Hokage!

“hateful! Damn it!”

“I'm going to be Hokage, how could I be taken away by bad guys at will?”

Naruto broke down and cried。

His actions were controlled, and now it was too late even if he regretted and wanted to kneel down and recite the incantation of the gods. If you die, your dreams will disappear and your efforts will become empty talk!

Uzumaki Naruto only realized how cute and innocent he was when he reached this point!

“Let go of that child full of dreams!”

“Itachi Uchiha, Kisame the dried persimmon!”

Jiraiya's figure stood in front of the two of them and said。

“Discovered it?”

Uchiha Itachi said in surprise。

“Hehe, although I am lustful, I am not stupid. How could an old man like me have a beautiful girl take the initiative to drink with me? This must be because you used hypnosis, right?”

“Using evil ninjutsu on ordinary people, Uchiha Itachi, you are indeed hopeless!”

Jiraiya sneered.。

“ah? He is Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's brother? The one who wants revenge!”

Uzumaki Naruto said in shock。

“Do you know Sasuke? That's right. You are about the same age.。”

“But the leader needs the nine tails in your body, so he can only sacrifice you.。”

Uchiha Itachi looked at Naruto without emotion and said。

“snort! You dare to talk nonsense, I will eliminate you two wanted criminals here today!”

“Psychic art! Summon the toad's gullet!”

Jiraiya forms seals very quickly。

As soon as the seal was completed, several flesh-shaped ropes wrapped around Naruto like lightning and snatched him back!

“This kind of Ninja is very troublesome。”

“Withdraw first and then look for opportunities!”

Uchiha Itachi shouted, and his figure was already running outside to break through.。

“All right! It just looks like it’s not easy to get out。”

Kisame, the dried persimmon, followed closely.。

“It's useless, no one has been able to escape from my toad intestines so far!”


“What a flame that is!”

Jiraiya was horrified when he saw a hole in the intestine of the toad that appeared in front of him.。


The figures of Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Inikasaki had just escaped not far away, but before they could get out of Konoha Village, three figures blocked them!

“We in Konoha are not a place where we can just come and leave!”

Ashima held the two swords in her hands and grinned.。

Kakashi and Haruno Sakura looked at Itachi Uchiha, who was 70% similar to Sasuke, with complicated eyes!

“Kakashi-sensei, is he Sasuke's brother? That enemy?”

“Anyway, we are going to find Sasuke and capture his brother too!”

Haruno Sakura said excitedly。

“Sakura, you're so swollen. With his strength, if you don't get caught, you will be blessed by the gods, you know?”

Kakashi rubbed his eyes helplessly.

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